
The Great Cold is the last of the twenty-four solar terms of the year

author:Bright Net

The Great Cold is the last of the twenty-four solar terms of the year. Big cold, like small cold, is also a solar term that indicates the degree of coldness of the weather, and big cold is the meaning of cold weather to the extreme. The great cold, literally, is the coldest day of the year. In fact, from the statistics, most of the time the temperature is the lowest in the year. Average temperature: From the average temperature of China during the "Great Cold" and "Little Cold" festivals from 1951 to 2016, the average temperature of the Little Cold Festival in China is -5.6 °C, and the average temperature of the Great Cold Festival is -4.9 °C. Time distribution: In the 66 years from 1951 to 2016, the colder years accounted for 27 years, and the colder years accounted for 19 years. Spatial distribution: In most areas north of the Yellow River, the average minimum temperature during the "Great Cold" solar term is lower than that of the Little Cold Festival; in the area between the Yangtze River and the Yellow River, the "Big Cold" and "Little Cold" are as cold as the "Big Cold"; in the areas south of the Yangtze River, the "Little Cold" festival is colder than the "Big Cold" festival. During this festival, people began to be busy removing old decorations and new decorations, picking up wax flavored New Year dishes, and preparing New Year goods, because Chinese the most important festival - the Spring Festival is coming. As soon as the great cold has passed, a new cycle of solar terms will begin, so let's continue to work hard to welcome the new year bell

The Great Cold is the last of the twenty-four solar terms of the year
The Great Cold is the last of the twenty-four solar terms of the year

Source: China Meteorological News

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