
How absurd is a small African country with HIV/AIDS, a half-naked king choosing a concubine, and an average life expectancy of 35 years?

author:History of the hearth

Africa's most arrogant small country,

Until now, I have not established diplomatic relations with China.

The status of women in this country is extremely low,

A man can marry multiple wives as long as he has the ability,

But women can only marry one man in their lifetime.

How absurd is a small African country with HIV/AIDS, a half-naked king choosing a concubine, and an average life expectancy of 35 years?

It is also one of the few countries in the world to have an absolute monarchy, and not only that, but the country is also hive-ridden, and nearly 1/4 of the country's population is living with HIV.

The gap between the rich and the poor in China is extremely large, the people eat chaff and pharyngeal vegetables, but the royal family is very rich.

This strange African country is Eswatini.

How absurd is a small African country with HIV/AIDS, a half-naked king choosing a concubine, and an average life expectancy of 35 years?
Today, I will lead you to understand how strange Eswatini country is? Why has it not established diplomatic relations with the mainland?


Absurd and lawless Eswatini monarch

Eswatini as a country in Africa, China, an area of only 17,300 square kilometers, its north, west and south are all surrounded by South Africa, some people will say that if this is the case, why did South Africa, which is much stronger than Eswatini, not annex this small country?

In fact, at first, Eswatini was a vassal state under the jurisdiction of the South African Federation, and later by the beginning of the 20th century, the British colonists had turned the entire South African Federation into their own colonies, as the little brother of South Africa Eswatini was no exception.

In this way Eswatini changed from holding South African thighs to holding British thighs.

How absurd is a small African country with HIV/AIDS, a half-naked king choosing a concubine, and an average life expectancy of 35 years?


South Africa was very angry with this "changed heart" little brother, and had wanted to steal the Eswatini from the British many times, but South Africa was too different from the British strength and failed to do as usual.

But the Eswatini people who hugged Britain's thigh did not live a good life, but lived more bitterly than before, after all, in the eyes of the British, letting Eswatini independence was only a tool to cope with South Africa. For a "tool country" how britain can be obsessed.

How absurd is a small African country with HIV/AIDS, a half-naked king choosing a concubine, and an average life expectancy of 35 years?

British colonial Eswatini

After the end of World War II, a wave of national independence was set off on all continents, and the people of Eswatini, who had been oppressed by Britain for nearly 70 years, began to take to the streets in an attempt to drive the colonists who had been entrenched here for many years out of the country.

However, after the Second World War, Britain's strength was not as good as before, and it could not allocate energy to deal with the resistance of these African colonists, so it decided to abandon the Eswatini this "chicken rib" country.

How absurd is a small African country with HIV/AIDS, a half-naked king choosing a concubine, and an average life expectancy of 35 years?

Queen Elizabeth II visits Eswatini

In 1968, with the recognition of the British government, Eswatini finally became a veritable sovereign independent country, and the original big brother south Africa, Eswatini, was no longer able to take it into his pocket after years of British colonial rule.

Just when the people of this country thought that after breaking away from British colonial rule, life would get better and better.

But who knew that the people of Eswatini were not alone, and had just escaped from the dragon pool of the British colonists and were about to fall into the quagmire of Sobuza II.

How absurd is a small African country with HIV/AIDS, a half-naked king choosing a concubine, and an average life expectancy of 35 years?

Sobuza II


The dictatorship of the "stallion" king

Born in 1899 in Mbabane, the capital of Eswatini, Sobza II was already crowned heir to the throne in 1901 at the age of 3.

After studying for three years at Lofdar College in South Africa's Cape Province, so in 1921, at the age of 23, Sobza II officially became King of Eswatini.

After he succeeded to the throne, he went to England several times to negotiate and seek to get the British to return the land occupied by colonization.

How absurd is a small African country with HIV/AIDS, a half-naked king choosing a concubine, and an average life expectancy of 35 years?

In 1964, in order to oppose the British, Sobza II organized an Inbokodvo national movement based on tribal interests, probably because of his great contribution to the Eswatini national independence movement.

That's why he won the support of most voters after independence Eswatini in 1968 and became the first king of the Eswatini after independence.

However, soon after succeeding to the throne, Sobza II exposed his authoritarian side, and in April 1973, he abolished the domestic constitution, which also made Eswatini the only existing monarchy in the world.

How absurd is a small African country with HIV/AIDS, a half-naked king choosing a concubine, and an average life expectancy of 35 years?

Someone has to ask, did Sobuza II do this without any objection?

How could no one object, not long after this decree was promulgated, many people rose up to resist, but all of them were brutally killed by Sobuza II. As a result, more and more rebels were frightened and forced to succumb to his obscenity.

Comparable to his degree of dictatorship is his degree of lust.

