
"Double Subtraction New Semester" passes through a piece of A4 paper! The opening ceremony showed up the mathematical experiments

author:Purple Cow News

Reading the original poem "Dream", showing wonderful mathematical experiments, painting the Winter Olympic idol Gu Ailing... On February 14, the children of Changjiang Road Primary School ushered in the opening ceremony of the new semester of the Year of the Tiger. At the opening ceremony, students showed their creative winter vacation homework. The two students cut a piece of A4 paper into two circles with different perimeters according to a special snake-shaped scissor method, and passed through the middle, which opened the eyes of the students at the scene.

Correspondent Zhao Changzhu Yangzi Evening News/Purple Cow News reporter Wang Ying

"Double Subtraction New Semester" passes through a piece of A4 paper! The opening ceremony showed up the mathematical experiments
"Double Subtraction New Semester" passes through a piece of A4 paper! The opening ceremony showed up the mathematical experiments

Creative winter vacation homework display

Wonderful mathematical experiment, look at the snake-like shearing method of A4 paper

"Double Subtraction New Semester" passes through a piece of A4 paper! The opening ceremony showed up the mathematical experiments

In the "Chuang 'Lanting Poetry Club'" section, Shen Yuran, a student of class two (4), shared with everyone the poem she wrote, "In the spring, I planted a seed, that is a dream; the seed of dreams is the same as mine, happiness, growth!" "Every student will be like Shen Yuran, planting seeds and thriving!"

In the "Do 'Mathematical Experiments'" section, Ou Dyeyi from Class V (2) and Tang Mingheng from Class V (3) vividly showed everyone the mathematical experiments of the two of them during the winter vacation, studying the snake-shaped shearing method of A4 paper and its application in life.

In the "Study of the Spirit of the Winter Olympics", Gao Yihan of class four (2) and Shi Yiling of class three (5) watched the Winter Olympics during the winter vacation and displayed their paintings. "I painted my idol, Winter Olympic champion Gu Ailing, who is particularly powerful, and her persistent spirit is worth learning." Gao Yihan said.

Message from the Principal:

Believe in "create, research, do" and learn to learn

"Double Subtraction New Semester" passes through a piece of A4 paper! The opening ceremony showed up the mathematical experiments

At the opening ceremony, President Zhou Weidong told the students in his speech how to call it "learning to learn", and led the students to review the three-word winter vacation homework requirements put forward before the winter vacation, which were "create, research and do". Principal Zhou kindly explained the meaning of the three words by way of examples, and the students had a deeper understanding of "learning to learn".

"Remember the winter vacation homework requirements I talked about at the end of last semester? Which three words are required? President Zhou said that chuang: is to create, to create. The creation of primary school students is not the same as the creation of scientists, and the creation of our children is reflected in the characteristics of "small, new and interesting". Discovering a new way to solve problems is a kind of creation; giving a rational suggestion to the teacher and the school is also a creation; summarizing a useful method of memorizing texts and memorizing words is also called creation; inventing a recipe at home is also called creation; who has a way to make the classmates not throw garbage casually, your experience is also called creation. Children, only if you have a creative heart, you will surely reap the fruits of creation.

Research: It is research, and to conduct research-based learning is to learn with problems. I often hear many children ask many good questions, and can understand them with good questions. For example, why are manhole covers on the street made round? Since the triangle is stable, why does a chair lose one leg but can't stand steadily? Why do trees always grow cylindrical instead of rectangular or cube-shaped? Learn with valuable questions, and your thinking will enter a higher level, that is called high-order thinking, and only high-order thinking can promote deep learning.

To do: it is to practice, it is to do it. Tao Xingzhi's original name was Tao Wenjun, which was later changed to Tao Zhixing, and finally to Tao Xingzhi. He knows the importance of action, first know later, and only when there is action can he know. There is a famous building in Egypt called the Pyramid, and it is said that only two animals in the world can climb to the top of the pyramid, one is the eagle and the other is the snail. Although it is slow, it will definitely be able to reach its peak without stopping. Children, let us take action: do experiments, participate in labor, participate in public welfare activities, participate in sports, long-term support, we will become a well-rounded excellent long baby!

Proofread sheng yuanyuan

Source: Purple Cow News