
Behind Hu Ge's 7 years of picking up garbage in Qingdao, a billion lives are dying...

author:Lazy sheep sheep id


Many people who like Hu Ge know that he disappears for several months every year, and this year is no exception.

Behind Hu Ge's 7 years of picking up garbage in Qingdao, a billion lives are dying...

In May, nearly three months after disappearing, Hu Ge posted a video documenting his whereabouts during his "disappearance."

It turned out that he went to the G7, which is called the most beautiful highway and the longest road in the world to cross the desert.

The road spans hundreds of kilometers of desert no-man's land, and if the desert is not properly treated, the road can easily be buried.

Here, he saw the worst side of the ecological environment, and also met some people who worked hard to protect the environment.

Behind Hu Ge's 7 years of picking up garbage in Qingdao, a billion lives are dying...

Grandpa Bandu was one of them. He grew up here, watching it go from green to barren...

He persevered in digging many wells for decades, and gradually restored some vitality to the place.

Hu Ge said:

Grandpa Bandu's old partner died three years ago, and he returned to the land full of memories to build a dam to store water, and the poplar that had been dead for many years miraculously sprouted new shoots...

In fact, Grandma did not leave, life will bloom in a different way.

Like Grandpa Bandu, sue and grandpa are the guardians of the Black City.

A few years ago, because of an accident, his grandfather was amputated from his left leg, and after being fitted with a prosthesis, he continued to take root in the desert, plant trees, and guard the black city that was almost covered by the desert.

Hu Ge also planted a tree, hoping that everyone's persistence for so many years can be rejuvenated one day.

Since 2013, when friends around him are busy getting married and having children, Hu Ge is picking up garbage in Qinghai. He had long hair, a beard, and picked up trash in the snow and ice. He also picked up garbage next to the Qinghai-Tibet Highway in the scorching sun.

For 6 consecutive years, Hu Ge has been doing public welfare to pick up garbage behind the back, hiding a chilling cruel truth.

The staff pointed out that the deer herd usually ate grass and acorns, and they were most likely killed by eating plastic bags discarded by tourists!

Environmental pollution has become the direct killer of animals.

The world produces about 300 million tons of plastic every year, and a large part of it is difficult to degrade.

On Earth, there is hardly any place on Earth that is not polluted.

Both are trenches at 10,927 meters;

Or Everest, the roof of the world at 8848 meters above sea level;

Or in the inaccessible Arctic, plastic waste is everywhere.

The small animals that forage forage used garbage as food, but the plastic could not be digested at all, and they could only die in the struggle.

Many people don't know it, the garbage you throw away with your hands may cost animals their lives.


In April 2019, on a beach in Sardinia, Italy, a mother whale "bent on death" kept swooping to the coast, trying to strand herself.

After dissection, it was found that in addition to the miscarried fetus, it also hid 44 pounds of plastic bags in its body, accounting for two-thirds of the entire stomach capacity.

Plastic blocks the digestive tract, which is the crux of her "better to live than to die".

Imagine if your stomach was filled with plastic bags, couldn't digest it, couldn't eat, and couldn't eat!

If it is not too painful to live, too desperate for the world, who would take the unborn child to death?

Of course, this is not the first time a whale has committed suicide.

Last year on New Zealand's Turst Island, 145 whales collectively "committed suicide".

Swarms of whales swam to the shore in droves, they groaned and called out to each other on the beach, their tails flapped against the shoal sand...

When rescuers euthanized the whales, everyone present had a low headache and cried, and they knelt down and hugged the whale and said: I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

As everyone knows, the culprit of this tragedy is human beings.

"Whales eat plastic waste floating in the sea for a long time, causing problems with their bodily functions, rotting their stomachs and losing the ability to eat, and the sonar system is paralyzed, and eventually they can't discern directions."

Marine animals are sheltered in the garbage-covered ocean and suffer greatly.

The United Nations estimates that about 100 million tons of plastic cups have been dumped into the ocean so far, and at least 1 billion marine organisms are killed by plastic products every year.

In Australia, there are nearly 13 million marine litter, which kills 1 million seabirds and more than 100,000 marine mammals each year.

These numbers are shocking and heart-wrenching.

Compared with the celebrity entertainment gossip, these animals silently struggle and die silently, and it seems that not many people pay attention.


Humans stand at the top of the food chain and claim to be the masters of the world, but we seem to forget that we are also in the ecological cycle of the earth.

The plastic waste that we once discarded will one day return to land and return to humanity through torrential rain and wind.

Even through the food chain, it eventually returns to the human body.

In 2017, research by the U.S. environmental group Orb Media and the University of Minnesota School of Public Health showed that billions of people around the world drink water contaminated with plastic particles.

In October 2018, Austrian scientists announced the first detection of microplastics in human stool samples.

In November 2018, scientists at the Institute of Forestry at the Royal New Zealand Research Institute discovered that plastic particles have become ubiquitous through natural circulation, and that they have entered the human food chain in rain, in the air, in sea salt, and through things like tuna and mackerel.

Plastic waste causes environmental damage, and nature will use more cruel methods to double the return to humans.

Yuanfeng Village in Dongguan, Guangdong Province, is a famous "cancer village", a village of only 400 people, many villagers have died of cancer in the past 10 years.

Because there is a mountain of garbage behind the village, the corrupt material pollutes the soil and harmful substances seep into the water source.

Documentary filmmaker Joe Luxton said:

"These [plastic] chemicals can enter the food chain, and infertility, cancer, autoimmune system problems, endocrine disorders, behavioral problems in developing children, and fetal development problems are all related to it!"

The earth is a circulatory system, all things are one, and no one can be left alone.

In the face of increasing environmental pollution, we need to make some changes.

In addition to sorting garbage, we can also:

1. Bring your own environmental protection bag for shopping

2. Carry a reusable water bottle

3. Bring your own water cup when you go out

4. Use reusable lunch boxes

5. Refuse disposable tableware

6, try not to use plastic bags

7. Less takeaway

8. Store food with glassware

The only one who can save the planet is ourselves.

Change a little bit every day to contribute to the protection of the earth's environment.

Although you and I are small in strength, you must always believe that the instigation of a butterfly will cause a tsunami.


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