
Visited the frontline of epidemic prevention and control in Suizhong

author:Northeast News Network

These days, the epidemic in Suizhong has touched people's hearts. What about the Suizhong centralized isolation point? What is the reserve of epidemic prevention materials? How to do epidemic prevention work?...... The reporter visited the frontline of epidemic prevention and control and looked at it together.

Visited the frontline of epidemic prevention and control in Suizhong

Since February 9, the isolation point of the Shengpan Coast Hotel in Suizhong County has received a total of 85 people in centralized isolation. A team of 13 people, including medical personnel, logistical support personnel and administrative staff, is stationed here 24 hours a day.

"1 nucleic acid sample, 3 temperature measurements, 6 disinfections per day." The staff of the centralized isolation point said that in order to prevent cross-infection, there are single rooms in the isolation area, and every time the medical staff enters a room for nucleic acid sampling, they must be completely eliminated after coming out before they can enter the next room.

Visited the frontline of epidemic prevention and control in Suizhong

Suizhong County epidemic prevention material warehouse consists of 3 warehouses, with a total area of 1,000 square meters, full of epidemic prevention materials. Wang Jun, deputy director of the Suizhong County Development and Reform Bureau, said that there are 330,000 disposable medical masks, 120,000 N95 masks, 12,000 liters of alcohol, and 30,000 sets of protective clothing in the warehouse, which can at least ensure the consumption of the county for 15 days.

"In order to improve the efficiency of the distribution of epidemic prevention materials, we have simplified the approval procedures, and the relevant responsible persons of the townships and towns can apply for materials from the warehouse by telephone and complete the relevant procedures within a week." Wang Jun said that the warehouse staff is on duty in shifts 24 hours a day, no matter what time it is to pick up supplies, they can be picked up as they go.

Visited the frontline of epidemic prevention and control in Suizhong

Organize residents to conduct nucleic acid testing, stationed at the entrances and exits of the community for registration and disinfection, and publicize epidemic prevention knowledge to residents through WeChat groups and loudspeakers... In the cultural community of Suizhong Town, Suizhong County, 40 sinking cadres, community workers, grid members and more than 200 volunteers joined the frontline of the fight against the epidemic.

Tang Li, secretary of the Party Committee of the Cultural Community, said that as soon as the epidemic broke out on February 8, more than 300 residents took the initiative to contact the community to request volunteer services, including college students who returned home during the winter vacation and veteran party members in their 60s, whose selfless dedication was touching.

Dong Guizhi, 65, is a 31-year-old party member. As a grid member, she will arrive on time every morning at 8 o'clock every morning, and notify residents of each building in batches with a loudspeaker to go downstairs to take samples and maintain order on site.

On the afternoon of February 13, snowflakes fluttered in Suizhong County, and Dong Guizhi's work was not over. She took medical staff into the community to sample elderly, pregnant women and children with limited mobility. "As a party member, you have to charge ahead. At this time, not only can I not be left behind, but I also have to set an example for young people. Dong Guizhi said.

Visited the frontline of epidemic prevention and control in Suizhong

The fifteenth day of the first month, the Lantern Festival.

In the closed and controlled agricultural power community in Suizhong County, the medical worker An Taihong has just completed the household nucleic acid sampling for more than 70 residents in 3 units, and the fog on the protective screen has formed small water droplets. "From 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., I can only take off my protective clothing, drink water, and eat food at noon."

"I haven't been home since I was drawn to participate in nucleic acid sampling work on February 8, and today's Lantern Festival, I don't know if my son can eat the Lantern at home alone." An Taihong said that this morning when she drove past the door of her home, she specially called her son and met him from a distance through the window, "Although I have a little regret about not being able to go home for the holiday, but at the moment of the epidemic, this is the unshirkable responsibility of our medical staff." ”

Visited the frontline of epidemic prevention and control in Suizhong

On the day that Suizhong County reported the first confirmed case, Zhang Baokui, president of the Suizhong Caring Volunteer Association, received a "letter of request" from more than 300 volunteers. Soon, Zhang Baokui set up a volunteer team to engage in nucleic acid sampling registration, epidemic prevention materials transfer, daily necessities distribution and other work.

At a material reserve point in Suizhong County, the reporter saw that 17 volunteers wearing red vests were unloading epidemic prevention materials from trucks. Such trucks can come four or five times a day, 20 kilogram boxes, and volunteers have to carry more than 100 boxes a day. "Originally, we set a schedule, everyone worked shifts, worked one day off, but the volunteers did not rest at all, came every day, and were on call." Zhang Baokui said.

Visited the frontline of epidemic prevention and control in Suizhong

At noon on February 14, the "big whites" who were fighting at various epidemic prevention and control card points in Suizhong Town, Suizhong County, received hot meals from Li Shuang.

Since February 9, these loveliest "big whites" in the frontline of the epidemic have eaten the free love box lunch sent by Li Shuang at noon and evening every day.

The person who delivered the love meal is called Li Shuang, the owner of a restaurant in Suizhong Town. Because he couldn't bear to watch the volunteers on the front line of the epidemic stick to their posts day and night against the wind and cold and eat instant noodles, he and the staff in the store made box lunches for the "big whites", and every day at noon and in the evening, the steaming box lunches were delivered to the hands of the front-line epidemic personnel. At first, the "Great Whites" politely declined, but they could not resist their enthusiasm and persistence. "It's been cold to work outside every day these days, and I feel very warm to be able to eat delicious, hot meals at the meal point. Thank you!" A front-line officer said sincerely.

The reporter learned that the hotel operated by Li Shuang had just opened, but due to the epidemic situation, it temporarily stopped business. 500 meat and vegetarian bentoes are given away for free every day, which is not a small number. But Li Shuang said that seeing the "Great Whites" guarding the cold wind day and night was very hard and deeply moved. "Without these risky public security officers, medical personnel and volunteers, there would be no stable life for the people." As a member of society, I am willing to contribute to the prevention of the epidemic. ”