
Another beautiful Internet celebrity committed suicide, only 27 years old, and once claimed to be abused by the Internet to depression and no one believed it

To say that the current live broadcast industry, to be honest, live broadcast is still a very profitable industry, just ask, now so many industries, which industry can earn millions a month, really very little, and live broadcast is one of them, and monthly millions of anchors abound, top anchors or even monthly income of tens of millions, which is not surprising, and the threshold of live broadcasting is very low, as long as there is a mobile phone, anyone can live broadcast.

Another beautiful Internet celebrity committed suicide, only 27 years old, and once claimed to be abused by the Internet to depression and no one believed it

Unlike other industries, scientists, doctors, businessmen, etc., the threshold of these industries is very high, not everyone can do it, and the cost is also very high, take the businessmen as an analogy, want to do business, it is definitely necessary to complain first, in case of loss, penniless, no one dares to try this kind of thing, and live broadcast is not the same, live broadcast In addition to the cost of time, other costs are few, there is not much investment at all.

Another beautiful Internet celebrity committed suicide, only 27 years old, and once claimed to be abused by the Internet to depression and no one believed it

So now the number of people in the live broadcast industry has risen sharply, and they all want to earn the first bucket of gold in the live broadcast circle, which also makes the competition for live broadcasting bigger and bigger, and the possibility of wanting to fire up is getting lower and lower, before it was good-looking and fire, there was a talent that could fire, and it would be funny to be able to fire, and now you will only have one is far from enough, to have talent, good looks and will be funny to be able to fire, so the money for live broadcasting is getting harder and harder to earn.

Another beautiful Internet celebrity committed suicide, only 27 years old, and once claimed to be abused by the Internet to depression and no one believed it

And everyone must not think that the fire can be, after the fire you also have to have a strong psychological quality, because the live broadcast circle is basically no real-name authentication, the flower world everyone has, inevitably there will be some black powder, they will flesh you, will insult you, your family may also be harassed, and even the private life of the anchor will be affected by black powder, so the ability to resist pressure must be strong.

Another beautiful Internet celebrity committed suicide, only 27 years old, and once claimed to be abused by the Internet to depression and no one believed it

In the face of these black powder attacks, to learn the left ear in, the right ear out, otherwise it is easy to be psychologically affected, many well-known anchors have said that they have mental illness, there are some anchors with weak ability to resist pressure, because the Network storm has also appeared some more dangerous things, and even major events, such as a recent suicide of a beautiful Internet celebrity, only 27 years old.

Another beautiful Internet celebrity committed suicide, only 27 years old, and once claimed to be abused by the Internet to depression and no one believed it

This anchor is called Jammi, is a South Korean Internet celebrity, the number of fans is about 100,000, she became popular because of her sweet looks, but after the fire, she was constantly attacked, and even harassed, the more she explained, the more she was hacked, she once claimed to be affected by the Internet storm, but no one believed it, but got more ridicule, saying that she was arrogant, and the last straw that hit her was her mother's suicide and died, and as a result, she also failed to hold on, and finally chose to tie her own life.

Another beautiful Internet celebrity committed suicide, only 27 years old, and once claimed to be abused by the Internet to depression and no one believed it

Some people close to her came out to break the news, saying that it was because there were black fans who said that she smoked D, and there was a scandal that made her suffer from severe depression, plus the matter of her mother, she finally failed to carry it over, and she could only say that the cost of rumor-mongering was too low, and the Internet violence would not be sanctioned, in an anonymous environment, the evil of human nature also appeared, I hope that such a thing will not happen again, what do you want to say about this?

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