
She predicted the world in 150 years, the world's first programmer

She predicted the world in 150 years, the world's first programmer


She predicted the world in 150 years, the world's first programmer

On February 14, 1946, the world's first computer was born at the University of Pennsylvania in the United States.

Since then, computer technology and work have opened up a journey of rapid development.

Nowadays, computer science has become a fast-growing, penetrating and far-reaching discipline, and the computer industry has developed into a strategic industry around the world, and programmers have become a very sought-after profession.

In the Internet IT industry, the majority of employees are men, and the imbalance in gender ratio is also a topic of daily ridicule.

Because of the existence of certain stereotypes, many people subconsciously believe that men are more suitable for the Internet IT industry than women.

But since 2017, girls accounted for about 47.6% of the IT industry, and about 52.4% of boys, which is basically flat, and with the growth of time, the data between the two is constantly approaching.


The world's first programmer

· Ada Lovelace

You may not know that the world's first programmer was a very good lady.

In London in 1815, a girl named Ada Lovelace was born.

Ada, whose original name was Augusta Ada Byron, was the daughter of the famous poet George Gordon Byron, but her parents divorced shortly after her birth.

Ada was able to embark on the path of programming thanks to her mother, Anne Isabella Mirbach, who encouraged her to pursue mathematical research in order to avoid her "dangerous psychic tendencies" like her father, Byron.

She predicted the world in 150 years, the world's first programmer
She predicted the world in 150 years, the world's first programmer

As one of the few girls who came from high society, was obsessed with science, and was well educated, Ada was an active and popular person in the social circle of British science at that time, surrounded by stars.

She was friends with well-known figures such as Faraday and Dickens.

She predicted the world in 150 years, the world's first programmer

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On June 5, 1833, Ada attended and became friends with the mathematician Charles Babbage at a party at his home.

Babbage knew that both Ada's mother and daughter had studied mathematics and invited them to visit the difference machine he had invented.

Because manual calculations are often wrong, he wants to use a hand-cranked or steam-powered machine to do the calculations.

Upon learning of Babbage's idea, Ada was immediately captivated by his invention and fascinated by it.

Afterwards, she also wrote to Babbage asking for the drawings of the difference machine, deciding that she must understand how it worked.

She predicted the world in 150 years, the world's first programmer
She predicted the world in 150 years, the world's first programmer

In 1834, Babbage and Ada discussed the idea of designing a machine more complex than a differential engine: an analytical machine.

By borrowing from the jacquard machine and using the control of punching cards, various complex operations such as formula calculation and condition selection are realized.

In the discussion of the analysis machine at that time, Ada proposed the programming concept of replacing decimal numbers with binary numbers, and symbols such as numbers and letters can be encoded into data.

However, due to the lack of attention from the British government at that time and the lack of necessary resources, the analysis machine was not actually manufactured until Babbage's death.

But its design logic is very advanced, arguably the precursor of electronic computers more than a hundred years later.

She predicted the world in 150 years, the world's first programmer


The world's first programmer

Between 1842 and 1843, Ada spent nine months translating a memorandum left by the Italian mathematician Luigi Minabia on Babbage's latest book on computer design, an introduction to the analytical machine.

In this translation, she added many notes detailing how Bernoulli numbers were computed using computers, which is considered to be the world's first computer program.

If the analytical machine had actually existed at the time, the first computer program she wrote in human history would have worked correctly.

She predicted the world in 150 years, the world's first programmer
She predicted the world in 150 years, the world's first programmer

In her honor, several countries and organizations have established awards and societies named after her since the 1980s.

A new advanced computer programming language produced by the U.S. Department of Defense, named "Ada," and a designation MIL-STD-1815 for her birthday.

Her achievements were achieved in the context of the many restrictions on women at that time.

In such a severe era, she was able to achieve such a great achievement, and laid the foundation for future generations of programming, and these programming concepts had a great impact on future programming.

From this point of view, she is the world's first programmer.

What the internet industry needs is...

Although there will be some obvious physical differences between men and women, men have more advantages than women in some industry choices.

But the Internet industry, what is needed is not physical strength, but brain power, careful thinking and meticulous logic, which is evidence that no one is worse than anyone.

Nowadays, more and more women see the development prospects of the Internet industry and join the industry to start their own journey of life.

Gege sincerely wishes them better and better.


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She predicted the world in 150 years, the world's first programmer

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