
NetEase Cloud Hot Review - Chen Grain: "Walking Horse" Go?

author:Citrus Copywriting Museum

Now that I finally understand this song "Walking Horse", the general understanding is: you are walking on the other side of the horse and watching the flowers, and I am here forever concerned.

NetEase Cloud Hot Review - Chen Grain: "Walking Horse" Go?

You are not on the other side, and I am no longer brave

NetEase Cloud Hot Review - Chen Grain: "Walking Horse" Go?

Except in the movie, no one will wait for you for four or five years, to put it bluntly, feelings are things that are not connected

NetEase Cloud Hot Review - Chen Grain: "Walking Horse" Go?

Actually, you're not on the other side, and I'm not brave enough

NetEase Cloud Hot Review - Chen Grain: "Walking Horse" Go?

Luckily, you're on the other side, and I happen to be brave

NetEase Cloud Hot Review - Chen Grain: "Walking Horse" Go?

The boy you're waiting for, he's supposed to be sunny, he's going to be athletic, kind and gentle, and he doesn't have a big beer belly that can accommodate your occasional little temper, and when it's cold, he'll put on your coat, and he'll make you laugh, and he'll hold you when you're sad, and he'll often be childish like a child in front of you, but there's a boy who's responsible when he encounters things, and before you meet a boy like this, please keep your good, beautiful things on the road, you have to wait

NetEase Cloud Hot Review - Chen Grain: "Walking Horse" Go?

Those trapped by time

Now what happened

We celebrate every beginning

But I didn't learn to let go of every one

Encounter is a process

Leaving too

Leaving is a process

Life too

Ten or twenty years

Loved a few people who weren't worth it

Travel through a few cities that are not interesting

We finally know that life is one goodbye after another

Life is one encounter after another

No need to say goodbye without meeting

NetEase Cloud Hot Review - Chen Grain: "Walking Horse" Go?

The horse is not for the sake of viewing the flowers, but for you on the other side

NetEase Cloud Hot Review - Chen Grain: "Walking Horse" Go?

I hope

There are so many people

In love at the age of 24

Married at the age of 26

At the age of 28 a life was born

When we were 29 years old, our children called us mom and dad

Walk through the 7-year itch

The passion of 40 years old faded

We are still in love

50-year-olds have their own love

60 years old to go on a trip together

At the age of 70, our children and grandchildren are on their knees

76 years old is our golden wedding

At the age of 80, there is no longer a fear of death

Because we depend on each other

NetEase Cloud Hot Review - Chen Grain: "Walking Horse" Go?

"Do flowers have to be given to others, I don't understand."

NetEase Cloud Hot Review - Chen Grain: "Walking Horse" Go?

Go immediately hot search, is it you who remembered?

NetEase Cloud Hot Review - Chen Grain: "Walking Horse" Go?

"You see this person, he says he likes me, but he makes me so sad."

——" I'll Wait for You to Be Thirty-Five" Nan Kang Bai

NetEase Cloud Hot Review - Chen Grain: "Walking Horse" Go?

Walking horse is the harmonic sound of walking, not singing to yourself, but to the brave people waiting for you on the other side, hoping that he will say: "Go?" "Then he will let go of everything and go with him, as long as you don't let go."

NetEase Cloud Hot Review - Chen Grain: "Walking Horse" Go?

You like fields, and I'm stupid. We can only plant grass in the wasteland for ten years, and then spring in another time

NetEase Cloud Hot Review - Chen Grain: "Walking Horse" Go?

Dear Zhou You are like me worried about a person

NetEase Cloud Hot Review - Chen Grain: "Walking Horse" Go?

A person's state is very good, want to read a book, read a book, sleep when you are tired, want to eat what you want to eat, don't want to contact anyone to be quiet for a while, go out on a trip or stay at home, how to be good, love is best or keep a little clean, don't start casually Don't rush to compromise What is really worth it won't be so easy Cherish the days when you can still be single, don't mind being lonely than loving you

NetEase Cloud Hot Review - Chen Grain: "Walking Horse" Go?

Life is walking, but I don't look at the flowers.

NetEase Cloud Hot Review - Chen Grain: "Walking Horse" Go?

Cool like the wind, wild like a dog. Don't be loved, but also free.

NetEase Cloud Hot Review - Chen Grain: "Walking Horse" Go?

Haruki Murakami has a saying, "I tell you that I like you, not necessarily with you, but I hope that in the future, when you encounter the trough of life, don't be discouraged, at least someone has been attracted to your charm, once was, and will be in the future"

NetEase Cloud Hot Review - Chen Grain: "Walking Horse" Go?

Walking horse is the harmonic sound of walking, not singing to yourself, but to the brave people waiting for you on the other side, hoping that she will say: "Go?" "Then she will drop everything and go with her, as long as we bear it together, as long as you don't let go."

NetEase Cloud Hot Review - Chen Grain: "Walking Horse" Go?

How dare the two sleeves of the breeze mistake a beautiful person How dare a poor person mistake a beautiful person

NetEase Cloud Hot Review - Chen Grain: "Walking Horse" Go?

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