
She the three goddesses, the last to pick up the girder, why is the most inconspicuous Tian Fuzhen?

author:Fishing among fish

Tian Fuzhen was born on March 30, 1983 in Hsinchu County, Taiwan, to a good family and to intellectual parents.

Tian Fuzhen's tutoring is extremely strict, her mother let her stay at home, she did not dare to go out to play, her mother did not like her to wear a skirt, she did not wear it, on the surface well-behaved and obedient, but also developed a lonely and introverted personality.

Her father was more fond of Tian Fuzhen, almost responsive, when she was a child, she saw the children of the neighbors playing the piano, and they clamored to learn, and her father did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to buy a high-end piano for her, cultivating her initial interest in music.

She the three goddesses, the last to pick up the girder, why is the most inconspicuous Tian Fuzhen?

After going to school, Tian Fuzhen behaved silently and passively in the class, not good at contacting people, on the first day of the first grade, a little girl took the initiative to ask her if she wanted to go to the toilet together, and then they became the best friends, and the friendship continues to this day.

Because Tian Fuzhen has been single for many years, many people will doubt her sexual orientation, in fact, when she was a teenager, she had already given a clear answer that she liked men.

In middle school, Tian Fuzhen, like many adolescent girls, had a new love affair, and very boldly came to an early love.

She the three goddesses, the last to pick up the girder, why is the most inconspicuous Tian Fuzhen?

Tian Fuzhen's first love boyfriend is a playboy, wandering between multiple girlfriends, but she is innocent and simple, and still loves each other without hesitation.

Every weekend, Tian Fuzhen will take the train to another city to meet her boyfriend, and the other party is obviously not so concerned about this relationship, always using oversleep as an excuse to let Tian Fuzhen wait at the station.

In this period of love, which was obviously unequal between the two sides, Tian Fuzhen stubbornly insisted on it for five years, and finally had no choice but to let go.

She the three goddesses, the last to pick up the girder, why is the most inconspicuous Tian Fuzhen?

After breaking up with her first love boyfriend, Tian Fuzhen quickly opened a second relationship, learned the lessons of the last time, and found a boyfriend who loved her very much.

Unfortunately, Tian Fuzhen's boyfriend later studied abroad, far away from the ocean, and the relationship eventually ended without a problem.

Talking about two boyfriends with very different personalities, Tian Fuzhen has not yet tasted the taste of love, and fate has sent her to another stage.

She the three goddesses, the last to pick up the girder, why is the most inconspicuous Tian Fuzhen?

In 2000, Tian Fuzhen was 17 years old, during the summer vacation, she originally planned to go to the dessert shop to earn some extra money, but finally under the encouragement of her mother, she participated in a singing talent show "Universe 2000 Strength Beautiful Girl Selection".

The show's organizer was Huayan Records, and the company's original plan was to only choose the first place in the competition to sign, and the others were all eliminated.

Tian Fuzhen was just a naïve girl who had never seen anything in the world, the first time she saw such a big battle, she was very nervous after standing on the stage, her brain was blank, and she forgot the lyrics as soon as she opened her mouth.

She the three goddesses, the last to pick up the girder, why is the most inconspicuous Tian Fuzhen?

After the end of the competition, Ren Jiaxuan won the first place, and according to the previous plan, Tian Fuzhen was likely to miss the signing opportunity.

At the critical moment, the competition judges saw the huge potential contained in Tian Fuzhen, and finally temporarily modified the rules and decided to form a women's group, ren Jiaxuan, Tian Fuzhen, Chen Jiahua composed of SHE soon after.

The record company imitates the iron triangle model used by Japanese and Korean idol groups to give special meaning to the English names of the three girls, With Selina representing gentleness, Hebe representing confidence, and Ella representing courage.

She the three goddesses, the last to pick up the girder, why is the most inconspicuous Tian Fuzhen?

Netizens often ridicule, the positioning of the record company is obviously nonsense, gentleness and courage are barely justified, Tian Fuzhen is less reticent, often hiding behind his teammates, where can you see confidence?

