
Huizhou looking for relatives: The sixty-year-old woman was rescued, said that her name was Wei Lan, wearing a black winter coat, and a fujian Longyan person

author:Headlines looking for people

Recipient's Name: Wei Lan (Self-statement)

Recipient gender: Female

Age of the recipient: 60

Family Search Number: 8613

Reason for assistance: Other

Characteristics of the recipients: suspected mental abnormalities, occasionally talking to themselves, wearing a black winter coat, a dark blue sweatshirt, black trousers, black leather shoes, wearing a jade pendant around the neck, 1 meter 6 high; Latest information: Self-reported wei lan, Fujian Longyan Shanghang County or Wuping County

Assistance time: 2021-04-23

Recipients: Guangdong Province/ Huizhou City / Longmen County Transportation Bureau

Contact unit: Longmen County Rescue Management Station

Contact number: 13631958797

Additional Information:

Huizhou looking for relatives: The sixty-year-old woman was rescued, said that her name was Wei Lan, wearing a black winter coat, and a fujian Longyan person

Toutiao Search is a free public welfare project launched by Toutiao today, dedicated to helping all kinds of separated families reunite. If someone in your family is missing, or you need to look for a long-lost relative, you can submit a request for help through the Headline Finder Mini Program. Open today's headlines to search for "tracing" to submit information, if you have any questions, please consult the tracing email: [email protected]

【Headlines anti-fraud reminder】

Solemn declaration: Toutiao tracing is a free public welfare project for the whole country, and the tracing service we provide will not charge any fee. Please don't believe any stranger asking you to send money, transfer money, or pay for the search through phone calls, text messages, beware of being deceived!

Huizhou looking for relatives: The sixty-year-old woman was rescued, said that her name was Wei Lan, wearing a black winter coat, and a fujian Longyan person

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