
Choose 2 out of 150! WAIC's best global innovation programs are revealed

From July 8th to July 10th, the 2021 World Artificial Intelligence Conference with the theme of "Connecting the World and Building a City of Wisdom" was held in Shanghai World Expo Center and Shanghai World Expo Exhibition and Convention Center. WAIC 2021 will showcase different international events to the world with a forward-looking perspective and the concept of inclusive sharing through four major sections, including "conference forum, exhibition display, competition award, and application experience".

As one of the important activities that profoundly reflect the internationalization level of the conference, WAIC2021 Global Innovation Project Roadshow Activity, guided by the Organizing Committee Office of the World Artificial Intelligence Congress and sponsored by the Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Industry Association, was held in Hall H2 of shanghai World Expo Exhibition and Convention Center from July 8 to July 9, this event was presented through project roadshows, exchange comments, investment docking and other aspects, building a platform for technological innovation, cutting-edge enterprises and global cooperation, disseminating AI concepts, promoting application technology, and pooling global resources. Promote investment cooperation and empower emerging industries.

Choose 2 out of 150! WAIC's best global innovation programs are revealed

At the opening scene of the first global innovation roadshow on July 8, Mr. Zhong Junhao, secretary general of the organizer Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Industry Association, made an opening speech, he said that the roadshow activities collected more than 150 declarations of global innovation projects in 13 countries, and after two offline preliminary evaluation meetings on June 28-29 by the expert jury, experts evaluated from multiple dimensions such as project innovation, core competitiveness, market prospects, team management and social benefits, in more than 150 innovative projects. Selected 20 shortlisted innovative projects to participate in the offline roadshow during the WAIC Conference, the shortlisted projects mainly involve intelligent travel, smart medical, intelligent robots, smart agriculture, smart business and other application scenario solutions.

Choose 2 out of 150! WAIC's best global innovation programs are revealed

WAIC 2021 Global Innovation Project Roadshow: 2 Best Innovation Projects

Among the solutions in many application scenarios, in order to be able to select commercial landing projects that can meet the guidelines of "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality" proposed by the state at this year's two sessions report, and from these solutions, we can find commercial landing projects that can deeply promote AI technology to help the green transformation of energy. On July 8-9, the expert judges finally selected the two best innovation projects from the shortlisted 20 innovation projects, namely the "Windbreaker Trunk Logistics Heavy Truck Autonomous Driving Solution" project of Hangzhou Hongjing Intelligent Driving Technology Co., Ltd. and the "Neolithic Unmanned Vehicle" project of Neolithic Huitong (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd.

It is worth noting that the selection and scoring criteria of the two best innovative projects, in addition to the excellent business plan overview, high-quality business plan quality, the comprehensive strength of the project development team, the comprehensive financial ability, and the eye-catching product introduction, have also been recognized by the on-site expert judges from the four dimensions of project innovation, project market prospects and competitiveness, project feasibility, and project-driven employment.

The judges' experts made in-depth comments on the new direction of "science and technology for good"

WAIC2021 • Global Innovation Project Roadshow As an event that has attracted the attention of the world, the exchange and comments of expert judges on the shortlisted 20 innovative projects in the offline roadshow session have also become the focus of everyone's attention.

Chen Jiong, chairman of Shanghai Lingang Science and Technology Innovation City Economic Development Co., Ltd., talked about the cost performance of L4 applications in the semi-open environment for the field of "automatic driving", and the field of intelligent driving to be truly landed, which needs to involve many safety regulations.

Chen Feili, chief technology officer of Shanghai United Investment Co., Ltd., talked about his unique insights on the development of "quantum technology", he said that "quantum computing is calculated in abnormal space-time, programming also needs to be re-learned, quantum computing makes computing power greatly improved, but it still needs to be demonstrated in the application process."

Waic2021 Global Innovation Project Roadshow was successfully held, and all innovative projects and 2 best projects were shortlisted at the event, which not only responded to the call of the national "carbon neutrality" guidelines, but also deeply used AI technology to help the commercial landing project of green energy transformation, so that AI can empower the "benign" transformation of the energy industry, and then build an international project landing cluster that leads sustainable development, multi-level, diversification and networking, going to the world and towards the future.

Introduction of Winning Projects:

Project "Windbreaker Trunk Logistics Heavy Truck Autonomous Driving Solution"

Mr. Yang Wu, Vice President of Strategy and Business Expansion of Hangzhou Hongjing Intelligent Driving Technology Co., Ltd., attended the event and brought the project introduction of "Windbreaker Trunk Logistics Heavy Truck Autonomous Driving Solution".

Mr. Yang Wu said that for the high-level automatic driving system in L3 and L4, they focused on a scenario of trunk logistics, with the goal of creating a truly autonomous trunk logistics heavy truck, which can solve the problem of high cost, high accident rate, low profit margin and difficult for drivers to recruit more than 6 million trunk logistics heavy trucks in China.

Mr. Yang Wu said bluntly: "Autonomous driving technology companies should shoulder their social responsibilities, implement the DEMO program into mass production projects, and transform technological advantages into the driving force for social progress." ”

At the same time, Mr. Yang Wu also introduced that his company's goal is to truly achieve a 'three noes' intelligent driving autonomous driving heavy truck in the future - "unmanned, carbon-free, accident-free", a truly complete 100% safe solution.

In addition, Mr. Yang Wu also mentioned the concept of "carbon neutrality", in order to improve the working environment of tens of millions of truck drivers, realize the carbon-free operation of millions of heavy trucks, and eventually eliminate nearly two billion tons of carbon emissions per year, revealing their company's solution - autonomous hydrogen fuel cell heavy truck plan.

"Neolithic unmanned vehicle" project

Mr. Li Zonglin, Senior Vice President of Neolithic Huitong (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd., attended the event and brought the introduction of the "Neolithic Unmanned Vehicle" project.

Mr. Li Zonglin mentioned that their company takes into account R&D services, intelligent manufacturing, based on the reform of the digital economy, and Neolithic is the ultimate service provider and solution for the ultimate smart city.

Mr. Li Zonglin also said that as of now, the Neolithic unmanned vehicle has been deployed in more than 8 countries, and the Neolithic unmanned vehicle has been deployed in the world with nearly 700 operating scales, hoping that the government and related associations and organizations can give certain innovative policy support and support in the relevant laws and regulations of the unmanned vehicle industry.


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