
China's largest private enterprise or the birth? Revenue hit 800 billion yuan, and the founders donated 14.8 billion yuan

When an entrepreneur's wealth accumulates to a certain height, many people will choose to start doing charity, which can not only help their own company to do publicity, but also can earn a lot of good reputation for themselves, which is beneficial to the development of the company, perhaps many companies will choose a high-profile way to do charity, so that some people think that such a way is unacceptable, but no matter what the ultimate purpose of entrepreneur charity is, at least they have done it, helping more people, so we should not judge this, but encourage them to do charity. Every entrepreneur chooses charity differently, some people will choose to donate silently, some people may hype it, and some people will take the way of donating money without donating money.

China's largest private enterprise or the birth? Revenue hit 800 billion yuan, and the founders donated 14.8 billion yuan

China's largest private enterprise or birth

Now China's largest private enterprise may be born, this enterprise is not unfamiliar to everyone, that is, Jingdong, according to the corporate financial income statement given by Jingdong, it is likely to overwhelm Huawei to become the largest private enterprise, Jingdong's annual revenue in 2021 is not difficult to create 800 billion, as early as many years ago, Liu Qiangdong said that it will allow Jingdong to complete the business income of trillions of enterprises, become the top 20 of the world's top 500 companies, at first many people still think that his idea is very unrealistic, However, from the first three quarters of 2021, has won nearly 670 billion yuan in revenue, and it is reported that there are about 200 billion yuan in the fourth quarter, which means that's revenue is likely to break through the 800 billion mark.

China's largest private enterprise or the birth? Revenue hit 800 billion yuan, and the founders donated 14.8 billion yuan

Haoqi donated 14.8 billion

Liu Qiangdong, the founder of, is also really domineering, and announced on February 2 that he will donate 14.8 billion yuan as charity, and it is reported that this fund will be mainly used for environmental protection and education construction. Over the years, Liu Qiangdong has been insisting on doing charity and self-help in schools, so that children who can't afford to study can have a better educational environment for them to go to college. This year's Spring Festival Gala, Jingdong is more than 1.5 billion yuan funded, can be described as quite a large hand, from Liu Qiangdong's frequent actions, it is likely that Jingdong has a big move, which is also the domineering place of Jingdong, which is an expression of confidence in breaking through the trillion target.

China's largest private enterprise or the birth? Revenue hit 800 billion yuan, and the founders donated 14.8 billion yuan

Liu Qiangdong himself came from an ordinary background, all relying on himself to work hard, it is precisely because of the rise from the grassroots, he also understands more about the difficulties of ordinary people, even if he has become a billionaire, but still does not have any shelf, always maintain a modest heart, when the company is listed, Liu Qiangdong is more incarnated as a courier worker, personally delivering for customers, in his dictionary did not give up the word, there is no identity gap. The strong rise of has also provided more people with jobs, and the outstanding contributions made to society are all in our eyes. Liu Qiangdong proved to everyone with his actions that anyone has the possibility of success.

China's largest private enterprise or the birth? Revenue hit 800 billion yuan, and the founders donated 14.8 billion yuan did the opposite

Under the influence of the epidemic, many enterprises are constantly laying off employees, Liu Qiangdong is doing the opposite, constantly increasing the absorption of talents, and now the staff of Jingdong has reached more than 400,000, such retrogrades deserve everyone's respect, Liu Qiangdong can donate in such a short period of time, but also reached tens of billions, on this momentum there are few people to compare, his success is not unreasonable.

China's largest private enterprise or the birth? Revenue hit 800 billion yuan, and the founders donated 14.8 billion yuan

Judging from the current development momentum of Jingdong, the future will only get better and better, and I hope that Liu Qiangdong can lead Jingdong to be stronger and make more contributions to society, and hope that other entrepreneurs can learn from him, contribute their own strength, and make more help for the country and the people under their ability, and charity can not stop.

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