
Bedtime stories | a dream of an apple tree

Bedtime stories | a dream of an apple tree

Every morning, the sleeping apple groves wake up in the faint morning light. Whenever the apple trees woke up, they would come together to talk about the good dreams they had last night in a rustling voice.

"I dreamed that my branches were covered with many big apples, and the children sang and danced, and circled around me, and each child picked an apple. The best part, though, is that just where each child picked the apple, a complete apple tree immediately grew. Then from all corners of the world came more children, and together they gathered around this new apple tree, turning, turning..." said an apple tree full of beautiful flowers.

The other apple tree was a little shy, and her flowers seemed to be still immersed in the colorful dream of last night: "I dreamed that after a heavy rain, my fruit emitted a colorful beam of light in the sun. From a distance, I became a splendid rainbow tree..."

The dreams of these apple trees drifted through the woods with their whispers and the aroma of apple blossoms.

But suddenly, everyone was quiet...

It turned out that the youngest little apple tree was still dreaming sweetly, and she slept soundly!

The big apple tree wants to know what the little apple tree saw in the dream, and the big apple tree gently shakes the little apple tree awake, but the little apple tree that wakes up looks lost and sad.

"Honey, what good things did you see in your dreams?" All the big apple trees asked in unison.

"My dream is the best dream in the world!" The little apple tree said, "You know what? For the apple tree, this is the best dream, I dreamed of one of my branches, long, long, all the way to the clouds in the sky, and also produced an apple... This apple grows very, very big... It's great... In the end my big apple grew as big as the sun in the sky! ”

"But, it's really unlucky, but at this time, you woke me up... If only I could grow an apple that big all the way up to the highest heaven! No one could pick her up there, and no bird could touch her. ”

So, all day, the little apple tree stopped talking to other big trees, and only thought about her beautiful dream that had been interrupted. She longed so longing for her apple to grow bigger, bigger, bigger and more beautiful than all the apples, so that she could proudly say, "Look, what a beautiful apple, she belongs to me, only to me." ”

The night came quietly, and all the apple trees fell asleep. However, the little apple tree wakes up from her confused sleep from time to time, looking up at the top of her head again and again, maybe her dream is becoming a reality! Behold, there was a branch that suddenly became thick and long, and stretched all the way to the clouds...

Little Apple Tree felt that this must be nature, the magician, secretly helping her realize her dreams. So, in order to make her long branches bigger and stronger, she sent all the nutrients in her body. In an instant, all but the thickest branch had withered.

The last flower that stayed on the long branch gave birth to an apple on the white cloud, and this apple grew faster and larger, and it grew red and round, and it was unimaginably large.

Little Apple Tree really had to wonder if she was in a dream again, was this her apple? What a wonderful apple!

In the blink of an eye, it was another morning.

However, the Big Apple replaced the rising sun. She was too big, too big to block the other apple trees, so that they could not see a trace of sunlight.

Everything on the ground was shrouded in huge shadows.

The flowers of the original blooming apple trees were all hanging their heads and dying, but the little apple tree ignored them, and she said to herself, "So what? Anyway, I already have one of the most beautiful apples in the world, and there are a few wildflowers everywhere, so what does it matter! ”

The big apple tree continues to grow. Her shadow obscured the whole wood, and the leaves of those big trees turned yellow and fell out. All the big trees made a creaking cry for help, but the little apple tree pretended not to hear it at all.

The little apple tree said to itself, "So what?" I already have the longest branches in the world and the biggest apples in the world. What are those little apple trees. Apple trees everywhere. But my big Apple, the world will never find a second one! It is also a good thing that the apple trees have withered, otherwise I feel ashamed, can the fruit they produce called an apple like mine? My name is Apple. ”

In this way, the little apple tree became blind. She was becoming more and more selfish, thinking all day about that big apple of her own.

Suddenly, a loud noise spread throughout the sky, the woods, the hills, the desert, and the whole world: the long branch was broken, and the weight of the big apple was too much for the branch to bear.

The big apple fell from the soft white clouds and fell to the hard earth, falling to pieces.

Although she is already the largest apple in the world, she will still break it.

The little apple tree was bent by the apple that fell from the sky, and she became smaller than all the apple trees...

Suddenly, she woke up: "What a long dream!" It was the morning sun that had woken her up. The little apple tree muttered to himself, "I'm lucky, I'm still one of all the ordinary apple trees as I was." ”

So she gently bent down the branches, so that the faint fragrance of apple blossoms drifted among the children who came to play.

One day, she will make many sweet little apples for these children.

Yes, there will always be a day.

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