
After CJ's essay, Halliburton also wrote a handwritten letter

All-star live broadcast inventory, three days of excitement. The Chinese face reappears on All-Star Weekend, and the offline game goes on and on. Who is the focus of this time?

Here it comes! Since CJ, Halliburton has also released his own handwritten letter, successfully turning the NBA transfer into a "new concept" essay contest.

It can only be said that the NBA is also getting more and more volumeted, and it is embarrassing to say that it is traded without any writing.

However, compared with the character stories written by the American media, the biggest advantage of the autograph letter is that it can know more details and mental processes in the transfer of players.

Although Halliburton is not popular and does not have many fans, if he does grow into a superstar, this article may become a footnote in his life.

After CJ's essay, Halliburton also wrote a handwritten letter

Halliburton writes:

Thirty minutes – that's all the time this exchange took. Last week, in just half an hour, my mood shifted from "I'm going to stay in Sacramento for the next ten years" to experiencing the biggest accident of my entire life.

The deal starts at 10am on Tuesday, two days before the closing date.

When the agent called me, I had just finished breakfast at home and the first thing that came to my mind when I saw his phone call was that maybe he would tell me some inside information about the team trading other players.

But the result was very different, "Man, I want to come and tell you first, you may be traded." ”

Seriously, I think he's joking with me. I felt like, Come on, the team won't trade me, don't me here. ”

After CJ's essay, Halliburton also wrote a handwritten letter

But two seconds later, I realized he was serious... I mean, I know it sounds a bit like filming, but imagine suddenly learning about a family member or a close friend, the feeling of emptiness that my heart has stopped for a few seconds, throughout my body and mind, and that's how I felt.

After hanging up the phone, I went into the bathroom and sat quietly on the counter by the sink. A few minutes later, my girlfriend came in and asked me what had happened. When I told her I might be traded, she didn't believe it at first, but when she knew it was true, she started to get a little worried. So I said, "Let's wait and see what happens in the next few days, it's not a big deal." ”

Then, within five minutes, my phone rang again, again from my agent.

He said on the other end of the phone, "Indiana, there's a good chance you're going to Indiana." ”

"What a ?????"

"I'll keep in touch with you at all times."

After a minute or so, at most 90 seconds, my phone was on again. I looked at the screen and the name on it was Monte, the general manager of our team, Monte McNair. I didn't want to lie, and my heart sank to the bottom of the ocean when I saw the name pop up on my phone. I knew then that the deal had been made.

After CJ's essay, Halliburton also wrote a handwritten letter

It was a very brief conversation, very direct on both sides.

"Man, I just want you to know that we made a deal in which we sent you to Indiana and I hope you're all right."

After that we seemed to have said a few words, and we both said thank you. Then I hung up the phone, muted it, and couldn't stop crying.

Eventually, I picked up myself up and sent a brief message to the rest of the team so that the rest of the team could hear from me.

I sent a short but loving message: "I've just been traded to the Pacers, and I love all of you." ”

"Shut up."

"Don't make a fuss."

"Why are you kidding this?"

"You're lying."

"Don't be funny here."

But a while later, Tristan Thompson also sent a message saying he was also traded. I think at that point, everybody realized it was true.

Minutes later, reporters tweeted the deal.

That's how it was, and from the "non-sale" to the 30 minutes I was traded, I spent more time queuing up at the Cool Stone Dessert Shop than that.

After CJ's essay, Halliburton also wrote a handwritten letter

For me, in the hours after the announcement, things became more and more blurry, and I received a whole bunch of phone calls and text messages from family and friends. David Mitchell was the first person to call me. I also talked to Buddy Hield and my best buddy Rick Haynes, and Coach Gentry and Coach Wharton also contacted me. I talked to De Aaron Fox for about half an hour, and Harrison Barnes called me, and his call was one of the most encouraging and supportive I've ever received.

Then Meitu called me, and in fact, he made a video call to me. Usually, it wasn't a big deal, but my tears were still pouring out. My feeling was, "Do I really want Meitu to sit here and watch me cry?" ”

So when I picked up my phone, I put it on the table and pointed the camera at the ceiling. It wasn't my best moment... But sometimes life is like that, you know what I mean?

