
Year of the Tiger丨Hu heard that there are nine tigers in the museum doing things?

author:Liuzhou Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism
Year of the Tiger丨Hu heard that there are nine tigers in the museum doing things?
Year of the Tiger丨Hu heard that there are nine tigers in the museum doing things?
Year of the Tiger丨Hu heard that there are nine tigers in the museum doing things?
Year of the Tiger丨Hu heard that there are nine tigers in the museum doing things?
Year of the Tiger丨Hu heard that there are nine tigers in the museum doing things?

Let's follow several young ladies and sisters of Liuzhou Museum into the exhibition hall together to explore the figure of "Nine Tigers" ~ Click on the video below to preempt the "Tiger" culture!

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After watching the video, we can find that these "nine tigers" are not small, they are: Han Dynasty Tiger Button Copper Gong Yu, Ming Dynasty Cizhou Kiln Brown Color Tiger Pillow, Zhang Shanxiao "Tiger Map", Zhu Wenhou "Double Tiger Map", Zhao Shi "Tiger Descending The Mountain Map", Zhang Shiying "Mother and Child Tiger Map".

Among them, the two tigers in Zhu Wenhou's painting and the three tigers in Zhang Shiying's painting, together with the other "four tigers", formed the "Nine Tiger Squad"! After watching the video, it is probably not too addictive, let's review these "tiger" cultural relics in the form of dialogue


Year of the Tiger丨Hu heard that there are nine tigers in the museum doing things?

Han Dynasty Tiger Button Copper Hammer

Year of the Tiger丨Hu heard that there are nine tigers in the museum doing things?

Q: What is the use of the Tiger Button Copper Hammer of the Han Dynasty?

A: This is a percussion instrument in the military, often combined with a brass drum, used on the battlefield, is a metal instrument that commands soldiers to advance and retreat in ancient wars, that is, "singing gold to collect troops, drumming forward".

Q: What is the role of this tiger above?

A: This is a tiger button, a symbol of military power and military prestige, which can be used to hang and use a mallet to strike and make a sound, and its sound is like thunder. The tiger is the totem of the Ba people, you see, its limbs are slightly crouched, as if to pounce forward, there is a kind of inviolable momentum, used on the battlefield, can greatly boost morale.

Liuzhou Museum elaborately makes tiger button copper hammer in animation, telling history in a vivid and lively form, click on the video to listen to the story of cultural relics ~ ~


Year of the Tiger丨Hu heard that there are nine tigers in the museum doing things?

Ming Dynasty Cizhou kiln brown color tiger pillow

Year of the Tiger丨Hu heard that there are nine tigers in the museum doing things?

Q: This "cute tiger" porcelain pillow, it has two thick eyebrows, the body is round and fat, so when did the ancients start using porcelain pillows?

A: The history of porcelain pillows can be traced back to the Sui Dynasty more than 1400 years ago. The porcelain pillows of the Tang Dynasty were relatively small, commonly known as pulse pillows. With the development and change of the times, the function of porcelain pillows has become diversified, and in the Song Dynasty, the development of porcelain pillows has reached a peak. Whether in terms of type or decoration, the development has progressed by leaps and bounds.

Q: Is there any benefit to the body from sleeping on a porcelain pillow?

A: The Ming Dynasty physician Li Shizhen recorded in his book "Compendium of Materia Medica" that the long-term pillow porcelain pillow can be clear in the heart and clear, and the old can read the detailed books. It means that the pillow that often pillows porcelain can be clear-eyed, good for the eyes, and not eye-catching when old.

Q: The style of this porcelain pillow is a tiger, why did the ancients make it look like a tiger?

A: China's tiger culture generally belongs to the category of auspicious culture. Because tigers sit at the top of the food chain, people have been in awe of tigers since ancient times, regarding them as one of the most deterrent mascots. People will give these auspicious patterns to the porcelain pillow, a kind of sustenance to express this good wish.


The remaining seven tigers are hidden in the painting, placed in the cabinet at the back of the exhibition hall, lined up, all of which are the works of famous artists. One of the paintings, "Tiger Middle Hall", is particularly special.

Year of the Tiger丨Hu heard that there are nine tigers in the museum doing things?

Zhang Shanxiao, "Tiger Map"

Q: Who created this "Tiger Hall"?

A: This is a tiger figure created by the famous modern painter Zhang Shanxiao, which is generally hung in the middle hall, that is, in the middle of the hall.

Q: Why do you want to hang the tiger picture in the middle hall, is there any meaning?

A: As the old saying goes: the lion guards the gate, and the tiger sits in the middle hall. In ancient Chinese architecture, lions often appear outside the gates, while tigers appear in the naves, and mostly in the form of portraits. The tiger is the king of the hundred beasts, it is brave and mighty, it is a symbol of strength, courage and strength, and hanging the portrait of the tiger in the middle hall can play a role in calming the family home.

