
Meyer Musk: Thirty, no need to worry, just move forward

author:Tease auntie

She married at the age of 22, but suffered domestic violence, became a bankrupt single mother at the age of 31, and studied for a doctorate at the age of 42, while working as a model, while working as a teacher in a modeling school, and independently cultivated 3 billionaires.

Returning to the modeling stage in her 60s, she became popular with her white hair, and her image dominated 4 billboards in Times Square.

With millions of fans in his 70s, he has become an idol in the eyes of many women.

She's Meyer Musk.

Meyer Musk: Thirty, no need to worry, just move forward

Meyer was born in Canada on April 19, 1948, to adventurous parents.

When she was a child, Meyer often went on wild expeditions with her parents and went to the desert to camp...

Under the influence of her parents, Meyer developed an independent personality that never accepted defeat, and also laid a solid foundation for future success.

Meyer's parents never interfered with Meyer's interests, and Meyer began working as a model at the age of 15, becoming the winner of the Waal Queen Pageant at the age of 20 and the Miss South Africa pageant at the age of 21.

Meyer Musk: Thirty, no need to worry, just move forward

All the achievements come from Meyer's father's motto "The harder you work, the luckier you get," which Meyer also encourages herself.

Before the age of 21, Meyer was lucky and the road was bright.

At the age of 22, after Meyer married her husband Errol, the nightmare of life began.

Nine years of marriage was torture for Meyer.

Still in the honeymoon period, her husband's true face was exposed, and the first time he punched and kicked Meyer, Meyer tried to escape, but his passport was hidden by Errol.

Later, her husband often had violent tendencies because of small things in life, and he spoke harshly to Meyer.

When Meyer was about to have a second child, her husband, Errol, told her that even if it was a contraction, you could not stop working.

Errol even threatened Meyer, you dare to divorce, see how I clean you up, you love your face as a model, then I will cut your face with a razor, don't you love children very much, then I will shoot a few shots at the child's knee. A disfigured single mother with three crippled children, see how you live.

Such a life Mayer has long wanted to leave, but the South African law at that time did not protect women, and domestic violence could not constitute the basis for divorce.

Finally, in 1979, South Africa's marriage law changed, domestic violence can be divorced, Meyer did not hesitate for a second, and accelerated the 9-year marriage relationship.

Errol had a rich fortune, but Meyer didn't want anything, she just wanted to take her three children with her.

Eventually, custody of the three children went to Meyer, and because the judge was sympathetic, he forced Errol to give Meyer a house.

Meyer Musk: Thirty, no need to worry, just move forward

The house only has a down payment and a $300 monthly mortgage. The court demanded that Errol pay no cent of his monthly education expenses, and even faced Errol's constant pestering.

For the sake of her children and her own life, the 31-year-old woman began the road to counterattack.

Meyer has experienced 9 years of misfortune, but she has the spirit of not accepting defeat in her bones, and she quickly adjusts herself and is ready to give it a go.

Taking care of the children and solving the problem of food and clothing are the first problems she has to solve.

Meyer takes care of the children while working part-time, and when it is hard, she works 5 jobs at the same time.

Even if she didn't have time, Meyer had to squeeze out time to study, get into a master's degree in nutrition, and then open a nutrition consulting company.

Meyer Musk: Thirty, no need to worry, just move forward

The career finally stabilized, and the three children grew up slowly.

The stable life didn't last long because of the 17-year-old son Elon. Musk decided to go to Canada to study, and Meyer supported the idea of the child, so he moved to Canada with two other children.

This means that everything will start all over again, and you will face a life without a job and no income.

Coming to Canada, Meyer began working part-time as a model to support his family while studying for a doctorate, and this year, Meyer was 42 years old.

All three children are in college and getting more and more successful, and Meyer can finally enjoy his old age, but Meyer said: "I can finally live alone." She believes that she will not give up her career because of the child, and she is not the mother of anyone, she is just herself.

Meyer Musk: Thirty, no need to worry, just move forward

In her sixties, she continued her modeling career, walking on the same stage with a group of young and beautiful models with a white hair, she looked so unique.

At the age of 15, she was told that her modeling career would end at the age of 18, who would have thought that her modeling career would reach its peak after the age of 70.

22 years old into marriage, the unfortunate life told her husband to teach her son is her life, who ever thought she was 31 years old to get out of the house, relying on her own efforts to succeed.

On August 12, 2020, the Beijing News Shell Finance Summer Summit was held online.

In response to the hotly discussed "30 only" age anxiety, Meyer Musk said that why should 30 years old feel anxious? 30 years old is just getting started, "I'm 72 years old, my life is just getting started."

Meyer Musk: Thirty, no need to worry, just move forward

"You don't have to be anxious, just move forward. If anyone makes you feel anxious and you need to get them to disappear from your life, please say goodbye to them." Meyer Musk said.

This legendary woman, who deserves the praise of all women, tells us with her life's experience:

Nothing is impossible in life, and age is not a stumbling block on the road. We just lack the courage to change and the persistence to face suffering.

Just like the line that Nezha said: My life is up to me.