
Chicken contains a lot of hormones, eating it will cause cancer? Reminder: 2 kinds of meat should usually be eaten less

author:Talk about health

Nowadays, people's health awareness is getting stronger and stronger, in normal times, everyone has been moderated for big fish and big meat, but if you only eat vegetarian food and do not eat meat, it is not conducive to good health, because the operation of our lives requires protein, and the absorption rate of plant protein is far less than that of animal protein.

Chicken as a kind of cost-effective meat in life, in the usual time is still more popular with the public, especially for long-term weight loss and fitness people, they prefer to eat chicken breast, belongs to high protein and low fat meat, not only can supplement protein, but also do not have to worry about the problem of long meat.

Chicken contains a lot of hormones, eating it will cause cancer? Reminder: 2 kinds of meat should usually be eaten less
However, in recent years, there has been controversy about chicken on the Internet, there are many people think that chicken is a fast-growing organism, in the process of growth, farmers will inject hormones and drugs to promote the growth of chickens, so the muscle contains a lot of hormones, if the human body consumes too many hormones, not only easy to get sick, but also has a carcinogenic risk, is there a scientific basis for this statement?

Chicken contains a lot of hormones, eating it will cause cancer?

In fact, the reason why chickens grow faster now is not because farmers inject chickens with hormones, but because this chicken is a kind of white feather chicken that passes the screening, and the characteristics of this chicken are that the growth rate is relatively fast, about 45 days or so can be out of the pen.

Some people also say that the feed added by farmers to chickens in the process of breeding contains a lot of hormones, and it is precisely because of eating this hormone-containing feed that chickens grow particularly fast.

In fact, according to Article 41 of the Regulations on the Administration of Veterinary Drugs in mainland China, it is forbidden to add hormonal drugs to feed and animal drinking water.

Chicken contains a lot of hormones, eating it will cause cancer? Reminder: 2 kinds of meat should usually be eaten less

In fact, in the process of growing chickens, if the chicken is fed growth hormone for a long time, not only will it not play an obvious effect, but it may also bring losses to the internal organs of the chicken, and eventually induce death, especially the cost of buying hormones is relatively large, and the merchant cannot do a loss-making transaction for this benefit, even if there is a little hormone in the data, the metabolism rate of the chicken is relatively fast, and the growth of the chicken has been metabolized.

The claim that eating chicken increases the risk of carcinogens stems from a new study from the University of Oxford:

The study collected 475,000 middle-aged Britons and data from dietary habits and disease data between 2006 and 2014 concluded that household intake was positively correlated with the risk of malignant melanoma, with a 30 g/day intake and a 20% increase in risk.

Of course, this study is only the result of observational research, and only indicates correlation, and cannot prove causality, let alone conclude that eating chicken will cause cancer.

Chicken contains a lot of hormones, eating it will cause cancer? Reminder: 2 kinds of meat should usually be eaten less

The nutritional value of chicken

Chicken is not only rich in protein, but also contains calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, sugar, niacin and other nutrients, these rich proteins and a variety of nutrients, can supplement the human body nutrition, strengthen the body, enhance physical strength, but also can promote the growth and development of adolescents, alleviate sub-health state, improve the body's immunity, while chicken contains phospholipids, linoleic acid and linolenic acid, can reduce the content of LDL cholesterol, but also can play a role in protecting blood vessels.

Can cancer patients eat chicken?

From a medical point of view, cancer patients can not only eat chicken, but also eat chicken can strengthen the patient's need for nutrition, because malignant tumors need to absorb a lot of nutrients in the process of growth, especially cancer patients in the process of diagnosis and treatment, need to enhance their own resistance, then supplement a large number of high-quality protein, which can improve the body's resistance, reduce the production of side effects.

Chicken contains a lot of hormones, eating it will cause cancer? Reminder: 2 kinds of meat should usually be eaten less

Chicken in the protein content is relatively high, and it is relatively easy to digest and absorb, the price is relatively cheap, is relatively easy to obtain high-quality protein, at present, there is no reason to limit or contraindicate the consumption of chicken.

Reminder: These 2 kinds of meat should usually be eaten less


Fat meat contains a lot of unsaturated fat and cholesterol, for people with three highs, often eating will lead to hardening of the blood vessels, blood vessel blockage, induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, fat meat calories relative to lean meat is higher, the taste is relatively greasy, for people with poor digestive function is not good digestion, will cause a certain burden to the body.

Processed meat

Processed meat contains a certain amount of nitrite nitrite, after entering the body may produce carcinogens, nitrosamines may also add preservatives, color additives will increase the burden of the liver and kidneys, damage to kidney function, WHO has now processed meat as a class of carcinogens, if often eaten, will greatly improve the risk of carcinogens.

Chicken contains a lot of hormones, eating it will cause cancer? Reminder: 2 kinds of meat should usually be eaten less

Conclusion: Chicken can be eaten with confidence, so everyone should not trust the rumors on the Internet in peacetime, and it is best to achieve nutritional balance in terms of diet, and it is generally no problem to control the amount of whatever.