
Envious of Liu Yifei's "round head", want to sleep with the same model for the baby? 4 actions, the baby is born to do

In the new year, starting from scratch, HKUST talks to everyone about "top priority"!

Different from the older generation's love for the honey juice of [flat head], the parents of the post-90s are racking their brains to give the baby a round head!

Envious of Liu Yifei's "round head", want to sleep with the same model for the baby? 4 actions, the baby is born to do

Seeing that everyone attaches so much importance to the shape of the child's head, Keda does not dare to slacken off.

Undercover sweet potato, see if the products recommended by the mothers are useful?

Envious of Liu Yifei's "round head", want to sleep with the same model for the baby? 4 actions, the baby is born to do

Top 1: Corrective helmet

The price fluctuation space of the corrective helmet shared by a potato mother is also relatively large, with tens of thousands of yuan, and 9.9 free shipping.

But in fact, 80% of the baby's head shape problems are caused by improper sleeping position, and there is no need to wear a corrective helmet.

Doctors will only recommend wearing a corrective helmet if the head shape is severely asymmetrical.

Buying a corrective helmet yourself is not only not guaranteed, but also likely to be counterproductive.

Envious of Liu Yifei's "round head", want to sleep with the same model for the baby? 4 actions, the baby is born to do

Top2: Shape the pillow

Many merchants play the slogan of "birth can be used", but the American Academy of Pediatrics (APP) recommends: In order to reduce sudden infant death syndrome, avoid using pillows within 1 year of age!

A treasure shape pillow will be marked [available for birth, 0-1 years old can be used]

Envious of Liu Yifei's "round head", want to sleep with the same model for the baby? 4 actions, the baby is born to do

Image source: Scientific Family Parenting Original

Styling pillows are not only useless, but also harmful to children.

Before the baby is 1 year old, the skull is relatively soft, and it is easy to have a partial head and flat head for a long time, and it is indeed easy to have a partial head and a flat head.

However, these conditions do not affect brain development, and they recover on their own as the baby grows.

At present, the most ideal correction method is to correct it by adjusting the baby's sleeping position

Envious of Liu Yifei's "round head", want to sleep with the same model for the baby? 4 actions, the baby is born to do

Adjust your sleeping position

The skull is very soft within 4-6 months of the baby's birth, which we can help correct by adjusting the sleeping position and posture.

During the day under the care of the parents, you can let the baby lie on his side to sleep, let the side that grows fast or the head is facing up, you can use your hands to help him adjust the direction of the face from time to time, but the direction should also pay attention to the rain and dew, otherwise it is likely to be biased to another time...

Envious of Liu Yifei's "round head", want to sleep with the same model for the baby? 4 actions, the baby is born to do

Guide your baby to turn his head more

If the baby usually likes to sleep on the right side and play with it when she is awake, we can put some brightly colored toys or bed bells on the left side to interact with the baby.

Let the child lie down more during the day

Lying on your stomach relieves pressure on the head and avoids more severe head tilting; it also gives the oppressed side a chance to grow.

It should be noted that when the baby is awake during the day, lie down under the care of the adult!

Envious of Liu Yifei's "round head", want to sleep with the same model for the baby? 4 actions, the baby is born to do

Adjust the feeding posture and orientation

When breastfeeding, also pay attention not to feed only one side, the two sides alternate, but also to prevent the size of the milk, killing two birds with one stone.

If you find that your baby has a tendency to lie on his side, you can adjust the direction of your child's lying on his side after feeding or after your baby wakes up.

Flat head can generally be adjusted by intervening in the sleeping position, but if it is the following head shape problems, be sure to intervene surgically!

Envious of Liu Yifei's "round head", want to sleep with the same model for the baby? 4 actions, the baby is born to do

We place the baby on the parent's lap, pointing both fingers to the ears, and observe from top to bottom whether it is on a horizontal line, if so it means that the head shape is normal.

Envious of Liu Yifei's "round head", want to sleep with the same model for the baby? 4 actions, the baby is born to do

If it is not on the same level, there is a good chance that there will be an abnormal situation.

For example, the head was squeezed at birth, or caused by the baby's poor sleeping position, but it may also be congenital cranial suture premature closure!

Abnormal head shapes caused by premature cranial suture can limit brain growth! And cause different degrees of damage to the baby's face, vision and hearing!

So next, HKUST will talk about the abnormal head shape caused by premature closure of the skull suture:

●Boat-shaped head

The boat-shaped head is caused by early closure of the cranial suture, which is characterized by a long elongation of the front and back of the head, and narrowing from side to side, like a small boat.

Envious of Liu Yifei's "round head", want to sleep with the same model for the baby? 4 actions, the baby is born to do

Parents self-examination: If the baby sleeps well, there is no long-term side sleep, but a narrow and crooked head.

You can take your baby to a regular hospital for a head scan and choose the appropriate treatment plan according to the doctor's advice.

●Flat head

The flat head caused by premature closure of the skull suture, also known as brachycephaly, is characterized by a particularly flattened back of the head, and if viewed from the front, it will feel that the baby's face is wide and large, and the eyeballs are prominent.

Envious of Liu Yifei's "round head", want to sleep with the same model for the baby? 4 actions, the baby is born to do

If the baby does not habitually sleep on his back for a long time, but there is a flat head, or the face is asymmetrical, he should also go to the hospital for examination in time.

●Partial head

The head that comes out of sleep looks like a parallelogram.

The partial head caused by premature closure of the skull suture will cause one side of the forehead and ear to become very low, while the other side will be particularly large.

Envious of Liu Yifei's "round head", want to sleep with the same model for the baby? 4 actions, the baby is born to do

If the sides of the baby's head are basically the same length, it may be sleeping; if one side is long and the other is short, like a trapezoid, you need to be highly vigilant!

● Triangle head

The triangle head is easier to judge, that is, from the top of the head down, the baby is a triangle.

Envious of Liu Yifei's "round head", want to sleep with the same model for the baby? 4 actions, the baby is born to do

If you find that your child has the above head shape problems, parents must not be careless, and they must go to neurosurgery as soon as possible!

Today I have talked about so many questions about the baby's head shape, and I would like to say in the end, no matter what the baby's head shape is, as long as it is healthy!

Envious of Liu Yifei's "round head", want to sleep with the same model for the baby? 4 actions, the baby is born to do

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