Unconsciously, friends started coming to my house to see if I was doing well — IY (our video coordinator and one of my best friends), Miggy (our equipment manager), Joel (our assistant trainer), Lucas (our assistant equipment manager), all of whom showed up at my doorstep and sat with me. In the evening, there were a whole bunch of people in my house, and the support of these people meant a lot to me.

All of us couldn't believe I was really leaving. I promise, if you did a poll of our dressing room that morning and asked, "Which guy on this team would most like to stay in Sacramento for the long haul?" "Everybody will say it's me.

I think this is also the cause of those tears and sadness, I think I am too early to separate from my beloved Sa Cheng.

After CJ's essay, Halliburton also wrote a handwritten letter

I really, really, really gave sacramento everything I had, and I wasn't shy about it, I would tell people directly, "I want to be the next Chris Weber of Sacramento." ”

That's my mindset, I want to be a player who makes my mark where I'm chosen – both on the pitch and in life. I want to be someone who lets sacramento people know that I'm right there for them and will help them at any time.

One of the things that hurt me about this deal is that I think I'm just starting to make some lasting connections with people in this community. I've come to know many dedicated and inspired leaders in the city: founders of charities, students who strive to make the community better (a tribute to my little brother Monin-Claude at Christian Brothers High School!). Every day there are people who are willing to dedicate their time to trying to make things around each person better. I love being with people like that, and I have a lot of cool ideas to work with like guys and give them some help I can.

So, leaving the Sacramento neighborhood was harder for me than anything.

Unless you've experienced these things yourself, it's hard to really understand what it means, but being traded... It's not just about being "traded". It will end up hurting you in a lot of ways. Honestly, it's like it's hard not to start doubting yourself, am I not playing well enough? Am I not doing enough? Or did I do something wrong?

However, I know in my heart that I haven't done anything wrong, but in a situation like this, it's hard not to think about these things, and they automatically jump out of your head.

After CJ's essay, Halliburton also wrote a handwritten letter

Another thing I always think about is this: I miss everything about Sacramento. I don't want to lie, I'm going to be sitting on the couch watching TV in the future and suddenly remember: Damn, Kevin... That guy is the best barber I've ever met, he cut his hair so nicely and always says something that no one else understands, I'm going to think of this guy! Or I'll be on the plane, for some reason, thinking of my dog (Ames) and surely missing his good friend Rover (the neighbor's dog) very much. This kind of thing will flood my mind over and over again.

But at the same time, I know I'm going to face reality, and even though I'm sad to be out of this team and the city, I'm excited about the future.

As a Midwestern, playing for the Pacers is bound to be very exciting. Indiana is not far from my hometown of Oshkosh, within a short drive, and I know my family will be happy about it.

But let me be clearer – the point is not that I'm closer to home, but that I win the game.

The Pacers have a great history, and I'm under the impression that they make the playoffs almost every year, and this team knows what it takes to win. Also, playing for Coach Carlisle, a coach who has won championships and coached some of the top players, is significant to me.

I also really like the Pacers' roster, Miles Turner is a player with a lot of skill packs — he's able to protect the basket and lay the groundwork for our defense.

Also, I can't wait to play with Lance Stephenson because I grew up as a James fan... I used to dislike him, but he did his job very well, so now there's no problem for me to be teammates with him.

And the rookie Chris Duarte, I've always watched him play and I really like his style of play. Seriously, I can name everyone on the team roster, we have a good squad and I think we're going to be a big problem in the East very soon.

After CJ's essay, Halliburton also wrote a handwritten letter

Now, I really feel like I'm needed, and that feeling is better than anything. I'm thankful for the Pacers for trusting me and I'm very humble about being able to switch to an All-Star player (Sabonis). Also, I know the Pacers aren't going to give Sabonis for a bad player, and I think I'm going to be part of the Pacers' core lineup and lead this team forward, and I'm going to go the extra mile until I lead this team back to its former glory.

I'm very serious about this goal, which means a lot of responsibility, but this level of responsibility is what I've always aspired to, something I've been striving for throughout my life. I'm ready to embark on this new journey.

I came to Indiana to make my mark and help this team do something special. I came to Indiana to make a mark that makes Pacers fans proud.

I'm here to be the best Tyrese Halliburton.

Past Reading: Harden came and went, and he changed from Mr. Billion dollar to an All-Star

After CJ's essay, Halliburton also wrote a handwritten letter

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