
What are the high-speed traffic police doing in snowy weather?

Hebei high-speed traffic police prompt you

Precautions for driving on snowy days

1. Maintain a good view

Driving on snowy days is very important, and it is necessary to keep the front windshield and rearview mirrors clear and clean. Fogging of the windows can be removed by means of air conditioning warm wind blowing the front windshield.

2. Control the speed of the car and maintain a safe distance

When the vehicle brakes on snow and ice, the braking distance is greatly extended. Driving on ice and snow roads, while reducing the speed, we must also increase the safety distance between the car and the car in front, and reserve enough reaction time for ourselves to avoid traffic accidents.

3. Use the lights correctly

Generally, the visibility of snow days is low, and attention should be paid to the correct use of lights: first, turn on fog lights and low beam lights to help drivers look at the situation ahead, so that drivers can see the situation in front of them clearly; second, open the contour lights and front and rear position lights to indicate the existence of their own vehicles, so that vehicles driving in front and behind can see their specific location and traffic conditions, so that they can take corresponding measures.

4. Identify the road conditions and try not to overtake

It is best not to overtake on ice and snow roads and keep driving at a uniform speed. During driving, it is not necessary to minimize lane changes to prevent accidents due to slippery roads and out-of-control vehicles.

5. In case of situation, slow down in advance to avoid slamming on the brakes

Due to the sharp decline in the friction coefficient of the road surface in the case of ice, if the driver slams on the brakes, the vehicle will be in an extremely unstable state, and there may be a risk of the vehicle sliding or even overturning. Therefore, the driver should improve the early warning ability, in case of emergency, tap the brake, hold the steering wheel, if necessary, take the way to reduce gear, pull the handbrake and other ways to slow down, so that the vehicle is always under their control.

6. The starting, turning, and uphill and downhill of the vehicle should be slow

Snowfall weather road surface is slippery, the vehicle starts slowly, slowly hit the steering wheel when turning, slow turning, slow braking, avoid sharp braking; snowfall weather increases the difficulty of driving on mountain roads and urban bridge ramps, up and downhill to low gear smoothly pass, driving manual transmission vehicles should not change gears halfway, uphill anti-stall, downhill absolutely prohibit empty gear sliding.

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