
Nostalgic prose: under the snow outside the window, the house is hot and warm, and the wine on the kang is fragrant

author:Muraguchi Kosaketsu
Nostalgic prose: under the snow outside the window, the house is hot and warm, and the wine on the kang is fragrant

Life is like a movie, there will be a few unforgettable clips that often haunt the mind, occasionally remembered, as if it were yesterday. For me, the most unforgettable thing is the winter scene when I lived in my grandfather's house in the countryside as a child.

At that time, Grandpa's family still lived in a low earthen house, with two crumpled wooden doors, and the annual rings were written with traces carved by wind and frost. The wooden door is locked at the top, the iron ring is hooked, it is easy not to lock, every household in the village is like this, whose door key is locked, it must be out of the far door, will not come to live for a while and a half.

Entering the door is the outhouse, relatively spacious, a stove, a row of large red low cabinets, which contain rice flour grain and oil, on the left is the grandfather set up a "study", which has become a storage room, I have written an article, here will not be repeated. On the right hand side is the back room, a kang occupies half of the room, the rest of the place is allocated to the sofa, coffee table, red cabinet, writing desk, and the middle has to leave the space of the stove, the already small room is suddenly cramped.

The sofa, the coffee table, and the writing desk are all old things, the uncles moved to replace them, and the grandfather was not willing to throw it away, nor was he willing to sell it to the waste collection station at a low price, so that the uncle of the same village set a carriage, and pulled it back from the city and placed it in the house. The sofa and the coffee table are matching, the common kind in the eighties, a coffee table in the middle of the two sofas, the coffee table is covered with glass plates, and the photos are placed under the glass plates, and various cushions are pushed on top, anti-slip and anti-scalding. The couch had collapsed, and when I sat down, the springs made a rattling sound from time to time, although this was not common in the village. The writing desk was a great responsibility, it was both a TV cabinet and a storage box, two drawers were stuffed, Grandma's sewing box, Grandpa's razor blade, copper coins picked up in the field, these two drawers were my treasure hunt, nothing to turn over, hoping for something new to appear.

The most important thing in the back room is Kang. The people in the village call kang and call it "hot kang".

Nostalgic prose: under the snow outside the window, the house is hot and warm, and the wine on the kang is fragrant

Kang is connected to the stove of foreign objects, the partition of the fire wall, winter is also connected to the stove, so, Kang is really hot Kang, as long as you boil water to cook Kang will be hot, in winter, as long as the fire is not extinguished, Kang is always hot, sometimes the home with more fire, mat at the bottom of the Kang mat will bake the taste of the years, hay taste.

On the dam in winter, the white hair wind and snow blow endlessly, greatly restricting the outdoor activities of the villagers, everyone has no way, had to sickle into the warehouse, cattle and sheep into the circle, as for people, in addition to going to the toilet, can not go out without going out, love to play, get together to play cards, do not love to play, nestled on the hot kang to drink and watch TV and listen to the radio, I have always felt that the reason why people in the hometown love to drink, it is from this.

The winter days of my hometown are not useless, and it has a very beautiful moment - snow.

When the snow came, the white hair wind that cut people's faces stopped, and the pieces of snowflakes did not need to be described by adjectives, really like a flower. They fluttered on the earthen walls, on the earth roof, on the ground, and covered the frozen mud with a quilt, hoping to warm up their year's labor.

When it snows, I will definitely lie on the windowsill to watch the snow, the window sill is a foot higher than the kang, just allow me to lean on it in a comfortable posture, the face is infinitely close to the glass, when the tip of the nose feels cold, it will no longer move, the exhaled breath in the mouth will flutter to the cold glass, forming the whole piece of paper, without a pen to draw the picture in the heart, the painting is not good, the palm is wiped, and then again.

The grandparents on the snowy day also showed a happy look despite their old age. Grandpa went to the stove together on the stove to stew his small casserole, which contains small pieces of meat, potatoes, cabbage, vermicelli, tofu, dried beans, anyway can be boiled together a brain put into it and no longer care, sometimes stewed overheated, the meat is soft and rotten to the chopsticks can not be clamped, the potatoes are spongy to the entrance that melts, the noodles are broken, the tofu is the most miserable, only a little slag is left, and the rest is integrated into the soup.

Grandpa loved to be lively, and as long as the casserole was propped up on the stove, he would summon a few of his old men to drink. A few old men did not care about the time, drank the day after drinking, talked about the day and drank again, did not want to drink, came to a cup of hot tea, lit a pot of cigarettes, leisurely and leisurely unscrewed the two bricks of the radio to listen to opera, chat, sing the sound of drama do not disturb each other, do not bother each other.

Nostalgic prose: under the snow outside the window, the house is hot and warm, and the wine on the kang is fragrant

Grandma and a few old ladies sat cross-legged on the kangtou, doing needlework to do needlework, drinking tea, and some old ladies smelled the wine of the old men, and they would also ask for a small wine cup to drink a sip to relieve their hunger. If the old ladies had the spirit, they would also play a card game called "hanging paste", similar to mahjong, where they won beans and had fun.

The old yellow cat at home will find the most comfortable, it will nest next to the old ladies' crossed legs, one will run to the kang table and squint, one will jump off the kang to turn around a few times, is not willing to play with me. Don't blame it, I always pull its tail and shelve it to annoy me.

I don't like to look at grandma and old people hanging paste, can't understand. I love watching the guys drink. The old man drank, just one word "slow". Anything in the world, when slowed down, can show fun. Only to see them lift their wine glasses, touch them gently or bump on their respective tables, wine to their lips, eyes slightly closed, their faces soothed, smacking and swallowing, as if they had done important work, their brows unfurled in a flash, and their smiles followed. Put down the wine glass, clip a dried bean carob to eat section by section, the aroma of wine mixed with the aroma of vegetables mixed with the aroma of meat spread out, drunk the house, smoke warm the sky.

To be honest, the earthen house is not warm, and the shady walls are often frozen, but in my heart, this is the warmest house I have ever lived in in my life. Hot kang is my wanton world, grandparents are the only people who have no requirements for me, oh, maybe they also have requirements, but it is not a good study in the mouth of the parents every day, they only look forward to the safety of their children and grandchildren, if they are not mixed well outside, go home, the hot kang head can warm the body, the wine can warm the stomach, and the cottage can warm the heart.

Nostalgic prose: under the snow outside the window, the house is hot and warm, and the wine on the kang is fragrant

Many years later, my grandparents who loved me passed away, and the earthen house that sheltered my childhood joy was turned into a brick house and changed owners. But in my heart, they have always been by my side, whenever I encounter setbacks, grievances, physical and mental tiredness will appear, smile and say to me: "Tired, sleepy, tired, lie down on the hot kang head, no worries." ”

Unfortunately, I no longer have a hot kiln, I live in a high-rise building, I walk in the traffic, I often cry when I dream back in the middle of the night, perhaps, because I can no longer catch the falling snowflakes, let the cold it slip into the heart.

Original is not easy, please pay attention to the village mouth tavern or the public number of the same name

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