
Patten exploded the yin poison "three shows", what is his ulterior motive? Muddying Hong Kong's chief executive election

author:Liu Fufeng

The last Governor of Hong Kong, Chris Patten, broke the news in the British House of Lords: Successive Hong Kong chief executives or their family members and senior officials, including senior members of the disciplined forces, many of whom have British passports. Patten called them "traitors."

Patten exploded the yin poison "three shows", what is his ulterior motive? Muddying Hong Kong's chief executive election

Patten's move illustrates three points: First, he revealed without admitting that britain did indeed co-opt and deploy a group of "Hong Kong elites" to continue to serve Britain after 97 when it retreated from Hong Kong. Second, the plan is going bankrupt, Patten is furious, and he wants to warn those who have not yet been exposed to the infernal channels of Britain's "traitors" that Britain has their materials and handles in their hands. Third, Hong Kong is about to elect its next chief executive, and Patten wants to muddy the waters and create chaos.

When Britain reached an agreement on the future of Hong Kong and in 1990 when china and Britain negotiated an agreement on the future of Hong Kong, and when it threw out the "right to live in Britain" to 50,000 families in Hong Kong, it took the initiative to invite these Hong Kong people who would rule Hong Kong in the future to join the British nationality and become "their own people" loyal to the "British Empire" in 1990.

Patten exploded the yin poison "three shows", what is his ulterior motive? Muddying Hong Kong's chief executive election
That is to say, after 97, Beijing implemented the "Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong", no matter who is selected as the chief executive and as a high-ranking official, there is a high probability that they will be British citizens, and the "Hong Kong people" who govern Hong Kong will be the table, and the "British" will be inside, this situation is not only extensive, but also has a deep, long-term impact, and the British remote control. Of course, the central authorities know this question, but "the wood has become a boat" and is confined to the pattern of "Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong", and it is impossible to start for a while, and it is difficult to change, and this sad and dangerous situation has answered the "Oriental Daily" many stern questions: Whose world is Hong Kong after 97!
Patten exploded the yin poison "three shows", what is his ulterior motive? Muddying Hong Kong's chief executive election
This "who owns the world" issue did not "turn back" until the introduction of the central government's comprehensive jurisdiction, the implementation of the "Hong Kong National Security Law", and the suppression of the black riots. The central government has fully covered the field of Governance in Hong Kong to realize the principle of "patriots governing Hong Kong", and has made a series of rigid regulations on this with legal and political means to smash the British deployment, which has made Patten even more angry and corrupt. So he jumped out again, and as Hong Kong was about to choose "chief executive," he muddyed the waters again, trying to jam and intimidate some Hong Kong people who wanted to change their "national allegiance" and draw a line with Britain.

This article was originally published in Hong Kong's "Oriental Daily", the original title of "Patten's Explosive Yin Poison Three Shows"