
Reject cyberbullying! Let the world love a little more! Zhu Yi I called for you

author:Ten years without laughing

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Recently, the network is not very calm, and all kinds of negative energy fill the entire network, from the domestic network army to the external network line, to the dispute over Gu Ailing's nationality, the trolls in the network, and the clowns in reality make the entire network environment smoke miasma. All kinds of public opinion trends seriously cut society and seriously distort national values. Follow the trend and spread rumors, insults and vent to express their weakness in reality. But the most painful thing is that the 19-year-old figure skater Zhu Yi has been subjected to serious online violence, from January 16 to today's month-long network violence, so that the 19-year-old girl is overwhelmed, this invisible public opinion producer is simply indignant, and it is intolerable!

Reject cyberbullying! Let the world love a little more! Zhu Yi I called for you

Zhu Yi, born in California in 2002, began his skating journey by chance at the age of 8. In 2018, 16-year-old Zhu Yi won the national new women's single skating championship with a total score of 167.69 at the National Synchronized Championships, surpassing the second place with a score of 35 points. This rising post-00s Chinese figure skating rising star has attracted a lot of reports in the United States. In order to prepare for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, the Chinese Ice Association found Zhu Yi in 2018 hoping to naturalize into the team as a Chinese athlete. Who wouldn't want to return to their homeland, their homeland, to compete on behalf of their country?

Reject cyberbullying! Let the world love a little more! Zhu Yi I called for you

In 2018, Zhu Yi joined the Chinese national team, and in an accident in the same year, the ice knife was inserted into the right foot and seriously injured, but Zhu Yi was never discouraged and returned to the field with a tenacious attitude to overcome the injury. Two years later, under the influence of Zhu Yi and famous domestic universities, his father returned to China as a professor at Peking University, contributing his own strength to the future development of the national intelligent industry.

Such an athlete for his own country, gave up his studies, gave up his American citizenship to return to China, dedicated a hot patriotic heart, and indeed got such a result, the Chinese Internet mob please ask you are still human? Are you at ease with the cyber mob that attacked Zhu Yi?

Good! Next we look at the entire event through the timeline

January 17: The Ice Association announced the list of figure skating men and women for the Winter Olympics, Zhu Yi was listed, and the conspiracy theory began! Spelling daddy theory, guarantee theory flocked to it.

Reject cyberbullying! Let the world love a little more! Zhu Yi I called for you

On January 24, major online media pushed a large number of video of figure skaters surnamed C skating in Shichahai, which was intriguing. In the past, most of the netizens in the country who did not pay attention to ice and snow sports began to realize that such a sport, knowing Zhu Yi, was it accidental or a pair of invisible hands that pushed the direction of the entire public opinion, and a saltpeter that fueled China's online violence burned the entire network

January 25: In order to eliminate the doubts of netizens, the official published an article announcing the figure skating Winter Olympics selection competition, Zhu Yi ranked first with a comprehensive total score of 732.60, and won the only place in the women's single skating of figure skating at the Beijing Winter Olympics. But for the trolls or network pushers can not care, hold me do not listen, I do not care, I want to follow the trend, people have a good father's public opinion attitude to carry out orderly and rhythmic network violence.

Reject cyberbullying! Let the world love a little more! Zhu Yi I called for you

On the same day: Zhu Yi watched the flag-raising ceremony, and Weibo posted a message expressing the heart of winning glory for the country, but the Weibo comments were difficult to say.

January 29: After completing training at the Capital Gymnasium, Zhu Yi said in an interview that of course there is a lot of pressure, but I will try to turn pressure into motivation. She did not complain, did not respond to the public opinion storm of the Internet, silently resisted all by herself, she was only 19 years old.

On February 1, Zhu Yi posted a video of the Chinese New Year Chinese blessings through Weibo, but instead of blessings, he received endless insults and harmed his family!

February 6: Beijing, the weather is sunny, the Capital Gymnasium, Zhu Yi junior winter Olympics, the ice knife under the feet is a dream, the national flag on the chest is the responsibility, the ice knife draws up the crystal snowflakes with a graceful posture dancing in the air, the action that can be completed on weekdays fails this time She fell, she did not do it, she did not resist the pressure of public opinion, pain and grievance tears swirled in the eye sockets, and she could not cry and walked away, because she knew that the next storm of public opinion would swallow her up.

On the same day, the C surname figure skater entered the well-known domestic video platform, and the heat exploded!

February 7: No one knows how much pressure this little girl is carrying, she chooses difficult actions to prove herself, but she did not do it, fell again, this moment she can no longer suppress her tears, crying pear blossoms with rain, heartache. Hate yourself for not being angry, or feel wronged about the injustices you have suffered. At this moment, the storm of online violence has fermented to its peak, and more foreign media have taken the opportunity to cause trouble. All this is due to the internet mob.

On February 9, Zhu Yi's mother released a high-score highlight of the Zhu Yi Olympic Qualifiers on social platforms, smoothly completing the difficult actions, and for the decision to let Zhu Yi return to China, Zhu Yi's mother was full of mixed feelings at this moment. So far, this period of Internet violence has decreased.

Rumor one: Zhu Yi can't talk about Chinese? For trolls to follow the trend is their nature Clown is their true face, to sum up these people in four words is "the wisdom of the people is not open." Zhu Yi not only speaks Chinese, but also writes Chinese characters, Internet trolls, do you have a swollen face

Myth 2: Zhu Yi relied on her father to enter the national team. For network trolls, spraying people does not need a reason to vent their dissatisfaction. In fact, Zhu Yi invited her to return to China in 2018, and Zhu Yi's father returned to China to serve as a professor at Peking University two years later because of Zhu Yi's relationship.

Myth Three: The Winter Olympics Selection Tournament is not transparent. In the early days, these internet trolls did not release videos through the Winter Olympics selection competition, questioned Zhu Yi's strength, seized the quota of others, attacked Zhu Yi in life, and made malicious comments on Zhu Yi's family, saying that people had a scientist father, and even more said that they would change the Winter Olympic Games competition to my scientist father competition. The fact is that the figure skating team did not release a video in the last Winter Olympic Selection Tournament, and Zhu Yi's five-round match was the highest total score, and it was the only one in China who completed the highest difficulty action in China.

Rumor four: refused CCTV interview, accepted CNN interview, Zhu Yi accepted CCTV interview, CNN did not interview Zhu Yi, but deliberately used Zhu Yi on the internet to play a role to smear China.

Reject cyberbullying! Let the world love a little more! Zhu Yi I called for you

The incident has developed to this day, used by foreign media as material to smear China, these network violent elements, pushers, the heavenly path has reincarnation, good and evil can not escape. If you still have a conscience, please stop the online violence and apologize for Zhu Yi!

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