
In 2022, Thai IVF gave birth to boys for more money

Hengjian Overseas said that having a man and a woman, children and daughters are every Chinese parent's favorite, many couples, there is a male treasure want a girl, but many families have girls and want a boy, but many times it is often unsatisfactory. In fact, the birth of boys and girls is determined by only a combination of genes. The sex of the baby is determined by the X and Y in the male chromosome, and the sex is determined when the sperm binds to the egg cell. So, in what season is it easy to get pregnant and give birth to a boy? What are the precautions for preparing for pregnancy?

In 2022, Thai IVF gave birth to boys for more money

First, what season is it easy to give birth to boys when pregnant

1. Pregnancy in August and September in autumn is easy to give birth to boys

Why is it easy to give birth to a boy in the fall of August and September pregnancy? Because this season a man's sperm is the strongest period, if a man's Y sperm motility is strong, the chances of preparing to get pregnant and give birth to a boy at this time are greater.

2. Pregnancy in December and January in winter is easy to give birth to boys

Throughout the year, Winter December and January are the most exuberant events for men's sperm, during which time the fertilized sperm enters the woman's vagina with more Y sperm, and the chance of giving birth to a boy is greater.

3. It is easy for women to give birth to boys during ovulation

The two choose to have intercourse on the day of ovulation in women, at this time it is easy to give birth to a boy after conception, thinking that at this time, the woman's vaginal secretions are alkaline and more conducive to sperm survival, which can shorten the time for sperm and follicles to meet, improve the binding rate of sperm and egg cells, and have a greater chance of having a baby boy.

4. It is easy to have a boy if you conceive in the same room from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m

Male sperm is the most active thing at 5 pm to 7 pm, choose this time period of intercourse, sperm increase survival rate, pregnancy after the birth of male baby is more likely.

In 2022, Thai IVF gave birth to boys for more money

Second, what to prepare for a boy before getting pregnant

1. Take calcium tablets every day

Hengjian Overseas recommends that women who are preparing to become pregnant and want more boys can supplement calcium before pregnancy. Mommy has sufficient calcium in her body and her body fluids will be alkaline, which makes it easier to have boys.

2. Measure basal body temperature

Want to give birth to a baby boy, before preparing to have sex with the baby, do a good job of measuring body temperature every day, under normal circumstances, the body temperature within the normal range is higher is the ovulation period, which can improve the chance of giving birth to a boy.

3. Use condoms for contraception

Avoid taking birth control pills before pregnancy and use condoms so that they do not cause damage to the woman's vagina and body.

In 2022, Thai IVF gave birth to boys for more money

4. Determine the date of ovulation

Of course, in addition to measuring the body temperature every day, you can also choose to have sex on the day of ovulation, and the general cervical mucus is often the day of ovulation.

5. Continue to supplement calcium

It is also determined that natural calcium should also be taken after pregnancy, which can help improve the acidity and alkalinity in the body and help increase the chances of having a boy.

6. Diet regulation

In general, women's vaginas are acidic, and orgasms are suitable for secreting alkaline substances and are very suitable for the survival of Y sperm. It is recommended that women eat more alkaline foods on a daily basis, and men eat more acidic foods that are more conducive to giving birth to boys.

7. The mood of conception is very important

Relatively speaking, the chance of mental relaxation giving birth to a girl is greater when conceiving, and the chance of having a boy is greater when the emotion is tense.

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