
Don't care about the constellation that won't toss: Because you can't see the winning side, you pretend not to care

author:The sheep that fell in love with the shooter

Don't care about the constellation that won't toss: Because you can't see the winning side, you pretend not to care

I don't know if you have such a feeling, but as we grow up, we feel more and more that caring is a difficult thing to say. In the relationship, we will also compete with who is the person who cares more about this relationship.

Force yourself not to care, but you still can't help but feel the excitement in your heart.

Don't care about the constellation that won't toss: Because you can't see the winning side, you pretend not to care


For Pisces, the most important thing is feelings.

Pisces is a sign that is easily spiritually satisfied, whether it is love or friendship. Pisces in the relationship is very simple, but also very sensitive, once unhappy, will toss themselves.

If someone deserves Pisces to quarrel and be sad, then it must be someone Pisces who cares a lot. They don't want to waste their time to toss, just for the uncertainty in their hearts, just want to know their own position in each other's hearts, but if your repeated actions make Pisces shake and can't see the hope of going down, then Pisces won't care, let alone toss.

Don't care about the constellation that won't toss: Because you can't see the winning side, you pretend not to care


Scorpio lack of security, like to cling to people, this is well known, especially in the early stage of the relationship, Scorpio does not dare to be brave to love, even if it was biased towards you very early, but still will be hard,to put it bluntly is the distrust of this relationship, although there is some expectation for this relationship, but still suffer from gain and loss.

The more Scorpio likes a person, the more afraid of losing, the more he loves to toss, just to prove that the other person really loves himself. Conversely, if there is no winning side in this relationship, then Scorpio will pretend not to care and will not toss each other again.

Don't care about the constellation that won't toss: Because you can't see the winning side, you pretend not to care


Gemini in life, when getting along with people, is very harmonious, rarely clashes with people, although the personality is relatively straight, but also considers the feelings of the people around them.

Gemini in the relationship will fight the other party to love himself and toss the other party, and even use cold violence, he will only hope that the other party can compromise, or use this way to attract the attention of the other party.

Don't care about the constellation that won't toss: Because you can't see the winning side, you pretend not to care

In fact, I don't care at all, in fact, I don't care at all, in fact, I don't care at all. But in fact, it's because you can't see a winning side in the relationship, so you pretend not to care.