
"Hundred Generals Culture" It was a rainy night, a rainy night full of poetry

author:Baijiang Culture and Art

#Headline General Culture # #品文化 #

#教授开讲 #

Text: General Zhao Jinguang

"Hundred Generals Culture" It was a rainy night, a rainy night full of poetry

Rainy Night (Us)

Sub Creek

It was a rainy night, a rainy night full of poetry. Rain, bit by bit, sometimes watery, sometimes torrential, rainy and psychedelic, fine sniffing, refreshing and new.

Jiang Yun and I came to the tea house, made a pot of tea, sat there and chatted, talking about the south sea and the north of the sky.

We first talked about poetry, and Jiang Yun and I both have a special love for poetry. I was influenced by my enlightenment teachers when I was a child and fell in love with poetry. I often read poetry, and when I read poetry, I feel that nature is very close to me, and it envelops me with great tenderness and pervades me.

"Bright moon pine light, clear spring stone upstream." Wang Wei's verse is very kind to me in the mountain house. Bright moonlight shines on the pine forest on the mountain; the cold spring bluestone, leisurely and beautiful, idyllic and pleasant. The sound of nature flutters in my ears, and the soul is smoothed in the hands of nature, and I am happy, Tao Taoran.

"Hundred Generals Culture" It was a rainy night, a rainy night full of poetry

Jiang Yun is also immersed in the love of poetry, saying that when his inspiration is barren and his passion is pale, poetry can help a lot. As soon as the poem entered the curtain, the dry heart immediately drizzled. Like the thunder of stinging, passion and fantasy immediately awoke from hibernation. When reading poetry, like a willow branch bathed in spring rain, the leaves of the soul dance freely in the fluttering east wind.

Asked about Jiang Yun's favorite poem, he said: Li Shangyin's poems have made him taste for a long time, especially in Li's "Untitled" poem: "Spring silkworms to the end of dead silk, wax moments into gray tears began to dry" verses, spring silkworms are self-binding, full of love silk, born to vomit, wax self-frying, a cavity of hot tears, hot and long flow.

Li Shangyin uttered this amazing strange remark and expressed many infatuations. Coupled with the entanglement of the previous sentence, the pain of the next sentence, the combination of two beautiful. Lao Du has the sentence "The pen falls into the storm, and the poem becomes a weeping ghost god", which is well deserved.

Jiang Yun talked very happily tonight, talking about poetry and music. He said that he often walked into the world of music, the soul moved with the music, the mood was happy with the music, and he felt both the galloping of feelings and the galloping of freedom. Jiang Yun went on to say that he likes to listen to light music the most, and at the same time often indulges in the ghostly saxophone, feeling that it is telling the soul that the saxophone often brings him into a world of dreams.

"Hundred Generals Culture" It was a rainy night, a rainy night full of poetry

Stepping out of the world of music, I said to the reading of the stars on a summer night. On the summer nights when I was a teenager, I often went out outdoors, came to the top of the mountain opposite the old house, bathed under the stars, looked up at the Tianhe, and couldn't help but chant Du Fu's poem "Tianhe": "It is often obscure at all times, and the autumn solstice is clear." Even if it is hidden by a slight cloud, it will eventually be clear at night. With the stars moving double que, accompanied by the moon illuminating the border city. The cowgirl crosses every year, and He Zeng is born in the wind and waves. "My biggest concern is the Cowherd Weaver Girl's Queqiao Society. Night after night, even on the seventh day of july, magpies are still not seen building bridges. I think this cowherd weaver girl must be very anxious, once a year the opportunity to meet, I am afraid that I will lose it again, is the Queen Mother really so desperate? The starry sky is always like this, covering the earth, covering me, my heart is worried, and the night is sinking. The time passed really well, it was nearly midnight, we were still chatting, and the waiter at the tea house said that it was going to close, so he had to stop there. I suddenly had an idea of how good it would be to keep time.

In fact, this idea is not only generated by me, the American painter Estes uses the details of the momentary things that stop on the photo to paint, and before Faust died, the old tearful cry cried out: "You stop!" ”

Renoir, who has devoted his life to youth, said that in a few decades, beauty and life will fly away with time. Keeping time is just a dream, whether you have palpitations or tears, time can never be saved.

"Hundred Generals Culture" It was a rainy night, a rainy night full of poetry

Poetry Author:

"Hundred Generals Culture" It was a rainy night, a rainy night full of poetry

Zhao Jinguang, Zizi Xi, Xixi Semi-Doctor. Born in Xixi, Wangcang, Sichuan, he studied at Emei College of Traditional Chinese Medicine and graduated from the Fourth Military Medical University. He was the president of Beijing 304th Hospital and vice president of Quartermaster University. Rank of Major General, Chief Physician, Master Supervisor. He is a cultural scholar, a national first-class author in China, the former vice president of the China Yuelian Association, a member of the Chinese Writers Association, a visiting professor at the School of Humanities of Chongqing University, and an art consultant of the Jilin Calligraphers Association. He is the author of twenty-two collections of medical and literary works. Among them, the prose has won the Bingxin Prose Award, and the prose collection "Spring and Autumn Fu" was included in the "Prose Classics of Famous Chinese Writers in the Twentieth Century" edited by Ji Xianlin of Peking University. He was awarded the honorary title of "Ten Masters of Liantan" by the China Association of The Federation of Nations.

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"Hundred Generals Culture" It was a rainy night, a rainy night full of poetry

The plaque is a unique folk culture of the Chinese national tradition. It is a sign hanging in the halls, pavilions, courtyards, gardens, hotels, hotels, shops and other units. The plaque is an indispensable part of all kinds of buildings, its meaning is equivalent to the eye of the building, it is to inform the name and purpose of the building, and it is also a business card for publicity. Shusheng Wang Xizhi is China's most famous and accomplished calligrapher, and a general. The brush used today was pioneered by the general Meng Tian of the Qin Dynasty who supervised the construction of the Great Wall. The Hundred Generals Culture and Arts Center can invite general calligraphers and celebrity calligraphers to jointly inscription poem inscription plaques and PEN exhibitions. Invite military professors and celebrities to give lectures.