
Rhododendron has "2 fears and 3 dislikes", understand its "preferences", in order to grow vigorously, more flowers

author:Small courtyard for raising flowers

Rhododendron has "2 fears and 3 dislikes", understand its "preferences", in order to grow vigorously, more flowers

Rhododendron plant type is low, small leaves, four seasons of emerald green, flowering is more colorful, often made by flower lovers into a beautiful bonsai to watch. However, the azaleas are very delicate, especially the Western azaleas that have just been bought back at the flower market, and after many flower lovers raise them for a while, the plants begin to appear yellow leaves, dry scorch, wilt and other phenomena. In fact, the cuckoo has "2 afraid of 3 dislikes", if you want to raise it, you must first understand its "preferences", according to its growth habits of reasonable maintenance, in order to make it grow strong, more flowering.

Rhododendron has "2 fears and 3 dislikes", understand its "preferences", in order to grow vigorously, more flowers

Afraid of direct sunlight

Most of the Western azaleas we buy back from the flower market are artificially farmed in greenhouses, which have higher requirements for the growth environment, and once the environment is changed, the plant is prone to problems.

Western rhododendron it likes warm and humid semi-shaded environment, it can be said that it is very afraid of strong light plants, especially the rhododendron cultivated in the greenhouse, its branches and leaves are relatively young, once it is placed in a direct light environment, it is easy to cause the leaves to dry and yellow, and the serious will directly wither.

Rhododendron has "2 fears and 3 dislikes", understand its "preferences", in order to grow vigorously, more flowers

Therefore, after the newly bought rhododendron, it must not be placed in the sun for direct sunlight, and when the plant adapts to the new environment and begins to return to normal growth, it is appropriate to let it receive some scattered light.

Afraid of dry air around

Rhododendron is fond of warm and humid climate environment, when the air in the maintenance environment is too dry, there will often be dry leaves scorched yellow and fall off and other phenomena. In particular, the newly purchased rhododendron potted plant has dry and scorched leaves after a period of time at home, because it was originally in the greenhouse, with extremely high air humidity, and when the family farmed, there was no developed corresponding humidity.

Rhododendron has "2 fears and 3 dislikes", understand its "preferences", in order to grow vigorously, more flowers

Family raising rhododendron, want it to grow vigorously, in good condition, usually in addition to normal watering, fertilization and light maintenance, but also to maintain the humidity of the air environment, you can often spray water mist around the pot or plant branches and leaves to improve the humidity of the surrounding air.

Does not like alkaline soils

Rhododendron is a typical flower of acid-loving soils, and only in loose, breathable soils that contain rich humus can the plant grow luxuriantly and bloom in large numbers during the flowering period. If you give it an ordinary garden soil cultivation, due to the large soil viscosity, poor air permeability, and not too much nutrients, after a period of time, the plant will appear yellow leaves and leaves.

Rhododendron has "2 fears and 3 dislikes", understand its "preferences", in order to grow vigorously, more flowers

Raising rhododendrons, to prepare loose and fertile and well-breathable culture soil, you can use more pine needle soil or other saprophytic soil, only add a small amount of garden soil or sandy soil, both to ensure that the soil is soft and breathable, but also rich in certain nutrients, in order to make the plant grow vigorously.

Don't like too much watering

Although the cuckoo likes a humid environment, but its root system is actually not developed, most of them are very slender whisker roots, the water absorption capacity is not strong, so it is very afraid of waterlogging, if you usually water it too diligently, so that the pot soil for a long time in a wet state, it will affect the normal breathing of the root system, easy to cause damage to the root system, so that it loses the absorption ability, resulting in yellowing and shedding of leaves.

Rhododendron has "2 fears and 3 dislikes", understand its "preferences", in order to grow vigorously, more flowers

In the conservation of rhododendron, the frequency of watering in different seasons is also different, in the spring and autumn growth season, you can appropriately increase the watering, so that the potting soil remains slightly moist, but can not form water. In the summer, the plant grows slowly, but the weather is hot, the water evaporates quickly, the pot soil is dry, go to water in time, and when the weather is hot and dry, it is necessary to often sprinkle water around the plant to cool down. In winter, the plant grows slowly, which can appropriately reduce watering, so that the potting soil remains slightly dry, which is more conducive to overwintering.

Rhododendron has "2 fears and 3 dislikes", understand its "preferences", in order to grow vigorously, more flowers

I don't like to apply too much fertilizer and water

Flowers with underdeveloped roots such as rhododendron, when maintaining, not only to achieve reasonable watering, but also to strictly grasp the concentration of fertilizer water when fertilizing, if the fertilization is too thick, it is easy to cause root burning, causing damage to the root system, so that it can no longer absorb water and nutrients normally.

To fertilize the rhododendron, try to achieve "thin fertilizer and diligent application", and apply more thin water-soluble fertilizer to it, which is more conducive to plant absorption. In the summer when the temperature is hot, it is necessary to reduce fertilization, or even stop fertilizing completely; when the temperature is too low in winter, you can no longer apply fertilizer, but you can wait until the spring weather is warm, and then restore the use of fertilizer.

Rhododendron has "2 fears and 3 dislikes", understand its "preferences", in order to grow vigorously, more flowers

Rhododendron is actually not as difficult to raise as imagined, as long as you fully understand its growth habits, and then according to its preferences, to strengthen the maintenance and management, the plant can grow vigorously, and a large number of flowers bloom during the flowering period.

If you want to know more about flower raising, please pay attention to the flower garden and share your flower raising experience with you every day! (The picture in the article comes from the Internet)

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