
American Technology's Declaration of Independence

author:York 218

Let's take a look at how the US Empire became the strongest empire of Blue Star in a short history of more than 200 years.

We all know that the United States has a Declaration of Independence and its important influence, but do you know that it also has a technological "Declaration of Independence"?

American Technology's Declaration of Independence

Henry. Augustus. Roland (1848-1901) was the first president of the American Physical Society. At that time, the United States was thriving, but it was not yet a scientific and technological power, and American goods were synonymous with cheap and low quality. As a physicist, Roland was heartbroken to see the manifestations of social impetuosity and vanity. In 1883 he gave a famous speech "Appeal for Pure Science", which pointed directly to the wrong attitude of the United States towards science, known as the "Declaration of Independence" in science and technology, and is still deafening to read today.

"I would like to tell you about the progress my fellow citizens have made in science and the noble efforts they have made. But I went out to collect grain and ended up getting only some tare weight. Noble ears of wheat occasionally rose in the weeds, but they were so few that my fellow citizens did not know them. American science is something of the future, not something of the present or the past. From my standpoint, the right thing to do is to consider how to create the physical sciences in this country, rather than studying the telegraph and electric lights in the name of science. ”

"I don't want to underestimate the value of these things, the progress of the world depends on them, and the people who successfully invent them are respected." Yet a chef inventing a new dish can also benefit the world, but can we call him a chemist? It is not uncommon in American newspapers to confuse applied science with basic science; some obscure man stole the ideas of a great man of the past and enriched himself by developing its applications, making him more praised than the founder of the idea, and if his thought had the necessary elements to cater to the world, he might have created hundreds of similar applications. I am often asked which is more important to the world, pure science or applied science. To apply science, pure science must exist. ”

"We have accepted the science of the old world and applied it to all our applications, accepting it like rain in the sky without asking where it came from, and like rain this pure science has descended upon our country and made him great, rich and powerful."

American Technology's Declaration of Independence

Nature's "Appeal for Pure Science"

Reading his article, it was as if the humiliation of a hundred years ago was at hand. China was once the most glorious civilization in the world, with all the fruits of human progress, but for centuries we were stagnant and far behind by industrial civilization. The cannons of the strong ships smashed open the door of our country, the people were slaughtered at will, the wealth was wantonly plundered, and only after countless benevolent people threw their heads and spilled their blood, we returned to peace. Chairman Mao made Chinese people stand up, and when Deng Gong set the tone for reform and opening up, Chinese rose to catch up, and in more than 40 years we developed from an insignificant backward country to the world's second largest economy, China no longer only exports clothing and toys, but also exports our scientific and technological products and infrastructure to the world. Our country is on the right path, but it is far from the time to be proud.

Take a look at this article, Henry. Isn't the wrong attitude toward science in the United States, which Roland accuses, the same attitude of our society today? Celebrities are popular with generous rewards, scientists are unknown, how many tech columns can you see when you turn on the TV? Businessmen use scientific and technological achievements to make a variety of so-called "innovations", "a treasure", "a Q", "a certain east" Internet giants wantonly harvest social wealth, what is their promotion of basic science? All kinds of shelled APPS are stuffed with the mobile phone market, which is not to cater to short-term impulsive desires, squeezing out the time for people to study and work or even rest?

The Chinese government recognizes the importance of developing basic science and has greatly improved the treatment of scientific and technological workers, but it is still insufficient, and we are far behind the United States in attracting the world's top talent.

The public should pay less attention to the stars, shift their attention to technology and social economy, and educate children to become scientists as their first ideal, rather than to go to art schools and civil servants.

At present, the Most powerful thing in the UNITED States' encirclement of China is the sanctions against high-tech enterprises, and the United States knows that scientific and technological hegemony is the foundation of its financial hegemony and military hegemony, and if the cornerstone of science and technology is shaken, then other hegemons will cease to exist. Therefore, we must protect our own high-tech enterprises, give priority to the purchase of our own high-tech products as much as possible, and help them overcome the BLOCKADE of the United States, and I believe that when Chinese science and technology stand at the peak of the world, it is the day when our nation returns to the peak of the world.

American Technology's Declaration of Independence
American Technology's Declaration of Independence

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