
How to raise azaleas that you buy at home? Novices do these steps well and continue to blossom until the New Year

author:Florist Xiao Qi

After entering the autumn, a large number of rhododendrons began to be listed, the flower market network can be seen, many flower friends will choose to buy a pot to put at home to watch, because the azaleas bought at this time are with flowers, with the flowers of the azaleas to your hands how to raise to ensure that there is no problem? Because many people can't get up and fall off after buying them back, and after the flowers fall, the leaves of the whole plant are blackened, and even a large number of leaves fall. In fact, it is normal to raise azaleas with flowers now, because it can achieve multi-season flowering, if you are a novice, you must do these steps well, and you can continue to bloom until the New Year.

How to raise azaleas that you buy at home? Novices do these steps well and continue to blossom until the New Year

1, slow seedlings

Whether you bought the azaleas from the Internet or from the flower market, he is now full of flower buds with simple pots, so that we don't change the pots directly after we get our hands on them, and don't put them directly under the sun, which can easily lead to problems. Because it converts the large environment is not adapted at all, directly to see the light of normal watering and fertilization maintenance is very easy to lead to the leaf scorched bud off the situation, what we need to do is to first find a scattered ventilation environment, the so-called astigmatism, give him to see the light before nine o'clock in the morning can be, ventilation you can put on the window side, so that to slow seedlings for two or three days, no lack of light flowers will not fall off, good ventilation will not appear leaf fallout buds. During the slow seedling period, the fertilizer should not be used for him, looking at the state is normal, you go to the next operation, remember that we buy azaleas in the flower market, do not buy the pots, just buy the kind of black skin pot simple pot is the best.

How to raise azaleas that you buy at home? Novices do these steps well and continue to blossom until the New Year

2, sufficient light

After we slow seedling success do not rush to change the pot for him, directly with the original pot on a beautiful pot to put it inside to raise it, because now he is in flowering, changing pots is easy to hurt the root system, what we have to do is to gradually increase the light, before the slow seedling time you can give him two or three hours a day, and then you give him three or four hours on the second day, see four or five hours on the third day, the autumn light is not strong, directly see sufficient light is conducive to the differentiation of its flower buds, can continue to flower, And it can ensure that its leaves are oily green, the root system is more developed, so that the flowering is more durable, from now until the summer comes, there can be no lack of light.

How to raise azaleas that you buy at home? Novices do these steps well and continue to blossom until the New Year

3, humidity is sufficient

Rhododendron he likes large air humidity, if you do not humidify, the edge of the leaf will be scorched, it is difficult to raise it, and affect its growth, so we have to artificially humidify. The simplest way to humidify is to find a large tray, add water to the tray, pad a high thing in the middle of the tray, such as a brick, and then put the pot on it, and to ensure the ventilation of the environment, so that the moisture will slowly evaporate upwards, and the humidity of evaporation can increase the air humidity for the rhododendron, and it has been continuously raised in this way, and its leaves can be guaranteed to be oily green and shiny.

How to raise azaleas that you buy at home? Novices do these steps well and continue to blossom until the New Year

4, there is no shortage of fertilizer

Raising rhododendrons is the most indispensable is fertilizer, because it is now with flower buds in flowering, fertilizer to continue to use, now it is recommended that you use potassium dihydrogen phosphate, you can let it completely fail to open the stubble, after watching all the flowers bloom, we have to let him quickly grow branches, the branches grow out two or three centimeters We then let him blossom from the top of the flower buds, so after opening this time you have to use the fertilizer of the flower more than two high phosphorus, continue to use, until the branches grow to a certain height, Then use potassium dihydrogen phosphate on him, and it will quickly grow buds on top. The frequency of use of any fertilizer is about twice a month, if the ventilation is very good, you can spray wet, sprayed on the leaves it can also be quickly absorbed, the surface of the potting soil should also be sprinkled with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium balanced multi-element fertilizer, to ensure that there is no lack of nutrients in the soil.

How to raise azaleas that you buy at home? Novices do these steps well and continue to blossom until the New Year

5. Water to keep up

Rhododendrons like large air humidity, while liking moist soil, if the potting soil is too dry, the leaves will scorch, once forgot to water the leaves of the entire plant scorched, serious top buds will also appear scorched, so generally raised indoors, the soil surface is dried in time to water it thoroughly, to ensure that the water is sufficient to make its root system more developed, because it does not have too thick root system, most of them are capillaries, drought once it is difficult to recover.

How to raise azaleas that you buy at home? Novices do these steps well and continue to blossom until the New Year

6. Trim reasonably

Rhododendron pruning is very small, we wait for him to finish this stubble flower after the pruning of it, it is recommended that you directly cut off the residual flowers, after cutting off the residual flowers it will quickly grow new shoots, the new shoots grow for about two or three months to be able to grow the buds again, so now buy the flowers after the new year can also bloom again, pruning only cut off the residual flowers, cut off some of the internal branches that are obscured by the leaves, the buds that grow at the bottom do not retain the direct cut, the rest are just grown new shoots, so continue to raise, At that time, the top of the new shoots can bloom again, do not top the new shoots, if the top continues to top, it will lead to no flowering in the New Year.

How to raise azaleas that you buy at home? Novices do these steps well and continue to blossom until the New Year

This is the way we buy home rhododendron maintenance, because most of the flowers that are now in bloom are the kind of rhododendrons in all seasons, if it is an ordinary azaleas raised by themselves, they have to wait until the New Year or spring to flower, according to Xiao Qi's first slow seedlings, and then go to the pot maintenance, after flowering, you can go to a large one-sized pot, the soil is breathable, try to hurt the root system, and then go to Xiao Qi to do a good job of these points, and the azaleas you raise can bloom next time after you open this time, After the opening, it is still possible to open a stubble in the spring.

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