
Zou Jufang visited the frontline medical staff of Zhangjiajie People's Hospital

author:Red Net
Zou Jufang visited the frontline medical staff of Zhangjiajie People's Hospital

Condolences in the discussion.

Red Net Moment Zhangjiajie, September 20 (Correspondent Tian Mingxin) On the afternoon of September 18, Zou Jufang, vice mayor of Zhangjiajie Municipal People's Government, led a team to the designated hospital for the treatment of new crown pneumonia in the east branch of the Municipal People's Hospital to investigate the development of medical treatment work and visit the medical staff who are fighting in the frontline of the fight against the epidemic. Wang Jianghua, director of the Municipal Health Commission, and Zhang Yun, deputy director of the Municipal Health Commission, attended the condolences meeting, Chen Ming, candidate for the party secretary of the Municipal People's Hospital, Yao Yuanzhen, president of the municipal people's hospital, Tang Hua, deputy secretary of the party committee, Lei Mingsheng, vice president, and representatives of the medical and nursing expert group participated in the condolence discussion.

At the scene, Zou Jufang extended mid-Autumn Festival greetings and blessings to all the medical staff on the frontline of the anti-epidemic of the Municipal People's Hospital in advance, expressed high respect for their professional responsibilities of sticking to their posts, performing their duties, and the dedication of giving up their small homes and everyone, and sent condolences to the medical staff. During the exchange, she listened in detail to the development of medical treatment, hospital infection prevention and control, and resumption of work and production, talked cordially with the medical staff, and patiently inquired about the living conditions and physical conditions of the medical staff and patients in the hospital.

Zou Jufang highly affirmed the early epidemic prevention and control and treatment work of the Municipal People's Hospital. She pointed out that the current epidemic prevention and control and treatment work is generally stable and good, but the task of treatment is still arduous. She encouraged everyone to strengthen their belief and confidence in victory and victory, continue to maintain a high fighting spirit, carry forward the spirit of continuous combat and dare to fight a hard battle, keep an eye on the goal of "zero infection, zero death, zero accidents", and strive to win the final victory in the epidemic prevention and control war.

Zou Jufang demanded that we should always adhere to the concept of "people first, life first", give full play to the advantages and strengths of the medical expert group, strengthen communication with higher-level hospitals and expert teams, go all out to grasp the follow-up treatment work in a scientific and efficient manner, and conscientiously do a good job in medical observation, life support, psychological counseling and humanistic care of relevant service recipients; we must guard the bottom line of the safety of hospital infection prevention and control, strictly standardize the implementation of various hospital infection prevention and control measures and doctor-patient personal protection measures, and further consolidate the effectiveness of epidemic prevention and control and treatment It is necessary to adhere to the overall planning, while accurately grasping the prevention and control of the epidemic, orderly promote the resumption of work and follow-up, comprehensive reform of public hospitals and other key tasks, further activate the development potential, consolidate the overall situation of safe and stable development of hospitals; we must care for medical personnel, and establish and improve long-term mechanisms from improving working conditions, ensuring the practice environment, maintaining physical and mental health, and implementing policy inclination, so as to promote the formation of a good atmosphere of respect for doctors and health.