
"Artificial celebrity" Hou Patzen's black-and-white past, her story is far more exciting than you think

author:Talk quietly

In 2005, a special love letter put Hou Patzen on the forefront.

Netizens who learned of the "truth" began to sneer at her, and the limelight changed drastically, and the sweetness of the past has now become a burden on her shoulders.

She was speechless and miserable.

When she was alone, she couldn't help but think: Is it true that the evil fruits of her mother's deeds must be borne by herself after all?

This girl who wanted to cry without tears at this time was Hou Patzen, who was later called the "Goddess of False Laughter".

Because of the love debt owed by his mother, Jay Chou, who had been in love with Hou Peichen for many years, turned around and married Kunling.

"Artificial celebrity" Hou Patzen's black-and-white past, her story is far more exciting than you think


In 1978, with a cry, Hou Peichen fell to the ground.

At this time, she did not know that she was destined to put on a mask to show off her life.

Her "extraordinary" should start from her mother Lin Yueyun.

"Artificial celebrity" Hou Patzen's black-and-white past, her story is far more exciting than you think

In 1977, the news of Lin Yueyun's unmarried pregnancy did not go away, and everyone who learned of this matter was stunned for a while.

As a Hokkien actor, Lin Yueyun is also a household name in Taiwan.

Blowing bullets can be broken face, with a delicate smile, generous behavior, both the delicacy of a little girl, but also less of an ordinary woman's temperament.

With his excellent appearance and outspoken personality, Lin Yueyun is very popular with the public.

But who would have thought that such a beautiful woman with bright eyes and bright teeth would be deeply involved in the "erotic" scandal.

At this time, how could everyone expect that this was just a small omen for Lin Yueyun to reveal his true face.

"Artificial celebrity" Hou Patzen's black-and-white past, her story is far more exciting than you think

Shortly after being exposed as unmarried and pregnant, the Taiwan media threw out a "blockbuster news" without stopping.

It turned out that the father of the child in Lin Yueyun's belly was no one else, but his close friend Hou Shihong's husband.

She can be regarded as personally experiencing a "QiongYao-style" dog blood life.

Betraying his friends, seducing his husband, knowing three and being three, directly destroying a family because of his love and love.

"Artificial celebrity" Hou Patzen's black-and-white past, her story is far more exciting than you think

To say that Hou Shihong is also hooked by Lin Yueyun, repeatedly hinting at his wife Guo Meichun's divorce.

Guo Meichun refused to let go, and Hou Shihong had no choice but to give up.

This is a peaceful point on the surface, but secretly it is constantly thinking carefully.

After a long time, Guo Meichun had no choice but to put on a "big green hat" for herself.

When Guo Meichun was lonely and entangled alone, Hou Shihong had already taken his "little wife" to experience a happy life.

"Artificial celebrity" Hou Patzen's black-and-white past, her story is far more exciting than you think

I don't know whether Hou Shihong's feelings for Lin Yueyun are a whim or if they are sincere.

During Lin Yueyun's pregnancy, Hou Shihong did not give up, but often took her out for fun.

In this way, under the careful care of Hou Shihong, Hou Peichen was born.

Guo Meichun coldly watched her husband and other women enjoy and reconcile, and she was disheartened.

"Artificial celebrity" Hou Patzen's black-and-white past, her story is far more exciting than you think

But the good times did not last long, and Lin Yueyun found a new plan for himself.

In 1983, Lin Yueyun dumped Hou Shihong and turned into the arms of another rich man, Qiu Jiaxiong.

It should be said that this Qiu Jiaxiong made his fortune with real estate, but behind this is mostly the help of his wife Cai Guizhao.

In the early years, when Qiu Jiaxiong was still a poor student, Cai Guizhao, the little daughter of the Cai family, fell in love with this down-to-earth teenager at a glance.

"Artificial celebrity" Hou Patzen's black-and-white past, her story is far more exciting than you think

Despite his family's opposition, he took it upon himself to marry Qiu Jiaxiong.

The Cai family saw that the wood had become a boat, and there was no other way, and in order to make the little girl less blind, they had to use their own status and financial resources to pave the way for this cheap son-in-law.

Qiu Jiaxiong relied on the solid backing of the Cai family and stepped forward to the public step by step.

But many years later, Cai Guizhao could not imagine that Ginger was still old and spicy, and there was a reason for his parents' obstruction.

The sweet days did not last long, and a heavy hammer suddenly plunged Cai Guizhao into the mire.

Cai Guizhao was born rich, and grew up in the doting of his family, and his mind was simple.

