
Analysis of the development status of China's sorghum industry in 2020, "Map" of Product Diversification Development

author:Huajing Intelligence Network
Analysis of the development status of China's sorghum industry in 2020, "Map" of Product Diversification Development

I. Overview

Sorghum is an annual herb of the family Poaceae. The stalks are thick and erect, with supporting roots on the basal nodes. It is the raw material for brewing, vinegar, starch extraction, and processing caramel. According to the characteristics and uses of sorghum, sorghum can be divided into edible sorghum, sugar sorghum, broom sorghum and so on.

Classification of sorghum

Analysis of the development status of China's sorghum industry in 2020, "Map" of Product Diversification Development

Source: Collation of publicly available information

Second, the planting situation

1. Sown area

In recent years, driven by China's wine industry, sorghum cultivation has developed rapidly, and the sown area has increased year by year. According to the data, the sorghum planting area on the mainland reached 634.7 thousand hectares in 2020, down 0.9% from 2019.

Analysis of the development status of China's sorghum industry in 2020, "Map" of Product Diversification Development

Source: National Bureau of Statistics, Compiled by Huajing Industrial Research Institute

From the distribution of sown area in various provinces, the top three provinces in mainland China in 2020 are Inner Mongolia, Shanxi and Guizhou; the sown area is 150 thousand hectares, 87.6 thousand hectares and 83.7 thousand hectares, respectively.

Analysis of the development status of China's sorghum industry in 2020, "Map" of Product Diversification Development
Analysis of the development status of China's sorghum industry in 2020, "Map" of Product Diversification Development

Third, the current situation of the industry

1. Output

As the fifth largest cereal crop in the world, sorghum can have strong viability on arid and saline land, and has strong climate adaptability, which has been widely cultivated in the mainland in the past and is also one of the important food crops on the mainland. With the growth of the national economy and the improvement of people's living standards, the main use of sorghum has gradually changed from edible to cash crops, and the industry has also continued to decline. However, in recent years, with the continuous development of liquor, feed and other fields in the mainland, the market demand for sorghum has increased, and the output of sorghum has also increased. According to the data, the mainland sorghum production in 2020 was 2.97 million tons, down 5.3% from 2019.

Analysis of the development status of China's sorghum industry in 2020, "Map" of Product Diversification Development

From the perspective of the distribution of production in various provinces, the top three provinces in mainland sorghum production in 2020 are Inner Mongolia, Jilin and Shanxi; the output is 903,000 tons, 398,000 tons and 318,000 tons, respectively.

Analysis of the development status of China's sorghum industry in 2020, "Map" of Product Diversification Development

Related reports: "2022-2027 China Sorghum Industry Development Monitoring and Investment Strategy Consulting Report" released by Huajing Industry Research Institute;

2. Downstream consumption

From the perspective of the downstream consumption structure of sorghum, the main consumption areas of sorghum in mainland China are feed, edible and brewing; the proportion is 75.5%, 12.6% and 10.8% respectively.

Analysis of the development status of China's sorghum industry in 2020, "Map" of Product Diversification Development

Fourth, the development trend of the industry

3. Import situation

From the perspective of mainland sorghum imports, in recent years, the import volume of sorghum in the mainland has shown a trend of first falling and then rising, which is due to the decline in the demand for sorghum in the mainland and the recovery of domestic production since 2016, the import volume has gradually declined, especially in 2019, due to the impact of "African swine fever", the mainland pig breeding and other industries have been hit hard, and the feed industry in the corresponding main consumption areas of sorghum has also suffered a blow, and the import volume of sorghum has once fallen off a cliff. After 2020, due to the recovery of domestic pig breeding capacity, a large increase in feed demand, coupled with the rapid development of the mainland liquor industry, sorghum imports have rebounded significantly. According to the data, the import volume of mainland sorghum in January-November 2021 was 8.71 million tons, an increase of 104.1% over January-November 2020; the import amount was 2.786 billion US dollars, an increase of 174.9% year-on-year.

Analysis of the development status of China's sorghum industry in 2020, "Map" of Product Diversification Development

Source: China General Administration of Customs, compiled by Huajing Industry Research Institute

Although imported sorghum accounts for a large proportion of domestic sorghum consumption, imported sorghum is mainly oriented to the feed field, while domestic sorghum is mainly in the edible field, so the direct substitution between the two has little relationship. In the future, the sorghum planting industry still needs to open up the market with product quality according to the differentiated and diversified needs brought about by the upgrading of the terminal consumer market, promote product processing with market demand, promote industrial production with production and processing, and at the same time ensure the full range of low-end and low-end products, moderately and appropriately enhance high-end boutique special categories. At the same time, we will make use of the east wind of characteristic agricultural leisure tourism to actively tap the added value of sorghum and promote the development of various forms of rural tourism. Since sorghum itself has good food processing potential, the use of sorghum as raw material processing of leisure food and traditional food is still in the initial stage of exploration, through the promotion of sorghum higher dietary fiber main healthy diet, will become one of the main directions in the field of sorghum processing in the future. In addition, in recent years, the research on the deep processing of sorghum at home and abroad has developed rapidly, in addition to the traditional use as a staple food, brewing liquor, beer, making feed, etc., but also exploring a variety of processing uses of sorghum. Such as: the use of sweet sorghum stalks to make wine, the use of forage sorghum as silage and green feed, the production of alcohol with sorghum, the extraction of pigments with sorghum husks, the extraction of starch from sorghum grains, the production of sorghum bread, sorghum desserts, etc., the prospect of sorghum deep processing is getting better.

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