
Some characteristics of positive and partial printing

Some characteristics of positive and partial printing

In the eight characters, the birthday stem is the seal, the opposite sex is the positive seal, and the same sex is the partial seal (Owl God).

The Indian star is the first literary star, the main academic, knowledge, and academic; the main text of the Indian star, in the eight characters, the main academic and knowledge, belongs to the academic star.

If the Eight Character Destiny Bureau takes the positive seal and the partial seal as the joy of using the god, and the seal star is prosperous, the earth is prosperous, the prosperity is thorough, and the prosperity is born; Or although it is a taboo five elements, but weak and constrained, it indicates that this person is smart and studious, compatible, diligent in research, excellent academic performance, and easy to get a high degree. Among them, the positive printing focus on the liberal arts is more prominent, while the partial printing focuses on the science aspects.

A person's knowledge mainly depends on the prosperity and decline of The Seal, but to obtain official (national) recognition of qualifications, it is also necessary to look at the official star. The Ancient Book of Sayings recognizes that the official seal is an important symbol of an individual's eagerness to learn, and his ability to ascend to the top of the kojia and obtain a high degree of education. In fact, the vast majority of the top students who have excelled in their studies throughout the ages are pure official seals, prosperous and undamaged, and they are all "good materials" for natural reading.

On the other hand, if the Indian star in the eight characters is a favorite five elements, but it is weak and restrained, broken by torture, or synthesized into a different image, and is powerless with God, then the Main Study is hindered and the examination is not successful; Or for the taboo of the five elements, but prosperous and prosperous, it indicates poor academic performance, or it is difficult to achieve a higher education.

Zhengyin explanation: Zhengyin is a kind of heterosexual force to my birth help, for the input of sentient beings, belongs to the relationship between yin and yang or yang and yin, for example: Yen Komu encounters decanter water, yin water gives birth to Yang mu, decant water is the positive seal of Komu. Zhengyin is gentle and moderate, kind and kind, and must be willing to indulge in help, which is also the meaning of nobles and reputation.

All the interests of Zhengyin are mainly based on the peace and honor of the Lord of Destiny, the mind and body of the Lord of Tasks are cared for and promoted, pay attention to connotation and cultivation, have a healthy and stable mentality, have a full sense of peace, are rational and not persistent, are wise and foolish and less calculating, are full of positive energy, and naturally grow and develop in a pessimistic direction. Therefore, Zhengyin innately has a sense of peace.

However, the positive printing should not be too much too strong, because the positive printing as an input pipeline, excess energy input is easy to produce a blocking effect, the life master can not digest well, but the energy of the positive printing, while not playing the advantages of the positive printing. When there are too many positive prints, due to too much support, people will pay too much attention to their own feelings, their self-esteem is intense, they love face very much, they do not admit their mistakes, and their egoism is obvious.

That is, when the external environment is very good for its people, it is easy to maintain a natural habit, dependence is obvious, once one day can not get this treatment, its people will be quite uncomfortable, a moment can not bear, but lose the sense of peace, many things naturally can not be put down, but can not do anything to deal with, will inevitably become distress.

Zhengyin is like a mother, and Taiwang's Zhengyin is just like a mother doting on her own children, always thinking that her children are the most sensible and excellent, and it is inevitable that others will have a side to cover up defects, or show good lies. In this way, sometimes it is self-defeating, the lie accumulates more and more, the problem is more and more delayed, and in the end it will be a dumb loss. To sum up, although the positive seal is auspicious strength, but too much life is also equal to grams, too much attention to the sense of peace will lose the sense of peace.

Partial seal explanation: Partial seal is a kind of same-sex force to my birth help, for the ruthless input, belongs to the relationship between yin and yin or yang and yang, for example: Komu sees nongshui, yang water produces yangmu, and nongshui is the partial seal of komu. Since it is born of the same sex, it must be excluded, like two men interacting, more or less with certain interests, rather than sincerity, will show some spacing or preservation, will not indulge to help each other, in the form of external kung fu, there is a gap in the heart.

Put yourself in your shoes and assume that a person's attitude toward you is good for a while and ignores you for a while, what will be your inner thoughts? It is nothing more than feeling that the person is repetitive, there is an unsteady feeling, making people confused, how can there be a sense of peace.

People with partial imprints are usually repetitive, strange thinking, inner loneliness, sensitivity and suspiciousness, like to tangle, easy to cling to a certain point, often the things that should be paid attention to are not intentionally concerned, and the things that should not be paid attention to are firmly grasped. Partial Printing has no sense of peace to speak of, although it is related to the sense of peace, but as long as it is envious.

Whether it is a positive print or a partial print, its strength is moderately comparable, and once it is too strong, it will show a negative impact. However, people who are too strong in the Indian Star are very suitable for cultivating their minds and cultivating themselves, and if they can immerse themselves in religious culture and have faith, the inner uneasiness and anxiety will also be weakened. Or focus on scientific research skills, transfer persistence, and invent unusual values.

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