"Artificial celebrity" Hou Patzen's black-and-white past, her story is far more exciting than you think

When Hou Shihong led Lin Yueyun to his home to play mahjong, Cai Guizhao and Lin Yueyun saw each other and became friends.

Sometimes Lin Yueyun came to play with her alone, and when the time was late, she would worry that Lin Yueyun was not safe to walk alone at night, and specially let her husband send her.

Who knew that this send-off was actually personally sent to Lin Yueyun's boudoir.

Cai Guizhao, who learned the truth, refused to accept this pair of betrayals, but what could he do?

In the end, Cai Guizhao could only be like Guo Meichun at the beginning, not letting go of his mouth and not giving Lin Yueyun a little name.

"Artificial celebrity" Hou Patzen's black-and-white past, her story is far more exciting than you think

It's just a pity that Cai Guizhao, who is emaciated for love, has long since lost his mind about which horn he was thrown into by the happy two!

Lin Yueyun never married in his life, spreading six points of his youth on these two married men, and the rest was evenly given to his daughter Hou Peichen.


Hou Patzen was born with big eyes and a round face, just looking at her who was learning to speak, everyone was shocked to realize that Hou Patzen must be a beautiful billet when she grows up.

But this beauty is destined not to be a happy vase.

In Lin Yueyun's life, in addition to men, there is only one daughter Hou Peichen.

So she has been very strict with Hou Peichen since she was a child, even to the point of harshness.

"Artificial celebrity" Hou Patzen's black-and-white past, her story is far more exciting than you think

"Groaning and smiling" and "treating people politely" are behaviors that Hou Patzen has been taught since childhood.

But the mother, Lin Yueyun, has reached the point of paranoia about her daughter's demands in this regard.

Once, Little Hou Patzen answered the phone, just because the first sentence when he picked up the phone was not: "Hello, I am Hou Patzen." ”

He was slapped by his mother and dizzy.

There are countless such situations in the body of Little Hou Peichen.

He was punished for kneeling for not lending a neighbor's sister toy, for being splashed with hot milk because he and his mother were mouth-to-mouth....

As an adult, Hou Patzen still abided by her mother's strict access control: she had to go home after eleven o'clock at night, and after one minute and one second later, she never wanted to go out again.

Rather than saying that Lin Yueyun taught Hou Peichen as a child, it is better to say that she mapped herself to Hou Peichen.

"Artificial celebrity" Hou Patzen's black-and-white past, her story is far more exciting than you think

Some traditional women in Taiwan boast of a method: men conquer the world to conquer women, and women conquer men to conquer the world.

Just like the little s dressed hot in the variety show, he treats men with no mercy.

But in private, she still had to dedicate herself to the continuation of her husband's incense or endure his unprovoked violent beatings.

Lin Yueyun was like this, so she felt that Hou Peichen should do the same.

It seems that by cultivating her into a perfect machine, she can be "soft and rigid".

Under such a high-pressure life, Hou Peichen gradually developed the "ability" to listen to people talk and cook dishes.

The smile became a mask that hung on her face and coexisted with it.

"Artificial celebrity" Hou Patzen's black-and-white past, her story is far more exciting than you think

When he grew up, Hou Peichen not only had outstanding work ability, but also could not pick out the slightest flaw in terms of being a person.

Many people waited to see her jokes, but they were blocked by the "flawlessness" she showed.

People are not perfect, but she is like a ghost bathed in sunlight without shadows.

Every smile is like a set program, which makes people feel like a spring breeze.

And her perfect "celebrity" personality is all created by her mother tirelessly.

At that time, how good was Hou Patzen's reputation in Taiwan?

Both boys and girls worship her almost.

"Artificial celebrity" Hou Patzen's black-and-white past, her story is far more exciting than you think

Chen Yiru and Yan Yalun, who were in the fire at that time, were fascinated by her and publicly expressed their appreciation for her: "She is a girl who cultivates both inside and outside";

Huang Lixing, a popular singer in Taiwan, joked after hugging her: "Earned";

The burning Taiwanese idol group Yuan Wei Woke was excited when he received Hou Patzen's handwriting;

Taiwan's Perfect Woman ranking first, and our "doll voice goddess" Lin Chiling's sister only ranked third in that list;

Cecilia Cheung has also publicly stated that Hou Peichen's talent and cultivation are very respected.

It is no exaggeration to say that almost no one who has come into contact with her has said bad things about her.

"Artificial celebrity" Hou Patzen's black-and-white past, her story is far more exciting than you think

The perfect person is always jealous, and that year, her love affair with the King of Heaven suddenly exploded, and her reputation plummeted.


