
It's cold today! Eat 3 dishes, drink 3 teas, remember 3 things, otherwise it will hurt your spleen and lungs

author:Bright Net

Today is

January 20, 2021

Great cold season

It is also one of the twenty-four solar terms

The last solar term

Old people often say, "Great cold, great cold, hug together", which shows the cold of the great cold festival, and if you are not careful at this time, you may get sick.

At this time, health care is done '4 threes', otherwise longevity is basically out of touch with you!

Big cold health to do a good job [4 threes]


Eat more of the "three" foods

Guiyuan - warm heart

In traditional Chinese medicine, it is believed that Guiyuan can nourish the heart and spleen, nourish the blood and calm the spirit, and can cure insomnia and forgetfulness, nerve tremor and so on. According to modern nutritional analysis, guiyuan contains a variety of amino acids, choline, calcium, iron and other trace elements.

Winter outdoor cold, heart and kidney yang qi is easy to lack, and yang qi for human life activities is very important, cold weather is particularly easy to hurt yang qi, guiyuan just happens to be a good product to warm the heart and blood.


Red dates - liver protection

There are many foods for liver protection, but it is recommended that red dates, although ordinary, are rich in nutrients. In the 1960s, during the natural disaster period, many people suffered from liver disease, at that time, the state allocated two pounds of red dates to liver disease patients every month, do not underestimate these dates, but in that extremely difficult era, it supplemented nutrition for liver disease patients and alleviated the disease.


Walnuts – cold resistant

Walnuts are not only rich in unsaturated fatty acids that promote heart health, but also rich in phospholipids and vitamin E, which are helpful for cold resistance.

The three "food remedies" of the great cold

Eight treasure rice - nourish the blood and calm the spirit

Ingredients: 100 grams of glutinous rice, 100 grams of japonica rice, 50 grams of red adzuki beans, 50 grams of barley, 50 grams of dates, 20 grams of lotus seeds, 20 grams of goji berries, 20 grams of cinnamon meat.


All raw materials are washed with water, of which red adzuki beans, barley, lotus seeds, etc. need to be soaked in water for about 2 to 3 hours in advance, and then all the ingredients are mixed into the pot, cooked over high heat and seasoned with an appropriate amount of sugar, which can be eaten.

Eight treasure rice is a traditional famous point in China, which has the effect of strengthening the spleen and strengthening the qi, nourishing the blood and calming the spirit.

Chicken stew with qi berries - tonify the qi

Ingredients: 1 chicken (about 500 grams), astragalus 30 grams, goji berries 30 grams, Bai Shu 10 grams.

Wash the chicken, cut into small pieces, put it in a pot, add Chinese herbs such as astragalus, goji berries, baiju, and seasonings such as green onion, ginger, and garlic. Simmer for 1 hour on low heat and serve.

The so-called "191 chicken", many places have the tradition of drinking chicken soup in the cold.

Chicken is a kind of warm supplement ingredients, plus astragalus, goji berries, bai shu and other traditional Chinese medicines, can play a role in tonifying the qi, nourishing the yin and helping the yang. Drinking a bowl in the winter helps to improve the body's immunity and reduce colds.

Divergent wind chill soup - dispel the wind and cold

Ingredients: 1 egg, 10 grams of coriander, 5 grams of white onion, 5 grams of ginger.

Beat the eggs, chop the parsley, white green onion and ginger and set aside. Bring water to a boil in a pot and add a small amount of starch, until the soup is slightly thick, add the beaten eggs, and then add the parsley, green onion and ginger and other seasonings. Drizzle a few drops of sesame oil and out of the pan.

This bowl of soup is most suitable for patients with a cold at the beginning to drink, and can play a role in dissipating cold and dispelling wind and sweating.

Big Cold More Press "Three Acupuncture Points"

Baihui acupuncture points - can lower blood pressure

The Baihui Acupoint is located at the top of the head, and many meridians meet directly or indirectly here, which is the place where the Yangs meet.

Baihui acupuncture is a major health care point of the human body, often kneaded, can play a role in dredging qi and blood, healthy brain and ears, cold and sleep. In addition, rubbing this acupuncture point also has a certain adjuvant treatment effect on hypertension, coronary heart disease, bronchitis, etc.


In addition to directly rubbing with your hands, you can also borrow a comb, usually comb the top of the head, which can also play a good health care effect.

It's cold today! Eat 3 dishes, drink 3 teas, remember 3 things, otherwise it will hurt your spleen and lungs

Lumbar eye acupuncture - tonify the kidneys and solidify the sperm

The lumbar eye acupuncture point is located in the fourth lumbar spinous process, about 3.5 inches from the side of the spine. Pressing this position helps to warm the kidney yang, smooth the qi and blood, and has a better effect of replenishing the kidney and fixing the sperm and prolonging life.

When rubbing the waist and eye points, you need to rub your hands warmly, and then press on the acupuncture points, push down from the acupuncture points to the position of the tail vertebrae, and do it once a day in the morning and evening, repeating this action 50 to 100 times each time.

It's cold today! Eat 3 dishes, drink 3 teas, remember 3 things, otherwise it will hurt your spleen and lungs

Taixi Cave - moisturizing and hydrating

Taixi acupoint is located in the depression between the ankle and the Achilles tendon of the foot, and massage this acupuncture point has the effect of nourishing the yin and tonifying the kidneys.

When the weather is dry in the cold, pressing this acupuncture point can nourish the kidney yin and replenish the water for the body. In addition, massaging this acupuncture point also has the effect of relieving the swelling of the lower limbs. It is recommended that each massage time is about 5 to 10 minutes, the effect is better.

It's cold today! Eat 3 dishes, drink 3 teas, remember 3 things, otherwise it will hurt your spleen and lungs


Big cold drink good "three cups of tea"

Ginger jujube tea – warms the whole body

Ingredients: 3 red dates, 2 slices of ginger, about 15 grams of brown sugar

Ginger jujube tea has always been a very famous warm stomach cold remedy, it has the effect of dispersing cold in temperature, replenishing blood and righteousness, dry and wet anti-inflammatory. Drinking ginger jujube tea in winter helps to dilate blood vessels throughout the body and speed up blood circulation, thus playing a role in warming the body.

Horseshoe tea - raw and moist

5 grams of green tea, 150 grams of horseshoe (water chestnut). Peel the horseshoe and soak it in lightly salted water for 10 minutes; squeeze the juice of the soaked horseshoe for a while; put the brewed green tea into the horseshoe juice and mix well. Once daily. Moisturize and dry, clear heat and dissolve phlegm, appetize and consume food, and facilitate urination.

Black tea - Fuyang Yiqi

In winter, the body's metabolism will slow down, and the yang qi is relatively weak. At this time, it is appropriate to drink some black tea, such as Pu'er, Poria tea, green brick tea, etc. can help Yang Qi, reduce fat and reduce sugar.

Source: Yangzi Famous Medical Group

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