
South Korea's famous player broke the Olympic record, Han Yutong entered the final to compete for the championship, and China's two players regretted not having the opportunity to qualify

On February 16, Beijing time, the women's 1500 meters of short track speed skating at the Beijing Winter Olympics. In the semi-finals, Zhang Chutong's group bottom did not qualify for the final, and Wang Meng also pointed out that this was a problem of training. Zhang Yuting missed the final, Han Yutong entered the final, Wang Meng once again judged accurately, and the Chinese team's tactics were successful.

South Korea's famous player broke the Olympic record, Han Yutong entered the final to compete for the championship, and China's two players regretted not having the opportunity to qualify

In the women's 1500m short track speed skating competition, the quarter-final competition, Zhang Yuting, Han Yutong and Zhang Chutong were all promoted. In the semi-final match, Zhang Chutong was divided into the first group, and her play in the game began to be good, but as the game progressed, her physical fitness problems occurred, and she was gradually pulled apart by the team, and the last line was crossed, and the group was at the bottom of the game. It can be seen that when there are still 5 rounds left, Zhang Chutong lost the opportunity and did not qualify for the final.

South Korea's famous player broke the Olympic record, Han Yutong entered the final to compete for the championship, and China's two players regretted not having the opportunity to qualify
South Korea's famous player broke the Olympic record, Han Yutong entered the final to compete for the championship, and China's two players regretted not having the opportunity to qualify

Zhang Chutong was the last group to play in the quarter-finals, and the semi-finals were the first group to play, which was indeed a test for her, but Wang Meng also pointed out that this was a training problem, and the physical fitness was not in place. Zhang Yuting and Han Yutong are both in the third group, and the same group is also south Korean famous Choi Minjing, Who played very strongly in the quarterfinals and won the first place in the group.

In the semi-finals, the top two in the group and the third place with the best results can enter the final. After the start of the game, Zhang Yuting was still in a favorable position, Han Yutong was relatively behind, and Cui Minjing had 3 laps left to rush to the first place. In the last moment, Han Yutong achieved a rebound, suddenly rising to the second place, and she and Cui Minjing entered the final. Cui Minjing also set a new Olympic record, breaking Zhou Yang's Olympic record, and Han Yutong entered the final.

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