In 2004, Jay Chou released his album "Seven Lixiang", which won a big hit, in order to promote his new album, Jay Chou stayed in Taiwan for more than a month.

In that month or so, Jay Chou attended the program hosted by Hou Patzen four times.

"Artificial celebrity" Hou Patzen's black-and-white past, her story is far more exciting than you think

Handsome and talented, intellectual beauty, I don't know when, the two of them actually raised eyebrows, and inadvertently rubbed out the spark of love.

At that time, the scandal of Jolin Tsai and Jay Chou is spreading.

The "unremarkable" fate of the two does not seem to have aroused much spark.

But who would have thought that if the two did not sound, they would already be a hit.

In 2005, the love affair between Jay Chou and Hou Patzen was exposed, which set off huge waves for a while.

"Artificial celebrity" Hou Patzen's black-and-white past, her story is far more exciting than you think

Only to see the photo from the paparazzi is that the two are traveling to Japan together, Jay Chou is wearing a black down jacket, and the action is affectionately put on Hou Patzen's shoulder.

In the photo, Hou Peichen wears a pair of sunglasses, his face is as usual, and he seems to have become accustomed to such close contact between the two.

This photo conveys a message to everyone that they are in love.

"Artificial celebrity" Hou Patzen's black-and-white past, her story is far more exciting than you think

The young Jay Chou was reckless and green, and he couldn't cover it, just thinking of giving his lover a name and not letting her be slandered by others.

Within a few days of being photographed, he hurried to hold a press conference and publicly confessed to the relationship:

"My fantasy college student romance is like this, this is the first time I have shook her hand, I didn't expect the fate to come so quickly!" 」

"Artificial celebrity" Hou Patzen's black-and-white past, her story is far more exciting than you think

However, at that time, everyone did not buy it, and scolded the two people, saying that Jay Chou was a leg-splitting man, and Hou Peichen was a cheating woman, and his speech was very vulgar and unbearable.

Even in this anxious moment, there are still people who do not forget to add fuel to the fire.

In the previous year, Lian Shengwen, who had chased Hou Peichen and posed in a big position, published a special "love letter" shortly after Hou Peichen denied the relationship between the two.

It was this love letter that pushed Hou Peichen to the cusp of the storm.

"Artificial celebrity" Hou Patzen's black-and-white past, her story is far more exciting than you think

Lian Shengwen said to Hou Patzen denying that the two had a relationship:

"I have loved her deeply and do not want her to be subjected to any negative and false criticism, and I wish her eternal beauty and happiness!"

The stark contrast between Lian Shengwen's infatuation and Hou Peichen's ruthlessness made the couple, who should have been deeply blessed, become the target of public criticism for a while.

In the end, it was Hou Peichen's mother, Lin Yueyun, who caused the two to separate.

"Artificial celebrity" Hou Patzen's black-and-white past, her story is far more exciting than you think

Although Hou Peichen was born incorrectly, he was supported by Lin Yueyun's two men since he was a child.

Whether it is the degree of eating and wearing, or the vision of education, etc., they are on par with the giants.

How can Lin Yueyun, who has worked hard for half a lifetime to get rid of his "drama" reputation and become a giant, look at Jay Chou, who is also a "drama"?

Under the obstruction of Lin Yueyun, Hou Peichen finally could not bear the "internal and external troubles" and chose to raise his hand and surrender.

The two did not break up publicly, but silently changed their previous gentle attitude and sweet nickname.

"Artificial celebrity" Hou Patzen's black-and-white past, her story is far more exciting than you think

Jay Chou announced to the outside world that the relationship between the two ended here, and when Hou Patzen mentioned Jay Chou's name again, he no longer carried the sweetness of a little woman.

This vigorous love affair, for various reasons, ended in no way.


I don't know whether I was discouraged or if I met a good person again, Hou Peichen once again threw out heavy news.

In 2009, Hou Peichen and Huang Bojun, who had only known each other for more than three months, got married.

"Artificial celebrity" Hou Patzen's black-and-white past, her story is far more exciting than you think

At the wedding, Qiu Jiaxiong attended as a father, and Hou Peichen held Qiu Jiaxiong's arm, like a scene of fatherly kindness and filial piety.

During the hydrangea throwing session, Hou Patzen intentionally threw the hydrangea to his mother.

Although Lin Yueyun did not comment well and treated Hou Peichen in the same year almost harshly, Hou Peichen still respected her mother very much, and she always hoped that her mother could be happy.

Hou Patzen finally married a rich man as his mother wished.

