
Headphones that support super SIM cards, is it the future or "graphene"?

Although we often say that Apple's products "changed the world with innovation", we have to admit that if we want to innovate products and user needs, it depends on domestic brands. With nuanced insight and "brain-opening" creativity, those designs that make us exclaim "this can do" are often born in the hands of domestic brands. One of the best examples is the vivo APEX, a mobile phone that was stunning at CES that year, and the design of the lifting camera makes a complete full screen possible, while also leading the pioneer of innovation in the mobile phone industry. Xiaomi bracelets and various speaker speakers, which have single-handedly pulled down the price of smart bracelets to the price of 100 yuan, have also played a leading role in the industry

A few years later, a headset product created by a domestic brand also wants to lead the headphone category to create the next era, some time ago, Tsinghua Unigroup's Tsinghua Guowei launched an "epoch-making" "technology single product" - Eoy cloud headphones on the Internet of Things development service provider Ziyou Technology. Everyone may feel curious, the real wireless headphones can only be regarded as mobile phone accessories, where is this Eoy cloud headset "independent"?

Headphones that support super SIM cards, is it the future or "graphene"?

The reason is simple: the charging case of this headset can actually insert a SIM card. Yes, this is a "cellular version" of headphones that can be used independently of the mobile phone and can be plugged into the mobile phone card independently of the Internet.

What does the network bring to headphones?

Seeing this, everyone may have some doubts, after all, the real wireless headphones are generally connected to the mobile phone or other devices to use, and it is rare to bring headphones but forget to take the mobile phone. Besides, most people find that the first party who does not bring the mobile phone should go back to get it, and in terms of the current use scenario, the need for TWS headsets to connect to the network alone is still relatively rare. However, from the introduction given by the brand, the brand's product positioning and use scenarios for Eoy cloud headphones are still very clear.

First of all, Eoy cloud headset is a "sound Internet of Things product platform", in addition to the conventional music playback function, due to the SIM card and network connection capabilities, it can also achieve voice Internet access, AI assistant, cluster call and other functions, thanks to the "super SIM card" of the huge storage space, music can also be stored in the mobile phone. From the currently known information, this Eoy cloud headset can easily achieve the function that "traditional headphones" must be connected to the phone to use. Replacing the user's mobile phone with a charging box is believed to be the reason why Eoy cloud headsets dare to play the "independent terminal" logo.

But the question is, will anyone really choose to put down the headphones and use them alone?

From a functional point of view, Eoy cloud headset is not so much an independent terminal, but rather a part of the smart phone function integrated into the charging box of the headset, with the idea of developing a smart terminal to create a new charging box, and finally for the charging box with two headphones. And this charging box is essentially just a smart device that is different from the mobile phone. But unfortunately, as far as the current network ecology is concerned, extracting some of the functions of the smart phone to the smart headset does not bring the competitiveness of being able to mix with the smart phone. To take the simplest example: we can't always use Eoy cloud headphones to show the health code, right?

Headphones that support super SIM cards, is it the future or "graphene"?

As far as the current level of development of the mobile Internet is concerned, we can go out without a wallet, or without a key, but we will definitely not go out without a mobile phone because of a "cellular version of smart headphones". In some cases, it may be inconvenient to carry a mobile phone around, such as when exercising, many people will choose other cellular devices because the mobile phone is bulky and inconvenient to carry, such as using a smart watch that can play music with headphones, or directly using a portable player such as an iPod shuffle. True wireless headphones that integrate network functions can also reflect their product value in this scenario.

But according to keep's previous national sports health trend report, smart watches/bracelets have surpassed the body fat scale and become the second most commonly purchased smart sports products during exercise, and Eoy cloud headphones must face threats from smart watches if they want to take the sports route. The relationship between smart watches and smart bracelets is not a replacement relationship, but a "symbiotic" relationship, so smart watches are more easily accepted by consumers than the so-called "cloud headphones".

Headphones or watches, who is the next generation of smart terminals?

But then again, although at this stage I don't see a market gap belonging to Eoy cloud headphones, from the concept point of view, Eoy cloud headphones are indeed a very forward-looking, and even a little too advanced product. We all know that the status of smart phones "personal smart terminals" is not eternal, just like when smart phones replaced personal computers, smart phones are destined to be replaced by more advanced smart terminals in the future.

Smart watches that mobile phone brands are making efforts, meta-universe ecological hardware that the Internet brand has followed, and even the brain-computer interface devices studied by Neuralink created by Elon Musk, are likely to become the next generation of smart terminals, and like the smart phones of the past, they will change the way we observe the world and communicate.

Headphones that support super SIM cards, is it the future or "graphene"?

Eoy cloud headsets seem to be an ecology without scenes and unable to land from the current point of view, but if we overturn our cognition of smart life, put aside the dependence on smart phones and look at this product, it is not difficult to find that Eoy cloud headsets are essentially a new exploration of future personal smart terminals. Eoy cloud headsets aim to entrust the interaction of smartphones in the form of voice to a wearable device (smart headphones and smart watches are both wearable smart devices), and from this point of view, Eoy cloud headsets are essentially an innovation.

At the same time, the emergence of Eoy cloud headsets also raises a topic worth discussing: smart headphones and smart watches, who is the next generation of smart terminals?

From the perspective of user habits, smart watches are obviously more competitive, after all, the vast majority of modern smart device interactions are based on vision and touch, and smart watches that also use visual and tactile interactions are obviously much less difficult to get started than smart headphones. To know that some smart watches run directly on the full mobile version of the Android system, if there is any mysterious power to make all smart phones disappear overnight, then these smart watches using the Android system are obviously the best alternative.

But if we start at the next level, weaken the influence of smartphones from the source, and transfer digital life functions to a new device, smart headphones are not a bad idea. Unlike smartphones or smart watches that require users to actively check from time to time, smart headsets allow users to accept new messages from smart devices at any time, and smart headsets can also respond to user operations at a faster speed. Looking at it this way, smart headphones do have their own feasibility.

Of course, we can't ignore another situation, that is, these "smart cloud headset" products are essentially just relatives of the "quantum tuning" and "graphene batteries" of that year, which is another attempt by the brand to use network hotspots as marketing. The reason why Apple emphasizes that the next product is aimed at augmented reality rather than metaverse is also to open up the gap with gimmicks.

Headphones that support super SIM cards, is it the future or "graphene"?

Taking Apple's AR glasses as an example, Apple believes that the next outlet of the smart mobile ecosystem is augmented reality and virtual reality, and they are also building related AR and VR devices. As for something as illusory as the metaverse, or a long way from being realized, it is clearly not in Apple's plan at the moment, and in order to prevent false information from being conveyed to the outside world, it is not surprising that Apple simply does not discuss or even prohibits discussion.

However, we should not be conclusive about the future of the product before getting the product, besides, if the short video software can launch a smart headset client in the future, then we don't have to worry about someone opening a speaker in the subway to brush short videos?

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