
People who are really strong in their hearts: don't think about it, don't think much, don't think about it

author:Yu Detailed Sinology

Mr. Yang Dai once said: "We once longed so much for the waves of fate, and in the end we found out that the most beautiful scenery of life is the calm and calm in our hearts." We have been so eager for the approval of the outside world that in the end we have found that the world is our own and has nothing to do with others. ”

Being strong inside is a psychological quality, no matter what you face, you have a strong heart.

Strong people don't care how many people will misunderstand them, nor do they care about any worldly prejudices.

He can listen carefully to any different voice, think about it with his own mind, and still maintain a firm grasp of what he believes.

People who are really strong in their hearts: don't think about it, don't think much, don't think about it.

People who are really strong in their hearts: don't think about it, don't think much, don't think about it

Don't think about it and focus on what's in front of you.

Mazu Zen Master was a famous monk in Wutai Mountain during the Tang Dynasty.

Someone asked Matsu Zen master how to practice?

The Zen master replied, "Hunger comes to eat, sleepiness comes to sleep." ”

The man asked in astonishment, "Aren't all these people doing this?" ”

The Zen master replied, "No, they think about sleeping when they eat, and they think about eating when they sleep." And I, eating is eating, sleeping is sleeping. ”

Wang Yangming once wrote a poem for this allusion,

"Hungry to eat and tired to sleep, only this practice Xuan is more mysterious."

He said that he did not believe in the world, but he sought the gods from outside. ”

Simply put, it's about living in the moment, focusing on what's in front of you, and not thinking about it!

The ancient Greek philosopher Epictetus once said: We must remain optimistic and confident about uncontrollable things. For things that are controllable, we need to be cautious and moderate.

People live a lifetime, and the causes of anxiety are: for uncontrollable things, for uncertain worries, for fear of the future.

People who are really strong in their hearts: don't think about it, don't think much, don't think about it

The movie "Kung Fu Panda" has a classic line: "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is still a mystery, but today is a gift, which is why it is called now." ”

For things that are uncontrollable, your anxiety and fear will not help. Your anxiety will not change tomorrow, but will affect today's mood. Your fears won't change tomorrow, so don't think about it and focus on what's in front of you.

Live in the moment and don't think about the story. People who focus on the present do not make so-called gains and losses in the past, do not worry about what has not yet happened in the future, and their hearts are quiet and clear.

People who are really strong in their hearts: don't think about it, don't think much, don't think about it

Don't be fanciful, act to have the answer

Wang Yangming once said: "To think without practicing is an emptiness." ”

Think about it a thousand times, it's better to do it once. A gorgeous fall is better than a senseless wandering.

Peng Duanshu told a story in the article "For Learning": There are two monks in Sichuan, one of whom is poor and the other is rich.

The poor monk said to the rich monk, "I want to go to the South China Sea, what do you think?" ”

The rich monk said, "What are you going by?" ”

The poor monk said, "All I need is a water bottle with water and a rice bowl for rice." ”

The rich monk said: "I have tried to hire a boat along the lower Reaches of the Yangtze River to the South China Sea for several years, but I have not succeeded. ”

The next year, the poor monk returned from the South China Sea and told the rich monk about his visit to the South China Sea, and the rich monk showed a look of shame on his face.

There is no shortcut to success, put time and energy on what to do, not complaining, not fantasizing, only hard work will meet a better self.

Zi Yue: "I have tasted all day without eating, and I have not slept all night to think, it is useless, it is better to learn." ”

Don't always think about it, action is the last word. Utopian fantasies are akin to paper talk, and inaction can never be accomplished.

Every day to daydream about success, it is better to get up and study. Only by mastering enough knowledge can there be room for progress.

People who are really strong in their hearts: don't think about it, don't think much, don't think about it

Don't mess around and be the best version of yourself.

Throughout his life, Confucius demanded himself with four absolutes: "Don't be willing, don't be sure, don't be solid, and don't want me."

Among them, "do not be intentional" refers to: everything is based on facts, so that subjective assumptions and conjectures without factual basis can be avoided.

Fan Deng once told a story of his own: in 2003, Fan Deng's monthly income was 18,000 yuan, but he was particularly distressed.

What's the pain? The mortgage is 3800 yuan, the loan for decoration is 3700 yuan, and the car loan is 4000 yuan. In addition, I have to live with my wife and two people and pay rent.

It was in this context that Fan Deng began to read the Analects. A year later, Fan Deng was no longer worried about the mortgage. His Weibo signature at that time was: "Gentlemen are not worried about poverty, and gentlemen are not worried about food." ”

People who are really strong in their hearts: don't think about it, don't think much, don't think about it

Man's greatest enemy is himself, and all the pain, all the restlessness, is the trouble he has found for himself.

Zi Yue: "Those who do not rebel, do not believe in one hundred million, and who look up to the first enlightenment, are virtuous!" ”

A person who thinks wildly all day will fall into serious internal friction, which will especially affect normal work and study.

If you want to have normal work and study, you must stop thinking wildly, change your mentality, and go with the flow.

People who are really strong in their hearts: don't think about it, don't think much, don't think about it

Bai Yansong once said: If all the voices outside can affect you, it is because you do not have your own opinions in your heart.

Therefore, it is necessary to learn to coexist with different voices, always the old saying: "I do not agree with what you say, but I defend your right to speak." ”

It is not easy to live your life, and if you want to live according to the expectations of others, you will not live your own life.