
Twin Group – Wanting to control costs starts with the following details

author:Eager to learn bunny storytelling

Pig prices fall endlessly, feed prices are rising non-stop, in the face of the increasingly severe pig environment, many pig farms sacrifice the magic weapon of "cost reduction and efficiency increase", but some pig farms put the cost reduction on their lips every day, but they do not put the benefits of "stealing" in the pig farm.

Especially for the waste of feed, feed costs account for 70% or 80% of breeding costs, and the feed waste of many pig farms accounts for 8% to 10% of the total feed consumption, which can reach 20% in severe cases. There are also caused by unreasonable trough design, transportation, storage, etc.; there are also such as low breeding efficiency of sows, low growth efficiency of pigs, and high mortality rates during the nursery stage of the tank. The more feed is wasted, the ratio of feed to meat will increase accordingly, which invisibly increases the cost of breeding. So, how can we reduce the waste of feed?

Twin Group – Wanting to control costs starts with the following details

Strengthen feeding management and eliminate feed waste

Scientific design of the sink. The design of the feeding trough should take into account the relationship between the body width of the pig and the size of the feeding trough at different growth stages, the best design is the blanking outlet, the feed trough makes the pig easy to access, can eat normally, and the space, depth and height of the feeding trough are coordinated with each other;

Appropriate empty trough time. Traditional and cement troughs, between each meal to maintain an empty trough or so; free feeding trough, every morning from 6:00 to 10:00, close for 4 hours, let the pig eat the trough and the ground of the powder foam (the free feeding trough always maintains more than 1/3 of the material, to prevent the feed below because there is no pressure poured into the trough, resulting in a large amount of powder foam);

Twin Group – Wanting to control costs starts with the following details

Reasonable rearing density. Full leaky seam high efficiency column 1.2 ㎡/head, semi-leaky high efficiency bar 1.5㎡/head, traditional flat ground 1.8㎡/head (all are actual use area);

Good environmental control. Improve the management hardware equipment, improve the good growth environment for the pig herd, reduce the disease of the pig herd, improve the feed conversion rate, and achieve the purpose of reducing the feed-to-meat ratio.

Choose a good feed and control it from the source

Unreasonable feed formulations such as mismatched ratios of protein and energy, unbalanced amino acids, poor palatability, poor digestibility and so on will lead to insufficient or excessive feed intake of pigs, resulting in waste of feed. Piglets have different needs for nutrition at various stages, such as the piglet stage is the key period for developing the intestine and stretching the skeleton, the nutritional demand is higher, but because of the current poor market, many pig farms use poor materials, so that the cost will be reduced on the surface, but nutrition can not meet the growth needs of pigs, the skeleton can not be pulled apart, resulting in a high ratio of materials and meat in the later stage of feeding, but it lengthens the time of the barn, wastes feed in disguise, and increases the cost of feeding.

Twin Group – Wanting to control costs starts with the following details

The high cost performance and stable quality of the twin products not only meet the nutritional needs of pigs at all stages of growth, but also minimize the waste of feed due to good palatability and high digestibility. Pig farms "cost reduction and efficiency increase" can not only stay on the slogan, but also start from the details to reduce unnecessary feed waste.