Q: Can you tell us about Zhang Shanxiao, a painter?

A: Zhang Shanxiao is the second brother of the famous Chinese painting master Zhang Daqian, who is very good at painting tigers, also known as Zhang Tiger." The brothers Zhang Shanxiao and Zhang Daqian are both famous patriotic painters in modern China. In order to resist the Japanese, Zhang Shanxiao traveled to Europe and the United States many times to hold painting exhibitions and collect donations for the national War of Resistance. In 1940, Zhang Shanxiao gave a "Flying Tiger Map" he had carefully drawn to General Chennault of the Volunteer Corps of the Air Force Aiding China, and Chennault liked it very much, changed the name of the volunteer team to the Flying Tigers, and made flags and badges according to the Flying Tigers and distributed them to his subordinates to boost morale. Later, the Flying Tigers fought bravely in China, and successively inflicted heavy damage on Japanese aircraft, which made the Japanese pilots feel frightened.


Year of the Tiger丨Hu heard that there are nine tigers in the museum doing things?

Zhu Wenhou's "Double Tiger Diagram"

Zhu Wenhou is a modern Chinese painter. Famous jia, in the line of words. Good at drawing animals, especially lions, tigers, apes, deer and so on. Writing flowers and birds, starting from the Northern Song Dynasty double hook, referring to the Silla Mountain people's penmanship, can work and write.

In addition to the above three tigers, the double tiger of the famous modern Chinese painter Zhu Wenhou stood on the cliff, one side was straight, and the larger one raised its right front paw, and the tiger's head was slightly low, as if it had just found its prey.


Year of the Tiger丨Hu heard that there are nine tigers in the museum doing things?

Zhao Shi's "Tiger Descending the Mountain"

Zhao Shi (赵石), courtesy name Yunyu, is a native of Langzhong City, Sichuan Province. Mr. Zhao's paintings inherit the excellent traditions of the mainland, and Mr. Daqian draws on Shi Taozhi's new ideas in the tradition, seeking breakthroughs and changes at any time, and is also deeply rooted in Mr. Yunyu's concepts and techniques. His profound skills, exquisite achievements, all the characters, flowers, birds, landscapes are the strength, the pen heavy color, freehand, white painting all kinds of expression techniques, are at hand, all naturally into chapters, can see his outstanding achievements.

The tiger that is roaring with its mouth open and full of momentum is painted by Zhang Daqian's tall foot Zhao Shi, and the picture of zhongshan stones towering, the river rushing, full of vitality, quite interesting in early spring.


Year of the Tiger丨Hu heard that there are nine tigers in the museum doing things?

Zhang Shiying's "Mother and Child Tiger Diagram"

Zhang Shiying, in the 1970s, expressed the animal theme mainly based on tigers with the art of writing flowers and birds in a careless way, and drew on the painting concepts and expression techniques of the late Western Impressionists, integrated the spirit of traditional Chinese literati painting, expressed his personal mentality, interest and cultivation with pen and ink, explored his own personal style, and was rated as "the first batch of representatives of the outstanding achievements of the Bashu School".

In the pen of Zhang Shiying, a famous Sichuan artist, the mother tiger lying on her side is lovingly watching the two little tigers playing and playing, and the years are quiet.

Year of the Tiger丨Hu heard that there are nine tigers in the museum doing things?

The above is the wonderful content of the "Nine Tigers Squad"

It seems that there is a lot of knowledge about tigers in the museum

This issue of the Year of the Tiger has come to an end for the time being

I wish you all peace and joy, and the Year of the Tiger is auspicious!

[Than heart]

Like the eternity of the moon, it is like a thunderbolt

Exhibition of cultural relics from the Liuzhou Collection

"Like the Moon of the Constant, Flying Like a Magnificent Hong- Liuzhou Collection of Cultural Relics Exhibition" exhibits cultural relics including pottery, porcelain, purple sand, bronze and other categories, and many cultural relics have become national treasures because of their exquisiteness. Not only can we see the evolution and development of history from the cultural relics on display, but we can also interpret the ecology and wisdom of various periods in ancient times.

Year of the Tiger丨Hu heard that there are nine tigers in the museum doing things?
Year of the Tiger丨Hu heard that there are nine tigers in the museum doing things?
Year of the Tiger丨Hu heard that there are nine tigers in the museum doing things?
Year of the Tiger丨Hu heard that there are nine tigers in the museum doing things?

Liuzhou Museum has built a panoramic VR digital online exhibition platform for the majority of tourists, identify the two-dimensional code in the picture, you can visit the "Like the Moon's Constant Flying Like a Surprise - Liuzhou Museum Collection of Cultural Relics Exhibition".

Year of the Tiger丨Hu heard that there are nine tigers in the museum doing things?

Long press the identification QR code to enter the online exhibition

Liuzhou Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism comprehensive finishing