
Ai Xi interviewed × Wan Guopeng | From non-science classes to professional actors, he only because of these two words


Hello wow baby~

Today,"Love Interview" came one

Actors who claim to "punch money" to fans

——Wan Guopeng

Let's take a look at what the hell is going on

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Non-Cobainde professional actor

Mention Wan Guopeng

That has to be said first

The movie "I am a passerby" ah~

In 2014

Wan Guopeng in this film directed by Er Dongsheng

The name "Wan Guo Peng" is a corner

Walk into everyone's sight~

In the movie

He was alone with a thousand pieces

Rushed to Hengdian to pursue his dream of being an actor

Ai Xi interviewed × Wan Guopeng | From non-science classes to professional actors, he only because of these two words
Ai Xi interviewed × Wan Guopeng | From non-science classes to professional actors, he only because of these two words

"I Am a Passerby" Wan Guopeng (played by Wan Guopeng)

In reality

He is also serious with his love of acting

And superb acting

Let's see a non-science class

Professional actor Wan Guopeng

Ai Xi interviewed × Wan Guopeng | From non-science classes to professional actors, he only because of these two words

"Glory Ping Pong" Liu Shi (played by Wan Guopeng)

For better interpretation

The role of Liu Shi in "Glory Ping Pong"

Wan Guopeng not only painstakingly learned the Sichuan dialect

Ai Xi interviewed × Wan Guopeng | From non-science classes to professional actors, he only because of these two words

It was also used three months in advance

Went to practice my own right hand to cut the ball

Ai Xi interviewed × Wan Guopeng | From non-science classes to professional actors, he only because of these two words

It is also fortunate to have his serious and hard practice

That's what we saw

Handsome to the explosion of the fingertip turning the ball this picture

Ai Xi interviewed × Wan Guopeng | From non-science classes to professional actors, he only because of these two words

Avid de fondue lover

If only acting and table tennis

That's in this interview

Teacher Wan mentioned the most

There is no better food than Sichuan

Ai Xi interviewed × Wan Guopeng | From non-science classes to professional actors, he only because of these two words

Among them, the love for Sichuan hot pot is particularly strong!

"From Christmas to New Year's Day"

"15 meals in a row"

Ai Xi interviewed × Wan Guopeng | From non-science classes to professional actors, he only because of these two words

OMG sub!

Here Chi can only

Send the word "admire" again!

Ai Xi interviewed × Wan Guopeng | From non-science classes to professional actors, he only because of these two words


If you think

Teacher Wan, who loves food so much

My own cooking skills are certainly great

Then you're dead wrong!

Xiao Qi is not talking nonsense

This is a drop that has been certified by Teacher Wan himself ↓

Ai Xi interviewed × Wan Guopeng | From non-science classes to professional actors, he only because of these two words


Being able to make scrambled eggs with tomatoes is a new boost!

Take what you want to say to Wan Guopeng

Hit it in the comments section~

Next week, I will come to "Love Interview" as a guest

It is the little brother Hu Chunyang in "Spring Sauce"

Stay tuned!

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