In she, Ren Jiaxuan is beautiful and eye-catching, Chen Jiahua is funny and pleasing, and Tian Fuzhen is somewhat unclear, and has always been the most inconspicuous one, with no sense of existence.

Of course, this feeling is the conclusion of ordinary people, if you ask a professional music producer, who among the three girls has the most development potential, everyone will not hesitate to say that it is Tian Fuzhen.

She the three goddesses, the last to pick up the girder, why is the most inconspicuous Tian Fuzhen?

In the group, the high-pitched part of almost every song is responsible for Tian Fuzhen, and the most impressive thing is that in their masterpiece "Super star", Tian Fuzhen's last sentence "You are my superstar boy" uses a very penetrating high note to raise the mood of the song to a new level, which makes people feel empowered and amazing.

In 2001, SHE released her debut album "Girls' Dormitory", and in the era when the group was not yet popular, it sold 750,000 copies in one fell swoop, and even Jay Chou's "Fantasia" was not a rival.

It is worth mentioning that in this album, there are two songs sung by Tian Fuzhen, and even in the songs sung by the three people, she is recognized as the best singer, and the producer will automatically assign the most difficult passages to her.

She the three goddesses, the last to pick up the girder, why is the most inconspicuous Tian Fuzhen?

In 2002, SHE released the album Brave New World, which sold 1.76 million copies across Asia and won them the Best Heavy Vocal Group Award at the Taiwan Golden Melody Awards.

Next, SHE took advantage of the chase and successively launched albums such as "Super Star" and "Don't Want to Grow Up", which sold well and sold more than 10 million records.

Because of the challenge of many complex parts in the song, Tian Fuzhen's personal characteristics have become more and more prominent, so that her style has gradually overshadowed the other two, from the initial small transparent to the top pillar.

She the three goddesses, the last to pick up the girder, why is the most inconspicuous Tian Fuzhen?

The only constant is that Tian Fuzhen is still silent, like the goddess of icebergs.

When participating in the variety show, Ren Jiaxuan and Chen Jiahua always chattered and talked, while Tian Fuzhen looked at them quietly most of the time, no one asked, and she generally did not take the initiative to speak.

Tian Fuzhen's introverted personality once made her not very good in the entertainment industry, and the media always used "Hebe blackface" to attack her.

She the three goddesses, the last to pick up the girder, why is the most inconspicuous Tian Fuzhen?

Tian Fuzhen later explained: "I feel that there is a burning flame inside, but my appearance and verbal expression make me look a little colder, which may be my personality trait." ”

Silence is the way Tian Fuzhen uses to adhere to his personal sense of truth and express his independent dignity.

In those years of SHE's great popularity, there were two equal kings in the music world, Jay Chou and Lin Junjie, who both had complex and delicate relationships with Tian Fuzhen.

She the three goddesses, the last to pick up the girder, why is the most inconspicuous Tian Fuzhen?

In 2005, when the scandal between Lin Junjie and his sister Jinsha had not yet settled, he boldly and publicly stated that he admired Hebe in SHE and kissed the poster of Hebe in front of the media camera.

When Lin Junjie was still unrequited, Jay Chou had already launched practical actions.

In March 2006, Tian Fuzhen went to the United Kingdom to study for a month, and within a few days, Jay Chou rushed to the United Kingdom with the production team to shoot the MV for the new song "Back Off", and invited Tian Fuzhen to be the heroine.

She the three goddesses, the last to pick up the girder, why is the most inconspicuous Tian Fuzhen?

Jay Chou was just like the day in the sky, often with female stars out of the gossip, this time with Tian Fuzhen is no exception, but in this scandal, there is also a name inserted horizontally, Zhong Ruohan.

Zhong Ruohan is Jay Chou's assistant, and this person is still a woman.

Because of the relationship with Jay Chou, Tian Fuzhen and Zhong Ruohan had frequent contact, the two had similar interests, and soon became friends, often photographed by the media shopping and eating together.

She the three goddesses, the last to pick up the girder, why is the most inconspicuous Tian Fuzhen?

