
Listen, their words are full of affection

author:Henan Daily

On July 2, Henan Province held a symposium to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, deeply studying and implementing General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the conference celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and jointly celebrating the centenary of the party. At the forum, the provincial party secretary who won the national outstanding county party committee and the representative of the national "two excellent and one first" commendation made speeches. Here are a selection of their wonderful speeches, listen, their words are full of affection!

Listen, their words are full of affection

Wu Haiyan, national outstanding county party secretary, suixian county party secretary, and second-level inspector:

The new era has given every party member and cadre a new historical mission, and as a party member and a party secretary, we must be able to see it in ordinary times, stand up at critical moments, and be open-minded at critical moments.

Listen, their words are full of affection

Wang Tao, a national outstanding communist party member, director of the secretary department of the Research Office of the State Council, and the first secretary of Ginkgo Shugou Village in Maotang Township, Huaichuan County:

Our Party serves not abstract people, but people like our parents and brothers and sisters.

The villagers all said that in the past few years, from the central to the local level, they have obviously felt that the orientation of seizing the historical opportunities of reform and development has been clearer, the rhythm is accelerating, and the new atmosphere of being pragmatic, close to the people, forging ahead, and innovating has made everyone more confident in starting a business, and they have all been riveted and vigorous, and they have done a big job for our "new Henan"!

Listen, their words are full of affection

Li Shijiang, national outstanding party worker, secretary of the party committee and chairman of Jiaozuo Polyfluoride Multi-Industrial Group Co., Ltd.:

Practice has fully proved that as private enterprises under the leadership of the party, they must adhere to the party's leadership at all times, always use the party's scientific theories to guide the development of enterprises, and only then will enterprises have a clear direction and not deviate; only by relying on independent innovation and broadening the road of high-quality development can private enterprises grasp the initiative in development and seize the commanding heights of development.

Listen, their words are full of affection

Pei Chunliang, representative of the national advanced grass-roots party organization, secretary of the party branch and director of the village committee of Peizhai Village, Zhangcun Township, Huixian City:

With the approval of the organization and the trust of the masses, it is necessary to have the determination to "have the final say, decide to do the work, and remain unchanged no matter how big the difficulties are," implement the party's good policies well, make the masses happy, and make the villagers satisfied.

What is loyalty to the party, good to the people is loyalty to the party.

As a Communist Party member, how to maintain the advanced nature? Throw yourself into the new battlefield of rural revitalization, how to walk in the front and set an example? Can we reassure the party and satisfy the masses? See you soon!

Listen, their words are full of affection

Shen Jianping, chairman of the Women's Federation of Hongqi District of Xinxiang City and daughter of Shen Liuxing, an outstanding Communist Party member of Henan Province:

The older generation of Communists, with their own actions, fulfilled the promise they made when they joined the Party, and used their whole lives to answer "why they joined the Party, what they did when they were cadres, and what they left behind."

I want to take my fathers as an example, use the party's glorious traditions and fine work style to strengthen my faith and conviction, draw nourishment from the red family style, strive to become what they are, educate the next generation, and be a good inheritor of the red bloodline.

(Henan Daily client reporter Dong Liang, Cai Xunxiang, Jin Jingyi, Dong Yangguo)

Editor: Hu Tiange