
Why is it said that the more anxious women are, the worse their body will be?

As soon as Gu Ailing had a game, the hot search was all her.

Recently, with the popularity of Gu Ailing herself, many of her "sober speeches" have also followed the fire, for example, the number of netizens who speak out for "abandoning body anxiety" on the Internet has suddenly skyrocketed.

Even in a book on the social platform where body anxiety is most concentrated, many girls are amazed by Gu Ailing's weight of 130 pounds but has a tight figure.

Why is it said that the more anxious women are, the worse their body will be?

Seeing so many girls suddenly wake up, a sister really has a hundred million points of relief.

Because "weight and body shape can not be linked" this thing, the fitness circle has been talking about it for many years.

But no matter how conscientious bloggers play for their lives, they can't resist the fact that women with body anxiety are getting more and more every year.

Why is it said that the more anxious women are, the worse their body will be?

If you want to look good, you must become thinner and continue to lose weight. This has become the basic policy of beauty for many women.

And Gu Ailing is using her huge influence to strive to make "body and weight irrelevant" in the true sense of the consensus of the majority of women (especially growing teenagers), to help everyone get rid of the quagmire of body anxiety.

Why is it said that the more anxious women are, the worse their body will be?

The people who can do this, there really has been no one else in these years. Although the previous girl groups and supermodels have also blown a lot of wind, no one has really stood up and expressed their views.

So at this point, Yijie wants to give Gu Ailing crazy praise.

Why is it necessary to curb body anxiety in time?

Because body anxiety for women's body beauty not only does not play any role in promoting, it will also become a kind of mental internal friction, so that you are more and more far away from successful beauty.

Why is it said that the more anxious women are, the worse their body will be?

Why anxious people

Must you not get what you want?

People have a need for beauty, and the body is part of beauty.

Ordinary people's yearning for a good body is actually very normal, but yearning is not the same as anxiety.

Anxiety is not what you want to get, but seeing that you have nothing and what you lack, and therefore constantly feeling depressed and sad.

If you have such a perception of your body, you may be in some state of body anxiety.

A lot of times, we start something because of anxiety.

For example, the original intention of many women to lose weight is to feel that they do not have the figure of a celebrity Internet celebrity, their figure is not good enough, and they cannot wear the desired effect when wearing clothes.

Why is it said that the more anxious women are, the worse their body will be?

But anxiety isn't really a goal, and it can't be the motivation to keep you doing one thing.

Because anxiety does not represent your rational pursuits, but your greed. I often wonder why I don't have it, and I want to get it quickly.

Therefore, many women with body anxiety would rather spend most of their energy on finding shortcuts than seriously start trying scientific body management paths.

They are prone to trust a lot of weight loss IQ taxes, and even desperately put their own health into it.

But it is difficult for them to give up these IQ taxes and self-harm. Because doing nothing is the most anxious time, the torture of yourself is even greater.

Body anxiety can also make many women very sensitive to changes in body shape, such as weight exceeding three digits, which will become very nervous. The calf is slightly swollen, and it is considered to be long muscle.

Why is it said that the more anxious women are, the worse their body will be?

This makes them afraid to exercise. Because I am worried that "sports will make muscles not look good" and "sports will make weight rise".

Compared with the useless or even harmful IQ tax, the various sports that can really help lose weight, promote health and anti-aging are "very cost-effective, risky and uncertain" in their eyes.

This makes people fall into infinite entanglements and dare not act.

Why is it said that the more anxious women are, the worse their body will be?

Many people know that they are not very good, dieting and weight loss are not right, they should exercise more, but it is all kinds of fear, all kinds of entanglements.

I'd rather struggle for a lifetime than take the time to completely change myself.

Shrouded in this anxiety for a long time, people are still easy to be trapped in their own world, and slowly form a paranoid view of the body.

Why is it said that the more anxious women are, the worse their body will be?

Think that people should not grow muscles this kind of thing is not mentioned, many people with body anxiety, when facing a good figure, the first thing is not to give affirmation, but will first find deficiencies. Whether it's for yourself or for others.

This is the "error correction mentality" that the first sister talked about before.

People with a corrective mentality cannot objectively look at their own or other people's bodies, but sometimes they are very harsh and have problems with looking at everything.