Zhong Ruohan has a short hair, dressed neutrally, and the gossip news of the two is overwhelming for a time, and Tian Fuzhen's sexual orientation has also become the focus of media speculation.

When she went on the variety show, the host directly asked Tian Fuzhen if she liked girls, and she immediately denied: "No, if you are in love, I like boys." ”

With Tian Fuzhen's sincere answer this time, some people still believe that she wants to cover up, but most people still choose to believe and shift their attention to her feelings with male stars.

She the three goddesses, the last to pick up the girder, why is the most inconspicuous Tian Fuzhen?

Tian Fuzhen's most popular melon-eating masses is her ambiguity with Jay Chou and Lin Junjie for more than ten years.

When SHE's career is booming, at the request of the brokerage company, they have a very close cooperation with Jay Chou, almost every time, Jay Chou and Tian Fuzhen stand together, and behave intimately, and the scandal naturally goes away.

Especially after filming the MV of "Back Off", they are more and more like a couple, but in the face of media inquiries, the two have always been in unison and refuse to admit their relationship.

She the three goddesses, the last to pick up the girder, why is the most inconspicuous Tian Fuzhen?

Jay Chou said: "I and her are lovers in the MV, but this is really limited to the MV, we act like lovers, just the plot needs." ”

Such a pale and simple explanation is obviously unable to satisfy the melon-eating masses.

There is gossip that March 30 is Tian Fuzhen's birthday, and Jay Chou deliberately avoided all the staff and celebrated her birthday alone.

She the three goddesses, the last to pick up the girder, why is the most inconspicuous Tian Fuzhen?

In early April, Jay Chou and Tian Fuzhen traveled to London's Chinatown together and were discovered by passers-by, although the two did not admit to their love affair, their demeanor and actions were obviously not as simple as ordinary friends.

In 2006, jay Chou held a celebration banquet after the end of the concert in Shanghai, Chen Jiahua suddenly said to Pan Weibai: "You are dead, you hold Hebe's hand, Jay Chou is very unhappy, he just said on the stage." ”

When Jay Chou went to greet the elders, Chen Jiahua's father pointed to Tian Fuzhen's father and said, "You should have met long ago, right?" ”

She the three goddesses, the last to pick up the girder, why is the most inconspicuous Tian Fuzhen?

Jay Chou listened very shyly and said: "We are meeting for the first time." ”

When Jay Chou respectfully shook hands with Tian Fuzhen's father, this scene was interpreted by many people as the son-in-law meeting his father-in-law.

By 2009, she's cooperation with Jay Chou gradually decreased, and Tian Fuzhen's scandal with him also turned into a low ebb, because Jay Chou already had Kunling by his side.

She the three goddesses, the last to pick up the girder, why is the most inconspicuous Tian Fuzhen?

In 2010, Jay Chou announced his relationship with Kunling, and since then, he has nothing to do with Tian Fuzhen.

Also in 2010, after she released her twelfth album, SHERO, announced that they were going their separate ways.

After the solo flight, the fates of the three girls are different, and the former little princess Selina has encountered many twists and turns, which is heart-wrenching. The tomboy Ella is becoming more and more feminine and living a happy life.

She the three goddesses, the last to pick up the girder, why is the most inconspicuous Tian Fuzhen?

Only Tian Fuzhen is still adhering to music and walking a lonely but brilliant road.

In the ten years of SHE, Tian Fuzhen completed the perfect transformation from a little girl to a mature female singer.

In the past, Tian Fuzhen has been walking in the music world under the English name Hebe, and after flying alone, the name Tian Fuzhen gradually became known.

She the three goddesses, the last to pick up the girder, why is the most inconspicuous Tian Fuzhen?

In September 2010, Tian Fuzhen released the album "To Hebe" for the first time in his personal name, starting again with the attitude of a newcomer, but the effect was surprisingly good, just the pre-sale rushed to the top, and fans flocked to pay for it.

