
WrestleMania! "Daddy": Behind the freedom is the father's love, but in fact it is the oppression of women!

The daughter beat the classmates, the parents of the classmates came to the door, the father said that he did not believe that his daughter could win the boy, he asked the daughter how to do it, the two daughters demonstrated to the father after the show, the father was very happy, thinking that his dream could be realized!

WrestleMania! The film "Daddy" is no stranger to many people. Lead actor Aamir Khan is one of India's top actors who once changed a country's policy through a film. Every movie he's starred in is very meaningful, Wrestlemania! "Daddy" is no exception.

WrestleMania! The film "Daddy" is about wrestler Mahavira, who was forced to give up his favorite wrestling because of the pressure of life, and regretted not winning a gold medal for the country. Mahavira wanted to win the championship, but always passed by the championship, so he pinned his hopes on his descendants, who wanted to have a son, inherit his mantle, and win a gold medal for India.

But fate always likes to joke with him, his wife gave birth to four daughters, gave birth to daughters, practice is naturally impossible, he put his hopes on his nephew, but nephew, not that piece of material, not to mention wrestling, fight with others, only to be beaten.

When he was about to die, his eldest daughter and second daughter gave him a surprise, what surprise? The two daughters beat someone else up!

For other parents, if their children beat someone, they will definitely teach their children a lesson, but Mahavira is very excited!


Because he saw hope in his daughter, that was the hope of winning the wrestling championship! When Mahavira discovered that his daughter had a talent for wrestling, he strictly demanded his two daughters, forced them to train, and asked them to cut their hair out of short hair like boys' hair.

The arduous training and the ruthless ridicule of the people around them made the daughter want to give up for a while, and the two daughters began to sabotage, and they slowed down their father's alarm clock and trained passively to fight against their father.

This confrontation lasted until a good friend of theirs got married, and the teenage girl had to marry a man of several decades and could not resist.

WrestleMania! "Daddy": Behind the freedom is the father's love, but in fact it is the oppression of women!

In India, such things are very common, because in India, the status of women is very low, they can not choose their own marriage, in their father's view, the daughter married to who is determined by the father, not by the daughter, and never cares whether the daughter is happy or not.

The little girl who was forced to marry said to them, "It's good that you can wrestle with boys and read." ”

Mahavira's two daughters never knew that wrestling and reading were so hard to make others envious, which greatly stimulated them.

They don't want to be forced to marry an old man they don't like like like their good friends, they don't want to give in to reality, they want to control their own destiny, and they understand that all this their father did was not only for themselves, not only for the country, but also for them, for thousands of oppressed women!


In fact, when the film saw this, I not only saw the father's love, but also saw the oppression of women by society!

I have seen a news before, a man in India especially wants a son, has given birth to 5 daughters in a row, and his wife is pregnant with the 6th, but he really does not want a daughter, he actually took a knife and cut open his wife's belly, wanting to see whether the wife is pregnant with a man or a woman, opening the stomach to see, only to know that the wife is pregnant with a boy, but because of his ignorance, two lives were killed, and the wife and the unborn son were gone.

India's patriarchal thinking is no less than China's, of course, this is the china of the past, and now it is slightly better. Before family planning, many people secretly ran to the hospital to test the gender of children, if it was a girl, they would beat it, and even now, there are still some people who have such thoughts.

Like the previous news, the little girl carried hundreds of blood samples smuggled into Hong Kong to test men and women.

If the little girl is really successful, check the child's gender. What awaits the girl may simply disappear!

Because of this, hospitals prohibit doctors from informing children of their gender.

The idea of son preference is not unique to China and India, but is also the case in many countries. For example, in Japan and South Korea, the idea of son preference abounds, from the emperor to the commoners, everywhere, everywhere.

In the process of human development, this is unavoidable and a step that must be taken! From primitive society to feudal society, we have spent a thousand years, and the idea of son preference has also existed for so long that it is impossible to change it once.

In ancient times, it was the responsibility of women not to give birth to boys, and it was also the responsibility of women not to give birth to children, and they never looked for problems in men, and all pots had to be carried by women.

Modern social medicine has developed, and many people know that the birth of boys and girls is determined by men, and has nothing to do with women, and it may be a male problem if they cannot have children.

But there is still a long way to go before equality between men and women can be truly achieved.

WrestleMania! "Daddy": Behind the freedom is the father's love, but in fact it is the oppression of women!


Back to Wrestlemania! In the movie, the father asks his daughter to cut her hair, which actually has a deep meaning here.

In India, hair is very important for women, it represents not only rules, but also status, and cutting hair also means breaking the rules.

At the end of the film, the daughter won the wrestling championship, successfully mastered her own destiny, and went to the world stage.

WrestleMania! "Daddy": Behind the freedom is the father's love, but in fact it is the oppression of women!

Society is actually fair to everyone, but it is unfair, we can't choose to be born, but we can choose the future, what the future will be like, others say it doesn't matter, it's up to us!

If you want to give up one day, check out the movie Wrestling! Daddy", maybe it will give you confidence again.

Just like the words of Dad in the film, "Medals do not grow out of the ground on their own, they need to be carefully cultivated, and irrigated with your love, your efforts, and your enthusiasm."

A good future does not appear out of thin air, but is achieved by our hard work.

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