
The guardian angel of the world - the winter of "Four Seasons of Strange Tam"

author:The Desert of the Three Masters
The guardian angel of the world - the winter of "Four Seasons of Strange Tam"

This is one of Stephen Edwin King's novella collection, The Strange Tales of the Four Seasons, titled Twilight Reborn, Exhale-Suck-In. A story with little horror, but full of power.

The author, Stephen Edwin King, is a world-renowned American horror writer born on September 21, 1947. He was a prolific writer, and his books were so popular that they reached the point where every American family had at least one Stephen's book. He has been named "Master of Modern Thriller Fiction" by The New York Times, winner of various literary awards such as the O. Henry Award, the Lifetime Achievement Award at the National Book Award, and the Master Award at the Poe Award. Stephen's representative works include "The Shining", "The Shawshank Redemption", "The End Is Near", "Dead Light", "Miracle in the Green", "No Stars in the Night" and so on.

Films and television adaptations of his novels have also won numerous awards.

In short, anyone who loves thriller horror novels will never fail to know Stephen King.

Twilight Rebirth Exhale-Inhale-Inhale is an early novella written by Stephen.

The story takes place in the 1830s.

The doctor met a woman who was pregnant before marriage. In those days, women who did this were despised and morally condemned. And in that era, having children was still a life-threatening ghost door for the vast majority of women, and many women would collapse due to shock and pain during childbirth, and there were not a few who lost their lives.

But the young lady, Sandy, had a clear mind and a strong character. She calmly and methodically copes with everything she is about to face--- having to give birth to and raise an illegitimate child alone, dealing with the cold insults of the people around her, and the financial pressure she is about to face. In the process of becoming familiar, the doctor became more and more fond of Sandy. Similarly, the intelligent and independent Shantie became more and more trusting of the doctor, who agreed with the doctor's advice on childbirth, and began to practice the "Ramez breathing method" that could be used during childbirth, which was not accepted by mainstream society at that time. There is a growing tacit understanding between the two people. Sandy's due date was in December, and she agreed that the doctor would deliver her, and she would use the breathing method to accompany the birth.

Sandy began contractions and analgesia on Christmas Eve, and she calmly called a taxi to the hospital. But there was a traffic jam on the road, and Instead of screaming and crying in panic like the average mother, she just took a deep breath quietly. This is the first stage of prenatal "surf-style" breathing exercises. Unexpectedly, her unusual performance made the young taxi driver feel very strange, and he was a little flustered, anxious to get rid of this strange pregnant woman and drive the car fast.

Just in front of the hospital, the taxi collided with a speeding ambulance, and Sandy was thrown out of the car. The doctor also arrived at the hospital at this time, and he witnessed the whole process of the car accident. As he stumbled towards Sandy, he kicked Sandy in the head... In the car accident, Sandy was already in a different place.

But the doctor was horrified to find that Sandy's headless corpse was still doing rapid "locomotive-like" breathing in the abdomen, indicating that the birth process had reached its final stage and that the baby was about to be born. The doctor restrained the fear and panic in her heart and delivered a boy for her. After he told Santi that her head was a boy, her breathing stopped and the light in Sandy's eyes faded.

The boy was adopted and grew up to be the head of the English department at one of the country's top private universities, handsome, intelligent, and charming. The doctor said that when he saw the boy, he saw that he had inherited his mother's Sandy-like hazel eyes full of determination.

The story is not long, a little bit of horror, a little bit of horror, a little bit of shock.

But the truth is that every mother in this world is indeed a warrior. Every mother and her child are related by blood to life and death, and mothers can give up their lives for the birth of their children and brave the ghost door. Mothers conceive in October, use their own flesh and blood to nurture the flesh and blood of their children, and then, during childbirth, the pain of the bones of the body being stretched out or cut through the eight layers of texture, bringing the children to the human world.

So although the story is fictional, love is absolutely real. Even if the mother has died physically, she can do her best to hold on to that tense few minutes and give birth to the child in order for the child to survive.

I can't help but think of a small story that every mother is the guardian angel of the child.

A baby is about to be born.

The baby asked God, "They told me you were going to send me to Earth tomorrow, but why am I so weak and helpless now?"

God said, "Of all the angels, I have chosen one for you. She will be waiting for you and taking care of you. ”

The baby asked, "Tell me---- in heaven I do nothing but sing and smile, these are all I need to be happy." ”

God says: Your angels will sing and smile for you every day. You will feel the love of your angels and you will feel happy.

The baby asked, "If I don't understand their language, how can I understand when people speak to me?"

"It's simple." God said, "Your angels will teach you the most beautiful and sweet words in your language, and with the greatest patience and care, your angels will teach you how to speak." ”

The baby looked up at God and said, "What should I do when I want to talk to you?"

God smiled and said to the baby, "Your angel will put your hands together and teach you how to pray." ”

The baby said, "I've heard that there are bad people on Earth, who will protect me?"

God put His hand on the baby's body and said, "Your angels will protect you, even at the risk of their lives!"

The baby looked a little sad, and he said, "I'm going to feel sad all the time because I'll never see you again." ”

God hugged the baby, "Your angel will always tell you about me and teach you how to get back to me, so I'll always be with you." ”

At this moment, the baby felt incomparably peaceful in heaven, but could already hear the sounds coming from the earth. The baby was a little hurried, and he asked softly, "God, if I am going to leave now, please tell me the name of my angel!"

God replied, "Your angel's name is not so important, you can simply call her Mother!" ”

Yes, all mothers in this world are the brave and all-powerful guardian angels of their children!

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