Standing at the press conference, Tian Fuzhen was very nervous, crept with the guests, and did not look like a female singer who had debuted for ten years. In the past, with the company of two good friends, she could be a transparent person at ease, but now she had to bear all the storms alone.

Tian Fuzhen turned from the singing method of the service group in the original group period to looking for her own independent style, and according to her appearance and voice, the company formulated a route for her as a literary goddess.

She the three goddesses, the last to pick up the girder, why is the most inconspicuous Tian Fuzhen?

Tian Fuzhen does not like the label of the goddess of literature and art, she believes that the word "literature and art" has some irony at the moment, but she has to say that this personality is indeed very suitable for her, and the agency packaging star is very set.

By the second album "My Love", Tian Fuzhen really began to shine, she has gradually adapted to fighting alone, her personal color is more intense, shortlisted for seven awards at the Golden Melody Awards, and is praised by the media as "Super Diva".

Tian Fuzhen has risen rapidly in the music world with great strength, and people have been surprised that this most inconspicuous little girl in the past has such a huge potential.

She the three goddesses, the last to pick up the girder, why is the most inconspicuous Tian Fuzhen?

When Tian Fuzhen began to show her sharp edge, Ren Jiaxuan was burned by fire and first recovered from a serious illness, for the sake of sisterhood, she did not hesitate, returned to the group again, she group launched the last album "Flowers Bloom Again".

The sisterhood of the three girls is very touching, but there is some sense of time, and it is difficult for them to continue to write the myth of the past.

Later, the three of them started a lawsuit with their old owner Huayan Records, and they could no longer sing the previous songs, and they could hardly make records together, nor could they sing on the same stage anymore.

She the three goddesses, the last to pick up the girder, why is the most inconspicuous Tian Fuzhen?

The lawsuit was a lose-lose outcome for Huayan Records and SHE, but it unexpectedly made Tian Fuzhen, and she had to continue to explore the path of an independent musician.

In 2013, Tian Fuzhen released his third album "Small", the theme of the album is very grand, exploring the relationship between the small self and the universe flood.

Due to the high tune, the album had a mixed reputation, with professional musicians believing that Tian Fuzhen was avant-garde, while ordinary listeners listened to the clouds and mist, and there was nothingness.

She the three goddesses, the last to pick up the girder, why is the most inconspicuous Tian Fuzhen?

After Tian Fuzhen flew alone, she had famous songs such as "Lonely and Lonely", "Still Want to Be Happy", "Angel in the Devil", but what really made her famous, and her work after the closure of the music world was a single "Little Luck".

In 2015, Chen Yushan, the director of "My Girlhood", hand-picked Tian Fuzhen to sing the theme song of the movie, and her reason was very simple, Tian Fuzhen's voice was very contemporary and could sing into the hearts of people of all ages.

The combination of guitar and piano, coupled with Tian Fuzhen's clear and pure voice, reflects a subtle small emotion to the fullest.

She the three goddesses, the last to pick up the girder, why is the most inconspicuous Tian Fuzhen?

According to statistics, "Little Luck" has been played 140 million times on YouTube, which is the most played Chinese MV and the first Chinese MV to break 100 million.

The success of "Little Luck" inspired Tian Fuzhen, who began to reconstruct the concept of the album, no longer carrying out grand narratives, focusing on small places, and discovering greatness in details.

In 2020, Tian Fuzhen released her fifth solo album "Nobody Knows", which won the Best Chinese Female Singer Award at the 32nd Taiwan Golden Melody Awards.

She the three goddesses, the last to pick up the girder, why is the most inconspicuous Tian Fuzhen?

Hebe finally grew into Tian Fuzhen, and she used her strength to prove that it was still beautiful to bloom alone.

In addition to his great achievements in music, Tian Fuzhen also has a very hot topic, that is, Lin Junjie is willing to "lick the dog" and pursue her bitterly for more than ten years, but he still cannot impress the hearts of the beauty.

In 2004, when Lin Junjie first debuted, he was still a young boy, and SHE had long been a popular women's group in Asia. When he expressed his admiration for Tian Fuzhen, everyone thought he was a "toad who wants to eat swan meat".

