
Ying Qing Women's Single Snowmobile 9th Place! She is Liu Xiang's younger sister and studied under Sun Haiping

author:The Paper

The Paper's reporter Hu Jie intern Zhang Ailing

Ying Qing Women's Single Snowmobile 9th Place! She is Liu Xiang's younger sister and studied under Sun Haiping

Ying Qing in the game.

The bobsleigh blade enters the groove, Ying Qing and Huai Mingming set off in turn, meandering between turns, the two Chinese girls showed the charm of galloping, and completed the Olympic debut of the Chinese women's snowmobile.

On February 14, in the women's singles snowmobile event, China's Huai Mingming finished 6th in 4:22.58, and Ying Qing from Shanghai finished 9th in 4:23.41.

The snowmobile, which has been included in the competition since the first Winter Olympics, is a relatively new event in the mainland. The average speed of the snowmobile is around 100 km/h, with a maximum of 160 km/h. In the speed of the wind, Ying Qing and Huai Mingming led the Chinese women's snow team, in this known as "hero game", showing Chinese speed.

Ying Qing Women's Single Snowmobile 9th Place! She is Liu Xiang's younger sister and studied under Sun Haiping

Ying Qing (middle) and teammates, coaches.

Liu Xiang's little sister

As the leader of "cross-border cross-item selection", snowmobile helmsmen Huai Mingming and Ying Qing not only have overlapping trajectories, but their growth joints are also very similar.

From cross-border cross-border events, world championship debut to the best performance of the Chinese snow team, they have rapidly improved in just two years, and together they have become the top players in the domestic women's single snowmobile and women's double snowmobile.

2015 was a year of rejuvenation for The Chinese Snow Team and a new year for many athletes. Ying Qing, who was 18 years old at the time, studied under the famous coach Sun Haiping and had been working on the 100-meter hurdles project for four years.

"Strength is sufficient", "training hard" and "good at using brains" are Sun Haiping's evaluation of her. At that time, this Shanghai xiaoyuan had hardly seen a snow day, and dreamed of competing in the Olympics like his brother Liu Xiang.

In the same year, Beijing successfully bid to host the Winter Olympics, and the cross-border cross-border selection of materials began, and Ying Qing and the newly established Chinese snowmobile national team quietly became acquainted.

Ying Qing was favored by the coach of the Chinese snowmobile national team because of his height and weight. Cao Jing, who serves as Yingqing hurdles coach, realized that this was an opportunity, "I myself know more about the snowmobile project, and I think it is quite appropriate for her to run and other aspects, so I want her to try it." ”

In the winter of 2015, Ying Qing went to Shenyang Sports Institute for a snowmobile project test. Sixty meters of speed, the power of throwing shot put, the explosive power of the long jump, and the foundation laid by athletics made Ying Qing feel quite good about the snowmobile, and he stood out from it and passed the selection smoothly.

The girl, who had barely seen snow, opened her own "Frozen" — in her joke, "The land couldn't satisfy my thirst for speed anymore, so I went up the wall." ”

Ying Qing Women's Single Snowmobile 9th Place! She is Liu Xiang's younger sister and studied under Sun Haiping

Huai Mingming.

A bang fell down

Similar to Ying Qing's experience, Huai Mingming also became acquainted with snowmobiles through cross-border cross-sports, and the original project she practiced was also athletics.

In 2017, the Shaanxi Winter Sports Management Center was established, and Huai Mingming, who graduated from Beijing Sport University, became the first batch of registered athletes in the Shaanxi snowmobile project, and quickly entered the snowmobile national team, injecting fresh blood into the project.

"I was so nervous that I was going to die, and when I went down, my eyes were blank and I didn't know anything." Recalling the experience of the first time on the track, Huai Mingming still has palpitations.

This tension and strangeness, even once accompanied by Huai Mingming's first year to participate in the race, "at that time, it was not very mature, the official rudder rope was hung on the brake handle, I went out and found that the rudder could not be hit, and then it flew directly into the sky, and then fell down with a bang." ”

Ying Qing Women's Single Snowmobile 9th Place! She is Liu Xiang's younger sister and studied under Sun Haiping

Ying Qing and the Chinese women's snowmobile have won many honors in the world arena.

Hike the track and get acquainted with every detail

But experience is honed in repeated falls and collisions.

At the first National Snowmobile Championship in 2017, Ying Qing won the women's singles and double cart races and the women's two-man car sliding competition, and Huai Mingming's performance was also very eye-catching, and won the runner-up in the women's two-man event.

In the 2018 King's Lake Snowmobile World Championships in Germany, Ying Qing and Huai Ming represented the Chinese team in the double snowmobile competition, and finally reached the final, and completed the debut of the Chinese Snowmobile World Championships with the 20th and 12th places with their partners respectively, which was undoubtedly a great encouragement for the Chinese snow team that was only established for one year at that time.

Behind these achievements, from their sweat, there is also meticulousness. Outside of the glide training, the two helmsmen will take a walk on the track and become familiar with every corner and rollover point.

Then sit quietly and make tai chi-like gestures — they also simulate the rudder sensation of each curve before each slide.

Facing the Beijing Winter Olympics, Huai Mingming sighed: "After a whole year of sliding, in fact, it has brought a lot of confidence to myself. After all, practice makes perfect, and the coach is more experienced. ”

Editor-in-Charge: Ascendas

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