
Tian Fuzhen's annual income in Taiwan is only 20 million Taiwan dollars, no wonder he refuses to give up the mainland market!

author:Star Baby

was once a smash hit, but now his income is only 20 million, where will Tian Fuzhen go

Tian Fuzhen was once one of the hottest divas in the Chinese music scene, and with her sweet voice and sunny image, her songs were widely popular and album sales soared. At the peak of his career, Tian Fuzhen could easily earn hundreds of millions of Taiwan dollars every year and became Taiwan's top star singer.

In recent years, Tian Fuzhen's income has plummeted, from a high income at its peak to only about NT$20 million, which is too low for a former diva. The main reasons for the sharp drop in her income are the limited size of the Taiwan market and the fierce competition brought about by the emergence of a new generation of singers.

Tian Fuzhen's annual income in Taiwan is only 20 million Taiwan dollars, no wonder he refuses to give up the mainland market!

Although Taiwan is economically developed, it is only a small island after all, with a limited population and market capacity. For a first-line singer like Tian Fuzhen, relying solely on the Taiwan market is far from enough. Moreover, in recent years, there have been many newcomers in Taiwan's music scene, and veterans like Tian Fuzhen will naturally lose their charm.

In addition to market factors, Tian Fuzhen's personal problems are also important reasons for the decline in her income. Since 2015, she has rarely released new works, and the song path is getting narrower and narrower, and the style seems a bit monotonous and boring, lacking innovation. In addition, her private life has also been exposed to some scandals in recent years, and her personal image has been damaged, which has affected her commercial value to a certain extent.

Tian Fuzhen's annual income in Taiwan is only 20 million Taiwan dollars, no wonder he refuses to give up the mainland market!

The main problem is the uneven quality of her work. Most of Tian Fuzhen's songs belong to a fresh and sweet niche style, although he has a group of loyal fans, he inevitably lacks greater market appeal. She herself is aware of this, and in recent years has tried to transform into more popular works, but the results have been mediocre and have not really opened up a new musical path.

The ceiling of the Taiwanese market, fierce competition from newcomers, a slight decline in personal charm, uneven quality of works, and a lack of innovation are the main reasons for Tian Fuzhen's sharp decline in income. For the former diva, relying on the Taiwan market alone can no longer support her high income, and she has to turn her attention to the mainland market to seek new development opportunities.

Tian Fuzhen's annual income in Taiwan is only 20 million Taiwan dollars, no wonder he refuses to give up the mainland market!

For Tian Fuzhen, the mainland market is undoubtedly her last straw. The potential and business opportunities of the mainland market are unmatched by the Taiwan market.

Chinese mainland is a vast country, with a large population, and a huge music market. According to statistics, the total revenue of China's music industry in 2022 will reach more than 300 billion yuan, while the annual revenue of Taiwan's music market will only be more than 10 billion Taiwan dollars. It can be seen that the size of the mainland market is dozens of times that of Taiwan.

In addition to the gap in market size, the development potential of the mainland music market is also far greater than that of Taiwan. With the continuous increase in national income level, mainland consumers' demand for music entertainment is increasing day by day. This, coupled with the rapid popularity of streaming music, has brought new growth momentum to the music industry.

Tian Fuzhen's annual income in Taiwan is only 20 million Taiwan dollars, no wonder he refuses to give up the mainland market!

Taiwan's music market is already relatively saturated, and growth is sluggish. Therefore, for a veteran singer like Tian Fuzhen, the mainland market is undoubtedly the best stage for her to get ahead and regain her strength.

In view of this, in recent years, Tian Fuzhen has devoted a lot of energy to exploring the mainland market. She has been touring the mainland and has also signed contracts with mainland record companies, hoping to take advantage of the east wind of the mainland market to reverse the decline.

Tian Fuzhen's development in the mainland has not been smooth. On the one hand, her ambiguous attitude and unclear stance on cross-strait political issues have greatly damaged her reputation and image in the mainland. On the other hand, her music style is also difficult to fully match the aesthetic orientation of the mainland public.

Tian Fuzhen's annual income in Taiwan is only 20 million Taiwan dollars, no wonder he refuses to give up the mainland market!

Tian Fuzhen's development in the mainland market is in a dilemma. Once she takes a stand on cross-strait political issues, she may lose the market on the other side; However, if we continue to be vague, it will be difficult to truly open up our popularity and establish a good image in the mainland.

The reason why Tian Fuzhen is so entangled in cross-strait political issues is, to a large extent, because her income has fallen to the bottom, and the mainland market has become her last "life-saving straw." If she loses the mainland market, her business prospects will be even worse.

Tian Fuzhen's annual income in Taiwan is only 20 million Taiwan dollars, no wonder he refuses to give up the mainland market!

Tian Fuzhen's current situation is that he has been "kidnapped" by the mainland market. She had to be cautious, for fear of offending either side by her gaffe, and thus losing the opportunity for development. This kind of bondage has undoubtedly brought great resistance to her career development.

Should Tian Fuzhen speak outright on cross-strait political issues and make his stand clear? From a business perspective, this is a dilemma. Once she takes a stand on this issue, she will definitely lose the other side of the market; However, if it continues to be vague, it is difficult to gain sufficient recognition in any market.

Tian Fuzhen's annual income in Taiwan is only 20 million Taiwan dollars, no wonder he refuses to give up the mainland market!

There are also views that it is not a good opportunity for Tian Fuzhen to express his political stance at this time. By speaking bluntly, she may lose a market, but on the other hand, she can win the fans of that market, so as to gain new development opportunities.

In the current era of "removing the false and retaining the true", the personal character and values of celebrities are more and more valued. Blindly taking a neutral attitude on major social issues may lead to the loss of credibility.

Whether or not Tian Fuzhen should take a stand on cross-strait political issues requires her to think carefully and weigh the pros and cons. But no matter what she chooses in the end, it will be a major life decision that will directly affect her future career path.

Tian Fuzhen's annual income in Taiwan is only 20 million Taiwan dollars, no wonder he refuses to give up the mainland market!

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