She the three goddesses, the last to pick up the girder, why is the most inconspicuous Tian Fuzhen?

When on "Happy Base Camp", relying on friends to fan the flames on the side, Lin Junjie boldly admitted that Tian Fuzhen has always been a goddess in his heart, and openly showed love: "If you have the opportunity to recognize me, you will find me great." ”

When Tian Fuzhen was still in the group, Lin Junjie painstakingly created songs such as "Only Have Feelings for You" and "A Glance of Ten Thousand Years" for SHE, which was interpreted by the media as that he wanted to rely on his talent to conquer Tian Fuzhen.

With these several cooperations, Lin Junjie got his wish, had a lot of contact with Tian Fuzhen, and often appeared in concerts and variety shows together.

She the three goddesses, the last to pick up the girder, why is the most inconspicuous Tian Fuzhen?

In 2013, at the Taipei Arena concert, Jolin Tsai coaxed Lin Junjie: "You have written so many love songs, have any of them been written to girls you want to chase but have not chased?" ”

At this time, the big screen just right released a photo of Tian Fuzhen, and fans began to shout wildly.

Lin Junjie invited Tian Fuzhen to the stage, sang a song "Soybean Milk Fritters" for her affectionately, and then handed her the soybean milk fritters that had been prepared long ago, and her eyes were full of strong love.

She the three goddesses, the last to pick up the girder, why is the most inconspicuous Tian Fuzhen?

When the atmosphere of the scene reached its climax, Lin Junjie loudly confessed in front of the audience: "You are so cute." ”

After the concert, Lin Junjie said in an interview with the media: "I am very happy, happier than winning the Golden Melody Award." ”

However, for Lin Junjie's hot love, Tian Fuzhen has never shown the intention of accepting, so it has created Lin Junjie's long-term "licking dog" personality.

She the three goddesses, the last to pick up the girder, why is the most inconspicuous Tian Fuzhen?

When asked by the reporter how to view Lin Junjie's obsession, Tian Fuzhen replied: "I feel that it is unlikely with Lin Junjie, both people are very busy, and they usually don't meet much, and there is no way to cultivate feelings." ”

It is said that the song "Unfortunately Not If" created by Lin Junjie is to tell the fruitless story between himself and Tian Fuzhen, such as crying like a complaint, a thousand times.

It's a pity if, not you and me.

She the three goddesses, the last to pick up the girder, why is the most inconspicuous Tian Fuzhen?

Up to now, Tian Fuzhen and Lin Junjie are still just friends, or it is impossible to become the kind of friends of lovers, which has become the intention of many fans.

As a goddess who coexists with beauty and strength, Tian Fuzhen does not know how many people are worried about it, in addition to those few half-truths and half-false scandals, it is a miracle that she has remained single for twenty years.

Tian Fuzhen once described Selina with roses, saying that she was destined to be cared for, and describing Ella as a tree, because she was strong enough to be relied on, and she was like a dandelion, floating and at ease.

She the three goddesses, the last to pick up the girder, why is the most inconspicuous Tian Fuzhen?

When she just flew solo, Tian Fuzhen no longer used the name of Hebe, she did not want to rely on the fame of the combination, but after becoming popular again, she added Hebe after Tian Fuzhen, and she no longer needed to use her name to distinguish between the past and the present.

Tian Fuzhen did not fall in love with Jay Chou, nor did she accept Lin Junjie, she disdained to be the sister-in-law of the Heavenly King, but used her strength to become a queen. She doesn't like to talk about her private life and only wants the public to pay more attention to her work.

She the three goddesses, the last to pick up the girder, why is the most inconspicuous Tian Fuzhen?

Someone once asked Tian Fuzhen: "What kind of work do you most want to do?" ”

Tian Fuzhen replied lightly: "Singer, a singer who has slowly passed." ”

Along the way, Tian Fuzhen is not in a hurry, not sad or happy, she just has always insisted on her love, and then embarked on the top of life.

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