
The number of gold medals of the Chinese delegation was equal to the best record in the history of the Winter Olympics

Beijing, 14 Feb (Xinhua) -- On the evening of 14 February, Chinese player Xu Mengtao won the gold medal in women's aerial skills in freestyle skiing at the Beijing Winter Olympics, which was the fifth gold medal won by the Chinese delegation at the Winter Olympics, and the number of gold medals of the Chinese delegation also equaled the best record in history created at the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics. 12 years ago, the Chinese delegation won 5 gold, 2 silver and 4 bronze at the Winter Olympics in Vancouver.

The number of gold medals of the Chinese delegation was equal to the best record in the history of the Winter Olympics

On February 14, China's Xu Mengtao won the Women's Freestyle Skiing Women's Aerial Skills Championship at the Beijing Winter Olympics. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xu Chang took the photo

Editors: Wang Hengzhi, Yu Sihui, Cao Yibo, Zheng Ying (Intern)

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