"Artificial celebrity" Hou Patzen's black-and-white past, her story is far more exciting than you think

Married for six years, the two have conceived two children, Hou Peichen occasionally shared his daily life on Weibo, and the family of four enjoyed themselves.

In 2021, with the broadcast of the variety show "Mother-in-law", this calm was broken again.

In the broadcast program, people saw the different side of Hou Peichen.

But this is far from her perfect personality for many years, and many netizens have expressed their inadmissibility.

"Artificial celebrity" Hou Patzen's black-and-white past, her story is far more exciting than you think

When her husband Huang Bojun held a meeting video, Hou Peichen constantly refreshed his sense of existence:

For a moment you either asked whether it was toast or eggs, or scrambled eggs or omelettes.

This made Huang Bojun have to strip away from his work to answer her insignificant little things, which led to his work process being repeatedly delayed.

Huang Bojun had no choice but to apologize to the partner across the screen repeatedly.

This makes people substitute for classmates who do group work together in college.

Even if you don't do your own business, you have to ask about some insignificant small things on the side, resulting in people who are in the process of being forced to interrupt their thinking, which is really unpleasant.

"Artificial celebrity" Hou Patzen's black-and-white past, her story is far more exciting than you think

The same contradictions appear frequently in this family.

The first is the mismatch between the two people's consumption concepts.

Hou Patzen's family is superior, from snacks to wear without worry, big-name bags are not far away.

Although Huang Bojun is a billionaire, he has made his own fortune and does not have luxury in his usual eating and wearing.

The two had a disagreement over whether to buy a humidifier for a few thousand Taiwan dollars.

"Artificial celebrity" Hou Patzen's black-and-white past, her story is far more exciting than you think

Secondly, both have more "screwed".

Huang Bojun's personality is twisted in the habit of not communicating with his wife in his heart, which also leads to the two often having a fork in concept.

He often does not answer his wife's questions and answers, immersed in his own world, not knowing whether he can't hear it or doesn't want to face it.

When disagreeing with his wife, Huang Bojun's most common method is to replace the answer with silence, and closing and not answering is his consistent attitude.

"Artificial celebrity" Hou Patzen's black-and-white past, her story is far more exciting than you think

Hou Patzen's screwing lies in her excessive "desire to control" Huang Bojun.

She is passionate about arranging everything about her husband and strives to play the role of a meticulous wife. But always too much force, resulting in discomfort for both people.

Huang Bojun went out to buy vegetables, and after bringing them all back according to the list, Hou Patzen exaggerated and said: "It's great." ”

This kind of normal thing is expressed through such an exaggerated method, which makes the party Huang Bojun embarrassed.

She always treated her husband as a child who had not grown up, and the two of them did not live a life, but like Hou Patzen had raised three sons.

"Artificial celebrity" Hou Patzen's black-and-white past, her story is far more exciting than you think

Lin Yueyun, who is between the two, is also a "difficult problem" that blocks the feelings of the two.

Although Lin Yueyun's appearance when she was young was not outstanding, she was full of charm.

During the program, Huang Bojun and Hou Peichen were filming on their honeymoon, huang Bojun took his mother-in-law's hand and walked in front, leaving Hou Peichen alone in the back.

This scene is very uncomfortable to watch.

"Artificial celebrity" Hou Patzen's black-and-white past, her story is far more exciting than you think

Lin Yueyun's desire to control her son-in-law is also very strong.

When the family was watching TV at home, Lin Yueyun proposed that everyone massage and exercise together.

But Huang Bojun, who has been working for a long time, only wants to lie on the sofa to rest, and can't stand the soft and hard bubbles of his mother-in-law and wife.

In the end, Huang Bojun was still forced to exercise for 30 minutes, tired and breathless, but did not dare to say a word.

"Artificial celebrity" Hou Patzen's black-and-white past, her story is far more exciting than you think

The most criticized thing is Hou Patzen's "modesty" all the time.

Recording a family variety show does not forget to wash her mother's white, for Lin Yueyun's past behavior, she only said:

"It's all the helplessness of adults!"

Hou Patzen has also mentioned this problem in interviews in the past, but how can the habits developed over the years be changed?

Hou Patzen was taught from an early age to please and be polite, but he lost himself.

"Artificial celebrity" Hou Patzen's black-and-white past, her story is far more exciting than you think

If you are too accommodating to others, others will become more and more difficult for you;

If you put up with others too much, others will hurt you inch-by-inch;

Most people who can't stand it themselves are actually used to it.

I hope that Hou Peichen can slowly see herself, be herself first, and then play the role of a wife and a mother of children.

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