According to statistics, Sobuza II had a total of more than 100 concubines, and his children reached a staggering more than a thousand, which was really a true "stallion" king.

How absurd is a small African country with HIV/AIDS, a half-naked king choosing a concubine, and an average life expectancy of 35 years?

Sobuza II and his concubine

In order to facilitate his "concubine selection", he also specially set up a festival: "Reed Dance Festival"

So how did the king "choose concubines" through this festival?

Every August, when the reed grass is ripe, Eswatini unmarried girls from all over the country gather in front of the palace, holding reeds, bare upper bodies, and wearing colored short skirts on the lower body to participate in this annual grand event.

How absurd is a small African country with HIV/AIDS, a half-naked king choosing a concubine, and an average life expectancy of 35 years?

Reed Dance Festival

While the girls were dancing, the king would choose some of the best-looking ones to do after the event, and if any girl became pregnant afterwards, she would be accepted by the king as a concubine and give a cow to the family that gave birth to you.

If you are not pregnant, you are sorry, not only have you lost your innocence, but you have also gained nothing.

How absurd is a small African country with HIV/AIDS, a half-naked king choosing a concubine, and an average life expectancy of 35 years?

African buffalo

In this way Eswatini people under the influence of the king, the folk customs became very unrestrained, and over time, no one felt that there was anything wrong with this behavior, and even some young girls were proud of being blessed by the king.

When Sobza II died in 1982 at the age of 83, his 67th son, Mswati III, became the new president of the Eswatini after four years of filial piety.

How absurd is a small African country with HIV/AIDS, a half-naked king choosing a concubine, and an average life expectancy of 35 years?

The Maiden at the Reed Dance Festival

Mswati III perfectly embodies the old saying that where there is a father, there must be a son.

Influenced by the bad behavior of Sobza II, Mswati III was also raised to be a clumsy boy who was very keen to collect all kinds of beautiful women. Up to now, Mswati III has 15 princesses and is still choosing a concubine through the "Reed Dance Festival" every year.

How absurd is a small African country with HIV/AIDS, a half-naked king choosing a concubine, and an average life expectancy of 35 years?

Mswati III


The people ate chaff vegetables, and the monarch was rich and oily

When we think of African countries, the first impression that must come to our minds is poverty, and the people who are Eswatini as the "country of China" in Africa are naturally very poor, and there is often a dilemma of eating and not eating.

In stark contrast to the poor lives of the people, King Mswati III, with a personal net worth of up to $2 billion, was even ranked 15th in the global monarchy asset list in 200 years.

Why is it that the gap between rich and poor in Eswatini country is so large, is it because of the poor geographical location and the lack of domestic resources?

How absurd is a small African country with HIV/AIDS, a half-naked king choosing a concubine, and an average life expectancy of 35 years?

Eswatini the poor

This is really not, Eswatini this country is small but well-equipped, has super rich mineral resources, if these mineral resources can be rationally planned, Eswatini fully capable of turning itself into one of the richest countries in Africa.

Why, then, did a country with such superior resources develop itself to the point where its people could not even meet the problem of food and clothing?

This is due to the fainting incompetence of Mswati III.

How absurd is a small African country with HIV/AIDS, a half-naked king choosing a concubine, and an average life expectancy of 35 years?

Mineral resources could have been the backbone of the country's economy, but Eswatini the country's economic resources are mainly dependent on his neighbor South Africa, and the two countries are so close together that South Africa is not short of these minerals.

Therefore, they could only export their own domestic sugarcane and oranges to South Africa, but how could they make a lot of money by planting it alone, and after planting sugarcane and oranges, Eswatini food could only rely on imports, so how could the people of Eswatini country be rich?

How absurd is a small African country with HIV/AIDS, a half-naked king choosing a concubine, and an average life expectancy of 35 years?

Is it because South Africa is not lacking, then the country's mineral resources are wasted, of course not, all these gold and diamonds have gone into the small treasury of Mswati III, otherwise how could he be so rich and spend thousands of dollars for his concubines?

What's going on here?

How absurd is a small African country with HIV/AIDS, a half-naked king choosing a concubine, and an average life expectancy of 35 years?

Mswati III and one of his concubines

As can be seen from the above, Mswati III had 15 daughters-in-law, and since he had married so many daughters-in-law to be favored, he built a large villa for each of his concubines, and they were all equipped with a BMW.

You see how much money it will cost, and if this money is used on his people, the people will eat chaff vegetables.

In addition, Mswati III once sold more than 1,000 cattle in order to buy himself an air-conditioned luxury bulletproof car, and as soon as this incident came out, the people of the whole country began to accuse Mswati III of being too extravagant and wasteful.

How absurd is a small African country with HIV/AIDS, a half-naked king choosing a concubine, and an average life expectancy of 35 years?

