
Daughter of the Earth (six short poems)

author:A flood of night rain half an inch
Daughter of the Earth (six short poems)

1. Daughter of the earth

You say I am

Daughter of the earth

What a good title

This is a top

Crown of Honor

Put it on

Dreams grow wings

Poetry will fly

Chase as you please

Farther directions


In the crowded world

I just want to

Love the earth

Simply hold it out

Soft verses

Embrace the spring breeze

Tear the sky apart with your lips

Steal a ray of sunshine

Illuminate the world

Warm room

2. Village

Look out from afar

The field is like a painting

Roll out the picture

Goose yellow canola flowers

Open your small mouth

Sucking on the dew

The air is like sprinkling perfume

The smell is strong

Butterflies, bees

Roll up sweet memories

Fly over the landscape and land

Old cows on the ridges of the fields

A sea of dream flowers

Piece by piece petal

Squeeze out the sweet juice

Feed my village

3. Summer is coming

Summer is coming

The footsteps of spring are fading away

Noisy flower affairs

Stop at the branches

The birds began to migrate

From this season

Fly to the next season

Unfinished excitement

It's still going on

Such as the writer's pen

Chapters that unfold slowly

Back-and-forth connections are required

to understand

The meaning of the work

Unfinished books

Like an old record player

Due to a sudden power outage

Abrupt music

It's a lot of excitement

There is nothing to do

4. One flower, one world


The fog is like a yarn

Early cherry blossoms of the Long Causeway

Compared to previous years

Drive a little slower

March will be over

It was late

Hanging all over the branches

Look up

Pink, white

Clusters by clusters

Brilliant clouds

The wind blows softly

Swaying flowers

Reflected in the river water

Ethereal beauty

The scenery is smart

Cherry blossom girl


Pear swirls are shallow

Can't help but move forward

Photographed by the water

Ripples of water

People are more colorful than flowers

Flowers are more delicate than people

Frolicking fish

How dare you bother

5. Glass Dreams

Fragrant snow park

The last flower fell

Sketching teenagers

Sit on the grass

Prop up the easel

Blended with pigments

The flower of the tip of the heart

Light color underpaint

Fall on the drawing paper

Pink and white are suitable

I didn't dare get any closer

Looking out from afar

With him, with his paintings

Silent communication

Seek, meet

Meet between pen and ink

I want to be with him

Divide the glass dream equally

Half into the painting

Half into the poem

6. Parting stations

At the station, directions

Engraved in a bill

Separation and convergence

It has already been arranged

The fate of the clock freezes

The difference pool of minutes and seconds

It's all torture

Unlimited anxiety

Tie a knot in your heart

In the hustle and bustle of the station

A crowd of people in a hurry

Joy and sorrow

Some people wept with joy

Some people are sad from it

A sigh

Drowned in silence

Long and short

In the sound of a whistle

Behind the crowds

On a long journey

None of us are more than that

Spectators on the platform

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