
Coach vocalizes that Vallieva is absolutely innocent Multiple coincidences have sparked speculation

Source: Sports Weekly

Vallieva's drug test storm once again cast public attention on her coach, the Russian Ice Queen Tuti Lisa. Russia's anti-doping agency has announced an investigation into Tutsit Lisa and her coaching staff in order to protect the interests of underage protagonists who are still not "protected.". In the face of questions from all sides, Tuti Lize and the entire Russian Olympic figure skating team continued to exercise the right of silence until Saturday, when Tuti Lize was interviewed by Russian state television, insisting that he "believes that Vallieva is absolutely innocent and innocent."

Coach vocalizes that Vallieva is absolutely innocent Multiple coincidences have sparked speculation

The Russian meritorious coach, who won the 2020 ISU Manager of the Year, said: "There has been an extremely controversial and difficult situation. I would say that I am absolutely convinced that Camilla (Vallieva) is innocent and innocent. For us, this is not a theorem, but an axiom, and therefore does not need to be proved. I understand that there are some agreements that cannot be skipped, and in any case, we have not given up on any athlete, and we will suffer with our athletes until the end. ”

Tuti Lize called for state support: "No one can explain why an athlete who allegedly took banned drugs on December 25 was allowed to participate in the Olympics." It was either a fatal coincidence or a well-planned operation — I don't know, or both. I hope our leaders will not abandon us and defend our rights and prove our innocence. Now the whole team is waiting for the results of the competition against Vallieva. We are terrified of any non-injurious statement. I don't know who will make that decision, but I want justice to win. ”

Since the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics, Tuti Lize and the Sambo-70 sports school crystal figure skating team coached by Tuzhi Lize have gradually jumped to the cradle of the new generation of Russian figure skating champions, but Tu special Lize, known as the "face sister", has always been controversial, especially its women's champions are characterized by early success and short professional life, Medvedeva, Trusova and other people have also left one after another to join Othur, Plushenko and other ice celebrities, but in recent years have returned to the face sister account. Since the drug test controversy, Valieva has only continued her public training in the auxiliary hall of the Capital Gymnasium after a one-day suspension, but on Saturday, she did not want to have an accident scene, after a jump and fall, Valieva sat on the ice and cried, and the media believed that the 15-year-old K Bao was on the verge of mental collapse under heavy pressure. The day's training ended with Vallieva crying in Tuti lize's arms.

Just the day before, Kremlin spokesman Peskov had publicly expressed solidarity with Valieva, who was masked and trained in public through the mixed-zone passage: "In any case, we support Vallieva, and we hereby urge everyone to support it." We told her: Don't cover your face, you're Russian. Take pride in walking, and most importantly, beat everyone! ”

The executive director of the International Olympic Committee, Christopher Dolby, has determined that the International Court of Arbitration for Sport will hold a hearing at 20:30 this Sunday evening to rule on the drug test of the Figure Skaters of the Russian-Austrian team, and will officially announce the final judgment on Monday Beijing time. Dolby also called on all parties to always remember "the human side of this story... Imagine what the situation is for minors who are only 15 years old", so the IOC will "treat this situation with extreme caution".

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