Just for a luxury car, 18% of the royal family's cattle were sold, and it should be known that the cattle in Africa are a status symbol, and the more cattle you have, the more noble the identity of this person.

The much-maligned Mswati III then publicly retorted to those who accused him:

"I spend my own money on a car, and I don't spend any of your money on anything."
How absurd is a small African country with HIV/AIDS, a half-naked king choosing a concubine, and an average life expectancy of 35 years?

But what Mswati III did not expect was that his words did not calm the anger of the people, but even attracted more people to accuse him.

Some people angrily rebuked him, saying:

"The more than 1,000 cows you sold are enough for the people of the whole country to eat for three days, is it not wasted?"
How absurd is a small African country with HIV/AIDS, a half-naked king choosing a concubine, and an average life expectancy of 35 years?

The reproachful Mswati III then issued a decree in exasperation: "No one is allowed to take pictures of the car", so he sold cattle and bought luxury cars to swing the matter.

Most of the people were facing the dilemma of unemployment, and it was strange that Mswati III, as king, lived a drunken and dreamy life, so that the people could live well.

How absurd is a small African country with HIV/AIDS, a half-naked king choosing a concubine, and an average life expectancy of 35 years?

Luxury cars purchased by Mswati III for his concubines


Aids became a short-lived country

With the development of science and technology, medical conditions are getting better and better, many incurable diseases in the past have now had a cure, and people's average age has increased significantly.

For example, in our neighboring country Japan, the average life expectancy of men and women has exceeded 80 years, while the average life expectancy of Eswatini is only 35 years, and even for a period of time, the average life expectancy is less than 30 years.


How absurd is a small African country with HIV/AIDS, a half-naked king choosing a concubine, and an average life expectancy of 35 years?

In addition to Eswatini medical conditions, the spread of HIV is one of the most important causes of the country's short lifespan.

What is the reason for the presence of so many AIDS patients in Eswatini?

This stems from the folk customs of this country, which can be seen from the above, and the people of Eswatini have become extremely unrestrained under the influence of the two kings of Sobhuza II and Mswati III.

How absurd is a small African country with HIV/AIDS, a half-naked king choosing a concubine, and an average life expectancy of 35 years?

The low level of education of the people, the lack of self-love, coupled with the special polygamous culture, led to one person getting sick and many being shot. As a result, after HIV entered the Eswatini, it quickly spread in Eswatini countries.

In order to reduce the probability of AIDS infection in the country, Mswati III promulgated a number of ironic policies.

For example, if girls in Eswatini country can always maintain their virgin status, the state will issue a subsidy of $15 per month, which is not very funny.

How absurd is a small African country with HIV/AIDS, a half-naked king choosing a concubine, and an average life expectancy of 35 years?

In addition, he also issued a particularly strange government decree, that is, to make his people who are open to the customs of the people to carry out abstinence for up to five years.

You don't say that this decree has come down, the degree of affection between husband and wife is reduced, but more and more men have begun to steal food outside, so that the spread of AIDS is more widespread.

According to the statistics of 2018, Eswatini has now become the country with the highest rate of HIV infection in the world, and 1/3 of the country's population is hive- and living with HIV, mainly distributed in the age group of 15 to 49 years old, and more and more people are dying because of AIDS.

How absurd is a small African country with HIV/AIDS, a half-naked king choosing a concubine, and an average life expectancy of 35 years?


Why not establish diplomatic relations with China

Among more than 60 countries in Africa, only Eswatini is left, and it has not yet established diplomatic relations with the mainland.

Not only did he not establish diplomatic relations, but he also made trouble for China on many occasions, and when China applied to join the United Nations, Eswatini also decisively voted against the mainland.

Why is the country doing this?

How absurd is a small African country with HIV/AIDS, a half-naked king choosing a concubine, and an average life expectancy of 35 years?

China has successfully joined the United Nations

Because the leader of this country is very fond of being brainless and close to the mainland's Taiwan Province, it is like this, that is, he wants to establish diplomatic relations with the mainland government, and the mainland is not happy.

Perhaps in order not to lose this friend, Cai Moumou of Taiwan Province in the mainland also attaches great importance to Eswatini.

On the occasion of Mswati III's 50th birthday, Cai Moumou also sent a special blessing to him, and when she learned that Mswati III wanted a special plane, she immediately sold a plane of Mswati III at a super low price.

How absurd is a small African country with HIV/AIDS, a half-naked king choosing a concubine, and an average life expectancy of 35 years?

Therefore, for such a country with a clear mind, the mainland government does not care to make friends with it, unless he can wake up to himself, but although he does not like Mswati III, he also hopes that the people of Eswatini can get rid of the scourge of AIDS as soon as possible with the help of international humanitarianism, after all, their current king Mswati III is really not reliable at all.