
He was the secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, and during his tenure he was selfless and arrested the son of the major general

author:Read history in late autumn


The mainland attaches great importance to human feelings and sophistication, which has led some people to turn a blind eye to major issues of right and wrong in order not to offend relatives and friends. However, there is such a cadre, who is selfless in iron face, even if the lawbreaker and criminal is a relative of a high-ranking state official, he does not tolerate it, personally arrests him and brings him to justice, which attracts the people to clap his hands and praise, he is Tie Ying.

He was the secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, and during his tenure he was selfless and arrested the son of the major general

Tie Ying was born in 1916 in Nanle, Henan Province, to a relatively wealthy family, so that he could afford to receive an education. In middle school, Tie Ying was inspired by communism and joined the Communist Youth League In 1937, he was sent to the northwest region to eliminate contradictions and unite the armies of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, and because of his excellent work, he was approved by his superiors to join the Communist Party. In 1939, Tie Ying was sent to the Anti-Japanese Military and Political University for further study, and after graduation, he was responsible for logistics organization.

In 1940, Tie Ying went to Shandong to work as an officer of the local party school, secretary of the prefectural party committee, and political commissar of the military region's garrison. After the founding of New China, he was transferred to the Shanghai Public Security Force to take charge of political work, and later presided over the daily administrative affairs of the Nanjing Military Court, which was deeply trusted by his superiors. In 1954, after being evaluated by the Party Central Committee, Tie Ying was awarded the rank of major general, and in 1972, Tie Ying was transferred to the political commissar of a military fortress area in East China, and in order to exercise his administrative ability, his superiors specially ordered him to work part-time in the local provincial party committee.

He was the secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, and during his tenure he was selfless and arrested the son of the major general

In 1977, Tie Ying left the army and served as the first secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee. At that time, when the national economic system was reformed, Tie Ying judged the situation and took advantage of the geographical advantages of Zhejiang's coastal areas to put all the resources of a province in Wenzhou, presided over the establishment of the country's first joint-stock commercial enterprise, the country's first non-public economic promotion pilot area, and continuously injected living water into the originally stiff market.

During this period, Tie Ying had slight flaws in the handling of some problems, and some cadres commented that he was not suitable for administration. When Tie Ying learned of this, he generously admitted his shortcomings, believing that he was originally from the army and that it was inevitable that there would be deficiencies in doing civilian work. The following year, he took the opportunity to report to the Central Committee and proposed to the Organization Department to transfer back to the army. The relevant leaders tried their best to reassure him, list his advantages, and persuade him not to gossip in the accident world, which dispelled his doubts.

He was the secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, and during his tenure he was selfless and arrested the son of the major general

One year, Marshal Ye Jianying was sent by the central authorities to Zhejiang to investigate, and at the reception meeting, he suggested that Tie Ying should go around the grass-roots level and spend most of his energy to understand the situation at the grass-roots level, and a small part of his energy for decision-making. Tie Ying nodded and said yes, in the following time, he traveled to every county in Zhejiang, found out the local situation thoroughly, and summarized it into a report and circulated it in the provincial party committee. Faced with financial difficulties and unable to arrange accommodation, he simply slept in the county government building, completely without the shelf of senior cadres.

In the 1980s, eight businessmen in Wenzhou were reported for taking advantage of legal loopholes and preferential economic policies to maliciously disrupt the market, and the authorities arrested and dealt with 8 people. After Tie Ying learned of this incident, he personally went to the Party Central Committee and presented all kinds of ironclad defenses, and the Party Central Committee immediately instructed the special case team to re-investigate, and finally proved that these 8 people were wronged, so they were released and instructed Tie Ying to appease and compensate.

He was the secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, and during his tenure he was selfless and arrested the son of the major general

The founding major general Xiong Yingtang was busy with official duties and had no time to educate his two sons, and his mother was pampered and arrogant, which made them grow up to be obedient and often do evil. The public security department realized that the matter was hugely implicated and did not dare to easily enforce the law, so it reported to Tie Ying. After hearing the news, Tie Ying was furious and personally led people to arrest him and bring him to justice, and then explained the situation to Xiong Yingtang and the Party Central Committee, a move that won wide praise from the local people.

He was the secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, and during his tenure he was selfless and arrested the son of the major general

In 1993, Tie Ying was in poor physical condition and left his post to recuperate. In 2009, his condition deteriorated and he died in Hangzhou at the age of 93. Tie Ying is a sincere cadre, some people pointed out his mistakes, he did not refute and cover up because he could not hang on to his face, but repeatedly thought deeply about it. Someone made a suggestion to him, and he humbly accepted it and implemented it carefully. When enforcing the law, he follows the principle of equality, regardless of birth and status, once he violates public order and good customs, he will not be punished severely! Under his efforts, Zhejiang's economy soared, and the society also tended to be stable, and he did not live up to the trust of the Party Central Committee and was worthy of the trust of the people!

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