Why is it said that the more anxious women are, the worse their body will be?

Either selectively ignore your own body strengths, or you can infinitely magnify your weaknesses.

The result of this is that I am always dissatisfied with my body.

It may be that this part of the women began to want to change their figure due to anxiety, but the anxiety never ended the day.

Therefore, body anxiety is completely to bring people into the pit. Ordinary people with severe body anxiety, in fact, none of them are on the right path to body beauty.

Body anxiety is a kind of mental exhaustion. Not only does it have no meaning in itself, but it doesn't even make sense to become beautiful.

Women don't get more and more beautiful because they are more and more anxious about their body. If body anxiety really has a spurious effect, then the streets are now full of fairy figures.

Body anxiety is too heavy, and in the end it can only cause the opposite effect. We've seen too many such examples.

It may be that vomiting becomes skinny due to anorexia, it may be overeating and regaining weight, it may be that wearing a tunic damages the abdomen and internal organs, it may be that in the process of wasted exercise, the body is out of place, the muscle content is decreasing, the metabolism is getting slower and slower, and the more it is to lose, the easier it is to gain weight.

Why is it said that the more anxious women are, the worse their body will be?

△ This is the same as excessive medical beauty but plastic surgery failure is a reason.

Relying on reasonable exercise, relying on scientific diet, relying on the correct route of accumulating time to get a good body, only those who are not affected by body anxiety can persist.

This is also the reason why a sister not only talks about dry goods, but also must take everyone out of unprovoked body anxiety.

Because what everyone lacks is really more than just the right way. The mentality is not right, no matter how good the method is, it is in vain, and it is just a circle around the goal, and it is impossible to succeed.

Why is it said that the more anxious women are, the worse their body will be?

The figure becomes beautiful

Requires a large heart

Today' hot search for Gu Ailing to eat leek boxes between competitions is what she personally shows everyone what a big heart is.

Why is it said that the more anxious women are, the worse their body will be?

Big heart, in the meaning of sports circles is not chaotic. In fact, if we want to become beautiful, we must also have a corresponding big heart and truly control the body in our own hands.

First of all, you must have the ability to look at your body objectively. Everyone's figure will not be perfect, and the figure is "a little buggy", which is the norm in the world.

Why is it said that the more anxious women are, the worse their body will be?

△ Even supermodels have five or five points.

But no matter how many bugs you have, you need to look at it calmly. Otherwise, it is easy to panic and choose the way.

Think more about which body problems you really want to solve, and which problems are just your own anxiety. If it's just anxiety, then you have to consider abandoning it, even if you want to, you can't get it.

If it is what you want to pursue, you should strive to pursue it according to the scientific method and practice true knowledge.

Don't always get caught up in mental attrition and go around in circles.

Why is it said that the more anxious women are, the worse their body will be?

Each body shape corresponds to a state of life. For ordinary people, there are actually many options for body beauty.

What we need to find is a sustainable state that is helpful to life.

For example, dancers and female celebrities may deliberately maintain a very low weight due to the requirements of their profession and need to control their diet extremely.

Why is it said that the more anxious women are, the worse their body will be?

Their thinness may not be good for their health, but they will achieve higher artistic attainments or considerable financial returns because of their strict management.

But when ordinary people do this, they only feel the double torture of body and mind.

A thin figure that is maintained by not being afraid to eat, and does not discuss beauty, is first of all a lack of positive meaning for your life.

Trying to get fit, trying to exercise, although in the end we may not necessarily become fitness coaches and become professional athletes, but sports really allow us to have a better quality of life and enjoy life more.

It helps you find the sense of accomplishment that you have broken through, makes you eat more calmly, makes you age more slowly, and has the opportunity to tap more of your life possibilities.

△ Shanghai 70-year-old fitness grandmother.

A good figure is nothing more than an accessory to exercise. As Gu Ailing said, beauty is self-confidence and power.

Why is it said that the more anxious women are, the worse their body will be?

It is precisely because of her physical self-confidence and positive inner strength that she is so beautiful and infectious.

Beauty is more than just a shell. The beauty of the empty appearance is often short-lived. And a core that exudes energy will be more beautiful and lasting.

Hopefully, we can all be like this.

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