
congratulations! Russia's "Thousand Gold" won the women's singles figure skating gold medal, and the zero-mistake performance was perfect

On February 17, Beijing time, this year's Winter Olympic Women's Singles Figure Skating Competition also came to a successful end on this day, mentioning that this competition is really full of highlights, Russia's three babas go hand in hand, and finally "Thousand Gold" Serbakova pressed two teammates to win gold with a near-perfect performance!

congratulations! Russia's "Thousand Gold" won the women's singles figure skating gold medal, and the zero-mistake performance was perfect

The women's figure skating competition can be described as a "fairy fight", only three Russian players are enough to be amazing, these three are also the favorite candidates for the championship of this competition, which shows how terrible the dominance of the Russian women's figure skating team in the world figure skating world is! However, this Winter Olympics Russia Sanwa failed to successfully win the top three, because "K Bao" made a big mistake in the short program, and finally the Japanese player successfully counterattacked and won the third place, while the first and second were won by "Qianjin" Serbakova and Trusova.

congratulations! Russia's "Thousand Gold" won the women's singles figure skating gold medal, and the zero-mistake performance was perfect

The free skating project is really eye-opening for the audience, "Sasquatch" Trusova performed several difficult moves for us as soon as she appeared, and at the beginning came five four-seat jumps, which were really stunning four-seaters, but the four-seat jump still had a little flaw, but this did not affect the shock that "Sassima" brought to us, and I have to say that her technical ability is really strong! Because of the difficult action, Trusova finally got a technical score of 106.16, but in terms of performance appeal, Trusova was almost climatic, and finally completed the free skating project with a score of 177.13 points.

congratulations! Russia's "Thousand Gold" won the women's singles figure skating gold medal, and the zero-mistake performance was perfect

In addition to the "Shakespeare" stunning four seats, Qianjin also brought us a visual feast, although the technology of Qianjin this time is not as difficult as "Shakespeare", but "Qianjin" is very perfect in the overall free skating performance, whether it is infectious or almost impeccable, so in the end " Qianjin" gained a score of 175.75, combined with the results of the previous short program Sherbakova successfully surpassed her teammate Trusova!

congratulations! Russia's "Thousand Gold" won the women's singles figure skating gold medal, and the zero-mistake performance was perfect

As one of Serbakova's fierce opponents on the road to winning the championship, Vallieva played abnormally again, so "Qianjin" finally won the gold medal smoothly, and Vallieva also missed the top three because of the unstable competition, and finally only won the fourth place, but it is worth affirming that the Russian Sanwa is really too strong, and finally congratulations to "Qianjin" for winning the championship, really "figure skating elf", so beautiful!

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