
Inspirational! Aerial skills 6 Winter Olympics 5 silver medals, Xu Mengtao won gold, took off the cashier hat

In the Beijing Winter Olympics Free Skating Women's Aerial Skills Challenge, China's Xu Mengtao overpowered the crowd in the final jump, and won the championship with a high score of 108.61, which is the reward of her perseverance for 16 years, and it is also the champion of the Chinese women's aerial skills team to break the spell. After the game, she laughed to herself and said: This gold medal is everyone's gold medal, the gold medal of the air skills team members, and we finally took off the cashier's hat.

Inspirational! Aerial skills 6 Winter Olympics 5 silver medals, Xu Mengtao won gold, took off the cashier hat

Is the free skating women's aerial skill team a cashier? This title is a bit disrespectful to people, but it is also a title given by the grades! Because from the 1994 free skating women's aerial skills were officially included in the Winter Olympics, to the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, a total of 7 events, the last 6 events, the Chinese team won 5 silver medals.

In 1990, free skating officially entered the Winter Olympics, in 1994, the Norwegian Lillehammer Winter Olympics, aerial skills also became a small event in freestyle skiing, this time aerial skills entered the big stage of the Winter Olympics, the first gold medal was won by Uzbekistan's Cherdiazova!

Inspirational! Aerial skills 6 Winter Olympics 5 silver medals, Xu Mengtao won gold, took off the cashier hat

Free skating aerial skills are a strong point for the Chinese team, but from the 1998 Nagano Winter Olympics, the Chinese team began a nightmarish "cashier" journey, in 1998, the main player Guo Dandan was injured in training and only finished 7th, but the 16-year-old young player Xu Yuanyuan stepped forward and won a silver medal, which was acceptable at the time.

Inspirational! Aerial skills 6 Winter Olympics 5 silver medals, Xu Mengtao won gold, took off the cashier hat

In 2002, China's Li Nina only won the 5th place, and in the following four Winter Olympics, the Chinese team won four consecutive silver medals: Li Nina was silver in 2006, Li Nina was still silver in 2010, Guo Xinxin won the bronze medal, in 2014, Xu Mengtao regretted that he was silver, Zhang Xin was silver in 2018, and Kong Fanyu won the bronze medal.

Inspirational! Aerial skills 6 Winter Olympics 5 silver medals, Xu Mengtao won gold, took off the cashier hat

From 1998 to 2018, 6 Winter Olympics, free skating women's aerial skills competition, the Chinese team won 5 silver medals, and recently 4 consecutive silver medals, which shows how uncomfortable the team members are, and now in 2022, at the Beijing Winter Olympics, history has been rewritten, Xu Mengtao helped the Chinese team win the first gold medal in the event!

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